• Siva__k
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I want to create an hour report with 5 mins interval on case object. How can I acheive this using custom formula. Whenever I refresh my refresh my dashbord it has to bring past one hour data with 5 mins interval. It would be really great if I get some help on this. 
  • September 11, 2015
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I want to create an hour report with 5 mins interval on case object. How can I acheive this using custom formula. Whenever I refresh my refresh my dashbord it has to bring past one hour data with 5 mins interval. It would be really great if I get some help on this. 
  • September 11, 2015
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In the apex language reference manual i read this:

"Note: A trigger invoked by an insert, delete or update, of a recurring event results in a runtime error when
the trigger is called in bulk from the Force.com API."

I need to do a mass update in Events and any of this events can be recurring and I have a trigger asociate to Event, what should I change or control to avoid this runtine error?

Thanks for All
  • July 29, 2008
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