• Sunil_sfcd803
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I need help.I'm trying query records from three objects which are releted and use on particular field in if().See below code Im getting error 
Error: Compile Error: Variable does not exist: Product2 at line 39 column 86..Please help.
Map<id,Quote> QuoteProductMap=new Map<Id,Quote>([Select id,recordTypeId,Status,(Selectid,Product2.Name,Product2.Additional_Spe__c FROM QuoteLineItems)from Quote where Id in:newItems.keyset()]);
          for(Quote quoteToProduct:newItems.values()){
if(QuoteProductMap.get(quoteToProduct.id).QuoteLineItems.Product2.Additional_Spe__c== listProductAttribute[0].Additional_spe__c)


Hi All,

I'm need to use custom settings in my apex code.
Custom setting- Quote_Status__c
Field- Status__c
values:Approved ,In Progress and Rejected.

Please help me in writing if condintion..Below I did hard codeing need to use custome settings there ..
if(quote.recordTypeId==something && (quote.Status=='In Progress'||quote.Status=='Approved'||quote.Status=='Rejected & ')){

Hi All,

Please help me to write test calss for below trigger.Also it will be helpful if you add basic information as comments for understanding.

trigger UpdateTicketDetails on Ticket_Details__c (before insert,before update) {

        Id ticketRecordType = Schema.SObjectType.Ticket_Details__c.getRecordTypeInfosByName().get('Service').getRecordTypeId();
      //list<Ticket_Details__c> ticketList = new list<Ticket_Details__c> ();
        for(Ticket_Details__c ticket:Trigger.new){        
                ticket.Ticket_Description__c='Ticket is Service Request';
             ticket.Ticket_Description__c='Ticket is Incident';    
       // insert ticketList;
       for(Ticket_Details__c ticket:Trigger.new){
            String oldStatus= Trigger.oldMap.get(ticket.Id).Ticket_status__c;
              system.debug('Status has been changed');
              ticket.Ticket_Summary__c='Status changed from ' + oldStatus +' to '+ ticket.Ticket_status__c+'.';
Hi All,

Please help me to write test calss for below trigger.Also it will be helpful if you add basic information as comments for understanding.

trigger UpdateTicketDetails on Ticket_Details__c (before insert,before update) {

        Id ticketRecordType = Schema.SObjectType.Ticket_Details__c.getRecordTypeInfosByName().get('Service').getRecordTypeId();
      //list<Ticket_Details__c> ticketList = new list<Ticket_Details__c> ();
        for(Ticket_Details__c ticket:Trigger.new){        
                ticket.Ticket_Description__c='Ticket is Service Request';
             ticket.Ticket_Description__c='Ticket is Incident';    
       // insert ticketList;
       for(Ticket_Details__c ticket:Trigger.new){
            String oldStatus= Trigger.oldMap.get(ticket.Id).Ticket_status__c;
              system.debug('Status has been changed');
              ticket.Ticket_Summary__c='Status changed from ' + oldStatus +' to '+ ticket.Ticket_status__c+'.';