• Justin Campbell
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  • Member since 2015

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We have the current structure in our non-profit:
Camper (Contact) - Formatted as "First Name Last Name,"   i.e. Joe Smith
Volunteer Family (Organization) - Formatted as "(Contact Last Name) Household,"   i.e. Smith Household
Participant Group (Organization) - Formatted as "Organization Name,"  i.e. Test College, Richmond, VA

I'm developing a workflow (my second stab at workflows) that will be a quicker way for my staff to be able to input new Campers (contacts). This will save them time and me headaches from the all too frequent duplicate Volunteer Family (Organization) from appearing.  It seeks to enter a camper first and last name, look them up to see if they already exist.  If not, it looks up to see if their Volunteer Family is already created, creates the Family Organization as needed, then does the same for their Participant Group.  After all this, the flow finally creates the Contact.

What I've got thus far is:

1. A SCREEN that a First Name (InputFirstName) and Last Name (InputLastName) of the Camper (Contact) are input on.
2. A RECORD LOOKUP that looks for a contact record that LastName equals InputLastName, FirstName contains InputFirstName, and verifies proper record type.
3. A DECISION element that goes 2 ways:
                a. TRUE: The contact already exists, and a final screen is displayed stating this.
                b. NO CONTACT:  Nothing pinged on the record lookup.
4. If NO CONTACT is found, another RECORD LOOKUP occurs looking for a Volunteer Family with the same last name.  (Joe Smith may already be a volunteer, but then his wife Jane Smith volunteers.  I'm able to link Jane Smith's Contact with the Smith Household that Joe is already associated with.)  This is all functioning as written.

The problem I'm having is that if Joe Smith is already a volunteer under the Smith Household, and unrelated Greg Smith volunteers, the way that the flow is currently structured, Joe Smith's "Smith Household" will return as a selectable object from a Dynamic Record Choice.  But this isn't the "Smith Household" Greg needs to be associated with.  I need a way to allow the user to portray that none of the options from the Dynamic Record Choice is the sought after outcome.  Is it as simple as restructuring or adding a new Decision Element or is there another way?

I know this is a cumbersome question, but I'd appreciate any insight. Please let me know if you have any clarifying questions.
We have the current structure in our non-profit:
Camper (Contact) - Formatted as "First Name Last Name,"   i.e. Joe Smith
Volunteer Family (Organization) - Formatted as "(Contact Last Name) Household,"   i.e. Smith Household
Participant Group (Organization) - Formatted as "Organization Name,"  i.e. Test College, Richmond, VA

I'm developing a workflow (my second stab at workflows) that will be a quicker way for my staff to be able to input new Campers (contacts). This will save them time and me headaches from the all too frequent duplicate Volunteer Family (Organization) from appearing.  It seeks to enter a camper first and last name, look them up to see if they already exist.  If not, it looks up to see if their Volunteer Family is already created, creates the Family Organization as needed, then does the same for their Participant Group.  After all this, the flow finally creates the Contact.

What I've got thus far is:

1. A SCREEN that a First Name (InputFirstName) and Last Name (InputLastName) of the Camper (Contact) are input on.
2. A RECORD LOOKUP that looks for a contact record that LastName equals InputLastName, FirstName contains InputFirstName, and verifies proper record type.
3. A DECISION element that goes 2 ways:
                a. TRUE: The contact already exists, and a final screen is displayed stating this.
                b. NO CONTACT:  Nothing pinged on the record lookup.
4. If NO CONTACT is found, another RECORD LOOKUP occurs looking for a Volunteer Family with the same last name.  (Joe Smith may already be a volunteer, but then his wife Jane Smith volunteers.  I'm able to link Jane Smith's Contact with the Smith Household that Joe is already associated with.)  This is all functioning as written.

The problem I'm having is that if Joe Smith is already a volunteer under the Smith Household, and unrelated Greg Smith volunteers, the way that the flow is currently structured, Joe Smith's "Smith Household" will return as a selectable object from a Dynamic Record Choice.  But this isn't the "Smith Household" Greg needs to be associated with.  I need a way to allow the user to portray that none of the options from the Dynamic Record Choice is the sought after outcome.  Is it as simple as restructuring or adding a new Decision Element or is there another way?

I know this is a cumbersome question, but I'd appreciate any insight. Please let me know if you have any clarifying questions.