• Jaweed Basha
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  • Member since 2015
  • Accenture

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I have created a VF page that will render as PDF and shows header with Logo in all the pages but I dont need the Logo to be in the first page. Except first page it shoul display in all other pages of the PDF. Any quick suggestion would be helpful. 
I am stuck with one of the CSS logic in my Visualforce page. I have created a VF page to render pdf and I have used @page with header to show my company logo in all pages except first page of the pdf, I tried many logics it is always showing in all page.
Hi All,
I have created a CA-Signed Certificate in my Org, But I would like to know what are the steps to get the Certificate Signed and Who will be the person to sign the Certificate. I mean to ask what should be the position of that person who is signing the Certificate. Please help me out.
Hi All,
I have created a CA-Signed Certificate in my Org, But I would like to know what are the steps to get the Certificate Signed and Who will be the person to sign the Certificate. I mean to ask what should be the position of that person who is signing the Certificate. Please help me out.

trying to modify a test trigger for the Chat Up app as advised in the documentation, and I'm not sure how I should change some of the code to reference a custom object instead of Account.


The sample code is:

        insert myOpportunities;
        /*there should be 100 posts as you iterated 100 times*/
        List<AccountFeed> chatterPosts = [select id from AccountFeed where parentId = :a.id];
        System.assertEquals(chatterPosts.size(), 100);

 So I modified "AccountFeed" to my custom object "npe03__Recurring_Donation__c"

        insert myOpportunities;
        /*there should be 100 posts as you iterated 100 times*/
        List<npe03__Recurring_Donation__cFeed> chatterPosts = [select id from npe03__Recurring_Donation__cFeed where parentId = :a.id];
        System.assertEquals(chatterPosts.size(), 100);


and I get this error:

Error: Compile Error: sObject type 'Recurring_Donation__cFeed' is not supported. If you are attempting to use a custom object, be sure to append the '__c' after the entity name. Please reference your WSDL or the describe call for the appropriate names. at line 26 column 56


I've enabled Feed Tracking on the Recurring_Donation__c object (although I haven't selected any other fields to track.  Clearly it's not as simple as replacing "Account" with "npe03__Recurring_Donation__c"


How to fix?


Thanks, Amanda



I have a custom event object that contains name, date, time, etc.  I'd like updates to show up on a news feed whenever a user creates a new Event or makes any changes to the event.  I'd also like other users to be able to follow and comment on this event.  I realize that Chatter is new, but is there any documentation available that can guide me?


I am fairly new to the force.com environment and any links to resources would be helpful.  I appreciate all of your suggestions.  Thanks!

  • March 24, 2010
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