• Dave The Rave
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  • Member since 2015
  • Salesforce Adminstrator

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Below is some existing code which assigns cases to SF queues. Please look at the code starting from : //get needed queue here and assign ownership of case.

I know have to expand this code for over 200 countries and 15 queues.

We already use the SF Case Assignment Rules for other purposes, I have read that you can run these rules from apex, but I am not sure how to incorporate this into the code below (which I did not write, I am an admin).

Can someone help me to amend my code?
global class EmailToCaseHandler implements Messaging.InboundEmailHandler {

    global Messaging.InboundEmailResult handleInboundEmail(Messaging.InboundEmail email, Messaging.InboundEnvelope envelope) {

        List<WebToCaseSetting__mdt> caseSettings = [
                Select Id, IsActive__c, WebCountry__c, WebOrigin__c
                WHERE IsActive__c = TRUE

        Map<String, String> caseSettingsMap = new Map<String, String>();

        for (WebToCaseSetting__mdt webToCaseSetting : caseSettings) {
            caseSettingsMap.put(webToCaseSetting.WebCountry__c, webToCaseSetting.WebOrigin__c);

        Messaging.InboundEmailResult result = new Messaging.InboundEmailresult();
//        // Remove HTML tags from email body
        String emailBodyString = email.htmlBody.stripHtmlTags();
        System.debug('eBs -> ' + emailBodyString);
        System.debug('from -> ' + email.fromAddress);
        System.debug('to -> ' + email.toAddresses);
        // Split here email body by lines
        List<String> caseRawInfo = email.htmlBody.stripHtmlTags().split('\n');

        Map<String, String> caseInfo = new Map<String, String>();
        //populating map field name by value
        for (String s : caseRawInfo) {
            caseInfo.put(s.substringBefore(': '), s.substringAfter(': '));
            /* string key = s.substringBefore(': ');
             string value= s.substringAfter(': ');
             system.debug('Key-->'+key+'--Value'+value); */

        for (String key : caseInfo.keySet()) {
            system.debug('caseInfo.' + key + ' => ' + caseInfo.get(key));
        System.debug('caseInfo --> ' + caseInfo);
        // Map Keys, values on left are Salesforce fields, values on right are field value from CMS form workflow

        String websiteOrigin;
        if(caseInfo.get('websiteOrigin') != null && caseInfo.get('websiteOrigin') != ''){
            websiteOrigin = caseInfo.get('websiteOrigin').toLowerCase().normalizeSpace();
        }else {
            websiteOrigin = 'abc.' + caseInfo.get('webCountry').toLowerCase().normalizeSpace();

        System.debug('websiteOrigin after -> ' + websiteOrigin);

        Case caseToCreate = new Case(
                SuppliedName = caseInfo.get('name'),
                SuppliedFirstname__c = caseInfo.get('webFirstname'),
                SuppliedLastname__c = caseInfo.get('webLastname'),
                SuppliedCompany = caseInfo.get('company'),
                WebStreet__c = caseInfo.get('webStreet'),
                WebStreetNumber__c = caseInfo.get('webStreetNumber'),
                WebStreetNumberSuffix__c = caseInfo.get('webStreetNumberSuffix'),
                WebPostcode__c = caseInfo.get('webPostcode'),
                ShippingDistrict__c = caseInfo.get('webDistrict'),
                SuppliedPhone = caseInfo.get('phone'),
                WebCity__c = caseInfo.get('webCity'),
                SuppliedEmail = caseInfo.get('email'),
                WebDistributor__c = caseInfo.get('webDistributor'),
                WebDistributorDE__c = caseInfo.get('webDistributorDE'),
                WebCountry__c = caseInfo.get('webCountry'),
                OptInPerson__c = Boolean.valueOf(caseInfo.get('optinperson').replaceAll('\\s+', '')),
                WebsiteOrigin__c = websiteOrigin,
                WebProduct__c = caseInfo.get('webProduct'),
                WebDistributorCity__c = caseInfo.get('webDistributorCity'),
                ProductLotcode__c = caseInfo.get('productLotcode'),
                PackagingAvailable__c = Boolean.valueOf(caseInfo.get('packagingAvailable').replaceAll('\\s+', '')),
                BestBeforeDateString__c = caseInfo.get('bestBeforeDateString'),
                //for description order is important in umbraco workflow, it should be before optinperson
                Description = emailBodyString.substringAfter('description: ').substringBefore('optinperson'),
                Subject = caseInfo.get('recordType') + ' - ' + caseInfo.get('webProduct'),
                Type = caseInfo.get('type'),
                Priority = 'Medium',
                Status = 'New',
                Stage__c = 'New',
                Origin = 'Web'

        //get needed queue here and assign ownership of case
       Map<String, Id> mapQueueNameId = new Map<String, Id>();
        List<Group> queues = [SELECT Id, DeveloperName FROM Group WHERE Type = 'Queue'];
        for (Group queue : queues) {
            mapQueueNameId.put(queue.DeveloperName, queue.Id);

        if (caseInfo.get('webCountry').normalizeSpace() == 'RO') {
            setCaseOwner(caseToCreate, mapQueueNameId, 'Balkans');
        if (caseInfo.get('webCountry').normalizeSpace() == 'HU') {
            setCaseOwner(caseToCreate, mapQueueNameId, 'Hungary');

        if (caseInfo.get('webCountry').normalizeSpace() == 'DE') {
            setCaseOwner(caseToCreate, mapQueueNameId, 'Germany');
        if (caseInfo.get('webCountry').normalizeSpace() == 'PL') {
            setCaseOwner(caseToCreate, mapQueueNameId, 'Trade_CSC_Aviko_Poland');
        if (caseInfo.get('webCountry').normalizeSpace() == 'CZ') {
            setCaseOwner(caseToCreate, mapQueueNameId, 'Czech_Slovakia');
        if (caseInfo.get('webCountry').normalizeSpace() == 'RU') {
            setCaseOwner(caseToCreate, mapQueueNameId, 'Russia_CIS');
        if (caseInfo.get('webCountry').normalizeSpace() == 'US') {
            setCaseOwner(caseToCreate, mapQueueNameId, 'North_America');
        if (caseInfo.get('webCountry').normalizeSpace() == 'NL') {
            if (websiteOrigin == 'abc.nl') {
                setCaseOwner(caseToCreate, mapQueueNameId, 'Nederland');

        String recordType = caseInfo.get('recordType').replaceAll('\\s+', '');

        if (recordType != null) {
            //get record type Id if it was defined in email body
            Id recordTypeId = Schema.SObjectType.Case.getRecordTypeInfosByName().get(recordType).getRecordTypeId();

            if (recordTypeId != null) {
                caseToCreate.RecordTypeId = recordTypeId;

        String contactEmail = caseInfo.get('email').replaceAll('\\s+', '');

        if (contactEmail != null) {
            // looking for a matching contact here
            List<Contact> contactWithSameEmail = [Select Id From Contact Where Email = :contactEmail Limit 1];

            if (!contactWithSameEmail.isEmpty()) {
                caseToCreate.ContactId = contactWithSameEmail[0].Id;
        system.debug('caseToCreate => ' + caseToCreate);
        insert caseToCreate;

        // checking if email contains attachments
        if (email.binaryAttachments != null && !email.binaryAttachments.isEmpty()) {
            ContentVersion cv = new ContentVersion(
                    Title = email.binaryAttachments[0].fileName,
                    PathOnClient = email.binaryAttachments[0].fileName,
                    VersionData = email.binaryAttachments[0].body,
                    IsMajorVersion = false
            // Create attachment with adding all needed info from email
            insert cv;

            // Creating document Link to connect this attachment with our case
            ContentDocumentLink docLink = new ContentDocumentLink();
            docLink.ContentDocumentId = [SELECT ContentDocumentId FROM ContentVersion WHERE Id = :cv.Id LIMIT 1].ContentDocumentId;
            docLink.LinkedEntityId = caseToCreate.Id;
            docLink.ShareType = 'V';

            insert docLink;

        result.success = true;
        return result;

    private static void setCaseOwner(Case caseToCreate, Map<String, Id> mapQueueNameId, String queueName) {
        if (mapQueueNameId.containsKey(queueName)) {
            caseToCreate.OwnerId = mapQueueNameId.get(queueName);

Googled this answer:

All, I had to delete a scheduled apex job, as this was running under my name.

Now I need to reschudule the apex job to run every hour.

Apex Class is below, can I reschedule this in the Dev Console <Open Execute Anomymouse Window"? and how can I do that?
 * Schedulable class to retrieve external User Stories on a scheduled basis.
 * @author Ümit Can Uçkan
 * @version 1.0
 * @since CCM Integrations 1.0
global class ScheduleUserStoryFetch implements Schedulable
    copado__Project__c cpRecord;
    public ScheduleUserStoryFetch(Id pId){
        cpRecord = [SELECT Id,Name, Copado_Integration_Setting__r.External_System__c, Copado_Integration_Setting__r.Named_Credential__c,JQL_Extended_Filter__c,Enable_Logs__c,
                           Project_External_Id__c, Workspace_Id__c FROM copado__Project__c WHERE Id=:pId];

    global void execute(SchedulableContext sc)
        Database.executeBatch(new ExecuteUserStoryUpsert(this.cpRecord),200);

Hi All,

When a case is created an email should be sent with email template (classic) to the email address from field <case.suppliedemail> and not email address in contact or account object.
  1. Case Created
  2. case.weborigin__c <> BLANK
  3. send email with email template using case.suppliedemail if case.suppliedemail is BLANK use case.contactemail
  4. In the first scenario a case is created via the web-to-case functionality, in the second scenario a user creates a case and links the case to a contact and account. In the first scanario they may not be an account or contact related to the case.
  5. I have several templates based on <case.country__c>
  6. If c.country__c = A then template A should be sent
  7. If c.country__c = B then template B should be sent

// Create the case record sObject 
Case acct = new Case(type='Sample'                
description='test David ',
// Insert the account by using DML
insert acct;
// Get the new ID on the inserted sObject argument
ID acctID = acct.Id;
// Display this ID in the debug log
System.debug('ID = ' + acctID);
All, I would like to create 1 case record using a DML statement, but I keep getting errors, can you see what is wrong with my code?

Some of the fields are picklist fields and some are boolean, maybe this is the issue.

There is also a standard field 'type' but when I add it too the code, the text is always purple.

Error is line 2 unexpected token 'acct'
Process Builder - Formula Problem with Picklist fields
Within the formula section of the 'Immediate Actions' on the Process Builder, how can I join the text values together of the following 2 fields:
case.webproduct__c (picklist)
[Case].SuppliedCompany & TEXTVALUE([Case].WebProduct__c )
Expected Result: Case.Description = 'Salesforce Product123'
Error Message:
'The formula expression is invalid: Field Case is a picklist field. Picklist fields are only supported in certain functions'
See screenshot also
add " (speech marks) to a text field using DML statement

I am importing data into SF, but have a comma in some text strings, when you create a CSV the comma is also a delimiter, so I have fields without a header in my CSV file.

Using DML code, I would like to amend several text fields, so:

text__c = I am, a text

" + text__c + " (Concatenate) for example =  "I am, a text"


The REGEX code below works perfectly, but I now need to allow for the email field also to be blank.

NOT(REGEX(Email ,('[a-zA-Z0-9_.+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9-]+.[a-zA-Z0-9-.]+')))

Can I incorporate NOT ISBLANK( Email ) into the statement above so:

A user can enter an email in the correct format as above or the user does not have to enter an email address at all?



As a admin, I have created a DML Statement to run in the Developer Console adhoc whenever I need to change account record owners en mass.

Now I need to convert that into an Apex Class and Trigger so that when records are uploaded from an external party the account record owner will be changed automatically based on shippingcity. See DML Code below:
List<Account> recList = [select id, shippingcountry, ownerid, name, shippingcity FROM Account WHERE shippingcountry = 'NL' AND sasid__c = null and ownerid='0052o00000AHDCeAAP' AND shippingcity IN ('Nijmegen','Arnhem')];
for (Account rec : recList) {
rec.ownerid = '0052o00000AI4zfAAD';
update recList;

3rd Party OwnerID = '0052o00000AHDCeEAP'
New record owner = '0052o00000AI4zfACD'

I have inheritated some code from an old webform which is als web-to-case, however Regex code does not match the vallidation we now require.

The above needs to accept spaces and 0040

e.g. +40 728 318 871

or 0040 728 318 871

Can anyone suggest what the code should be?


As a an admin, I am using the Developer Console to execute an SOQL query. The aim is to count the number of records on the lead object where the text fields  "Name = firstname and lastname" and "Company" have the same values.

I wrote this query, but got an error

SELECT Id, firstname, lastname FROM lead WHERE [lastname + firstname = Company]

After searching Google, it seems that the goal is not achievable using SOQL, can anyone confirm this? is there another simple solution using Apex run from the developer console?

For example firstname & lastname = "Peter Smith" AND Company = "Peter Smith",  so this is one record where the name and company are the same.


I would like to add a column to all existing listviews on the case object. After some searching in Google, I understand that it is possible to amend the metadata of the listview object.

The question is how to do this? 

The addition column is SuuportedVendor__c


Hi Salesforce developers,

As an admistrator, I need to add one new custom field to all listviews e.g. sharedvendor__c from the case object. There are over 50 different list views.

How can I do this in the most efficient way? I think this might require a DML statement or apex class, but cannot find the answer in any forum.

Can you help?


View automated changes to a record (on a record)
When a user makes a change to a record the standard field "Last Modified By" is populated with the user name, time and date. In the Setup Audit Trail you can see exactly what change was made.
I would like to see when a System Process makes a change to a field value or creates a record. Let's say you use the process builder to change the value of a field when a user edits a record and certain criteria is met:
How can you see that the process builder changed the field value and not the user?
The same question is for all automations:
Apex Class/Trigger
Process Builder
The only idea I can think of is that you create a date/time field and text field, which the automation pre-populates: e.g " Hi I am the Process Builder and changed this record on 10-10-2020 at 14:00, but if you have changes from different automations at the sometime this could be difficult.
Price Book Entry object -  update custom field when record created or edited

Normally, I would start with the process builder. However, the object is not available in the process builder. So I checked Flow and it was still not available.

How can I change a custom field value based on a specific criteria when a record is created or edited???

Can I do this without using APEX code?


Hi All,

Using SOQL query below which shows all field IDs for all custom fields.

Select Id, DeveloperName from CustomField

How can I limit this SOQL query to only show Field IDs for a specific object? for example to case object?


Dave the Rave
Created a form in our Umbraco CMS system using Contour Forms. Idea is that when the form is submitted via our website a case is created using the web-to-case functionality.

No case records are being created at the moment and there are no error messages.

In the form all fields have been setup and their are some hidden fields to insure the OrgID and other obligatory field values go to Salesforce. The endpoint url is set and was created using the HTML generator in Salesforce.

The problem is no case records are being created? Has anyone else had this issue? or can suggest what the issue might be?
Hi all,

I am struggling with validating input on a form. I am cutting and pasting the code below into a CMS system:

The form is submitting to SF even if you do not fill any fields in.

Does anyone have a solution:
function validateForm() {
  var x = document.forms["myForm"]["fname"].value;
  if (x == "") {
    alert("Veld verplicht*");
    return false;

<form name="myForm" action="https://ako--abc.my.salesforce.com/servlet/servlet.WebToCase?encoding=UTF-8"  onsubmit="return validateForm()" method="post">

<input type="hidden" name="orgid" value="00D0Q0000008i66" /> 
      <input type="hidden" name="retURL" value="https://www.vierhetseizoen.nl/contact/bedankt" /> 
      <input type="hidden" name="status" value="New" /> 
      <input type="hidden" name="requesttype__c" value="Inbound" /> 
      <input type="hidden" name="type" value="Question" /> 
      <input type="hidden" name="recordtype" value="Order" />
      <input type="hidden" name="webcountry__c" value="NL" />

      <!-- Fields above not viewable in form but hidden data transmitted to SF case record  -->
      <div style="width: 90%; margin: auto;">
            <p style="padding:0px; margin-left: 5px;">name</p>
            <input id="b1518536294940" name="Voornaam" type="text" placeholder="Voornaam *" value="" data-type="text" required=true/>


   <!-- Code for required fields test -->
   <br /> 

  <input type="submit" value="Submit">


Thanks Dave
I would like to visualize SAP data in an External Object in the Sales Cloud.

Using Salesforce Connect is it possible to connect SAP PO to Salesforce? Is it possible to connect SAP ECC directly?


All, having difficulty solving this issue,

I would like to create a formula for a Day/Time field called ProcessDate__c. I would like to take the date from the date/time field registrationdate__c and just amend the time.

Using a formula recommended through the forum, but still can solve issue as this formula adds one day.

DATETIMEVALUE( TEXT( DATEVALUE( RegistrationDate_c ) ) +" "+ "23:59:00" ) - 0.041

if registrationdate__c = 01/01/2019 10:00 then processdate__c should be:
01/12/2019 23:59 not 02/12/2019 23:59

Thanks Dave

oh, 0.041 is for the GMT+1 timezone.
Reposted - Date/Time field Formula help
I have an existing date/time field
RegistrationDate_c = example value 31/12/2019 14:34
I would like to create a new date/time formula field based on the date from RegistrationDate__c, so need a formula here.
New field is ProcessDate__c
ProcessDate__c = the date from RegistrationDate__c and time must be always 23:59
So if RegistrationDate__c = 01/12/2019 15:45 then ProcessDate should be 01/12/2019 23:59
Can anyone help? I have searched documentation online but cannot find the syntax for the formula.
Yes, you guessed this field will be used to trigger a process.
Regards Dave
All, I had to delete a scheduled apex job, as this was running under my name.

Now I need to reschudule the apex job to run every hour.

Apex Class is below, can I reschedule this in the Dev Console <Open Execute Anomymouse Window"? and how can I do that?
 * Schedulable class to retrieve external User Stories on a scheduled basis.
 * @author Ümit Can Uçkan
 * @version 1.0
 * @since CCM Integrations 1.0
global class ScheduleUserStoryFetch implements Schedulable
    copado__Project__c cpRecord;
    public ScheduleUserStoryFetch(Id pId){
        cpRecord = [SELECT Id,Name, Copado_Integration_Setting__r.External_System__c, Copado_Integration_Setting__r.Named_Credential__c,JQL_Extended_Filter__c,Enable_Logs__c,
                           Project_External_Id__c, Workspace_Id__c FROM copado__Project__c WHERE Id=:pId];

    global void execute(SchedulableContext sc)
        Database.executeBatch(new ExecuteUserStoryUpsert(this.cpRecord),200);

The REGEX code below works perfectly, but I now need to allow for the email field also to be blank.

NOT(REGEX(Email ,('[a-zA-Z0-9_.+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9-]+.[a-zA-Z0-9-.]+')))

Can I incorporate NOT ISBLANK( Email ) into the statement above so:

A user can enter an email in the correct format as above or the user does not have to enter an email address at all?



As a admin, I have created a DML Statement to run in the Developer Console adhoc whenever I need to change account record owners en mass.

Now I need to convert that into an Apex Class and Trigger so that when records are uploaded from an external party the account record owner will be changed automatically based on shippingcity. See DML Code below:
List<Account> recList = [select id, shippingcountry, ownerid, name, shippingcity FROM Account WHERE shippingcountry = 'NL' AND sasid__c = null and ownerid='0052o00000AHDCeAAP' AND shippingcity IN ('Nijmegen','Arnhem')];
for (Account rec : recList) {
rec.ownerid = '0052o00000AI4zfAAD';
update recList;

3rd Party OwnerID = '0052o00000AHDCeEAP'
New record owner = '0052o00000AI4zfACD'
As a an admin, I am using the Developer Console to execute an SOQL query. The aim is to count the number of records on the lead object where the text fields  "Name = firstname and lastname" and "Company" have the same values.

I wrote this query, but got an error

SELECT Id, firstname, lastname FROM lead WHERE [lastname + firstname = Company]

After searching Google, it seems that the goal is not achievable using SOQL, can anyone confirm this? is there another simple solution using Apex run from the developer console?

For example firstname & lastname = "Peter Smith" AND Company = "Peter Smith",  so this is one record where the name and company are the same.


I would like to add a column to all existing listviews on the case object. After some searching in Google, I understand that it is possible to amend the metadata of the listview object.

The question is how to do this? 

The addition column is SuuportedVendor__c


Hi Salesforce developers,

As an admistrator, I need to add one new custom field to all listviews e.g. sharedvendor__c from the case object. There are over 50 different list views.

How can I do this in the most efficient way? I think this might require a DML statement or apex class, but cannot find the answer in any forum.

Can you help?


Created a form in our Umbraco CMS system using Contour Forms. Idea is that when the form is submitted via our website a case is created using the web-to-case functionality.

No case records are being created at the moment and there are no error messages.

In the form all fields have been setup and their are some hidden fields to insure the OrgID and other obligatory field values go to Salesforce. The endpoint url is set and was created using the HTML generator in Salesforce.

The problem is no case records are being created? Has anyone else had this issue? or can suggest what the issue might be?
Reposted - Date/Time field Formula help
I have an existing date/time field
RegistrationDate_c = example value 31/12/2019 14:34
I would like to create a new date/time formula field based on the date from RegistrationDate__c, so need a formula here.
New field is ProcessDate__c
ProcessDate__c = the date from RegistrationDate__c and time must be always 23:59
So if RegistrationDate__c = 01/12/2019 15:45 then ProcessDate should be 01/12/2019 23:59
Can anyone help? I have searched documentation online but cannot find the syntax for the formula.
Yes, you guessed this field will be used to trigger a process.
Regards Dave
I would like to create a new date/time field based on a foirmula:

RegistrationDate (for example) = 01/01/2019 13:45

(new field) Process Date = Registration Date + time = 11:59, so example:

Process Date = 01/01/2019 11:59

Thanks Dave
Process Builder - add contact to specific campaign
Our customers will log into our website (managed by 3rd party) and register for an event. 3rd party sends API to update a picklist (multiple select) field on the contact record. The contact needs to be added to a specific campaign based on the value most recently change/added to the contact record.
Field is EventName_c
Values: EventA, EventB, EventC
If the value is EventA then the contact needs to be added to Campaign = Event A
If the value is EventB then the contact needs to be added to Campaign = Event B etc.
After several months the field EventName_c will have several values, depending on how many events a contact registers for.
I can see how to add a contact to a campaign, but not a way to choose the campaign based on the value of a specific field on the contact object.
Any ideas?
In the same process flow, I then need to send the contact a template email, but again based on the specific event they have chosen.
Dave, (and no we are not looking to purchase marketing automation software)

Hi all, 

I have a question regarding the DATETIMEVALUE function. I'm creating a task each time a projects starts, and i would like to set the reminder at 09:30:00. So the date is based on a field, but the time should be fixed. I have tried multiple formulas, currently i have the following: 

DATETIMEVALUE(Customfield__c  & " " & 09:30:00) 

However, i receive an error that i miss a bracket: 

The formula expression is invalid: Syntax error. Missing ')'

Anyone any ideas? 

Kind regards, Loran


I understand that you cannot add fields to the recycle bin page for a specific tab. 

I would like to retrieve deleted records from the CASE object which have a specific recordtype. 

I tried to do this in the Developer Console with SOQL but this still does not work.

I read that you need to de an SOQL All Query, I am an administrator.
Can somebody help me out here? 



Dear Guru's


I have configured some batch processes to load data into SFDC using the dataloader from the command line.....all works well....however, my source file has comma's in the data. Since the data loader reads from a CSV file, how can I configure it to know that the comma is actually part of a data attribute and not the delimiter.


Is there a special character I can write to the source file so that a comma is considered part of the record?





  • June 02, 2011
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