• Hutch Kolozyan
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We're trying to understand what possible types of failures are returned for the Status field in the Login History API (https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.api.meta/api/sforce_api_objects_loginhistory.htm). 

The documentation only mentions that it can be success or a reason for the failure, however, is it possible to explicitly understand the different types of failure? Based on failure type, we'd like to infer the of the failure. 

For instance, I am not sure if SalesForce does any suspicious login detection. If so and if that is available in the status Status, then if a login was blocked because it was suspicious would be of higher priority than a single incorrect password entry.
We're trying to understand what possible types of failures are returned for the Status field in the Login History API (https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.api.meta/api/sforce_api_objects_loginhistory.htm). 

The documentation only mentions that it can be success or a reason for the failure, however, is it possible to explicitly understand the different types of failure? Based on failure type, we'd like to infer the of the failure. 

For instance, I am not sure if SalesForce does any suspicious login detection. If so and if that is available in the status Status, then if a login was blocked because it was suspicious would be of higher priority than a single incorrect password entry.