• Jeremy Evans 8
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In reference to the follwoing Challenge.

This challenge requires you to create a custom object with a few custom fields. This object will describe trail information for a park and hence will need to track name, distance and the last date it was inspected.Create a custom object with 'Trail' as the Label and Object Name. The resulting API name will need to be 'Trail__c'.
The Name field for Trail must be a Text type (not Auto Number).
Add a custom field to Trail of the 'Text Area (Long)' type, which has the field name and label 'Description' and a resulting API name of 'Description__c'. The field should have the default character length of 32,768.
Add a custom field to Trail of the 'Number' type (length of 3 and 0 decimal places), which has the field name and label 'Distance' and a resulting API name of 'Distance__c'.
Add a custom field to Trail of the 'Date' (not 'Date/Time') type, which has the field label 'Last Inspection Date' and name 'Last_Inspection_Date' and a resulting API name of 'Last_Inspection_Date__c'.Completed this challenge but I keep getting an error message.

I've completed the challeng but I keep getting the error message that it can't find the object. I've double checked the spelling and relaunched/ reconnected my developer and still no success.
In reference to the follwoing Challenge.

This challenge requires you to create a custom object with a few custom fields. This object will describe trail information for a park and hence will need to track name, distance and the last date it was inspected.Create a custom object with 'Trail' as the Label and Object Name. The resulting API name will need to be 'Trail__c'.
The Name field for Trail must be a Text type (not Auto Number).
Add a custom field to Trail of the 'Text Area (Long)' type, which has the field name and label 'Description' and a resulting API name of 'Description__c'. The field should have the default character length of 32,768.
Add a custom field to Trail of the 'Number' type (length of 3 and 0 decimal places), which has the field name and label 'Distance' and a resulting API name of 'Distance__c'.
Add a custom field to Trail of the 'Date' (not 'Date/Time') type, which has the field label 'Last Inspection Date' and name 'Last_Inspection_Date' and a resulting API name of 'Last_Inspection_Date__c'.Completed this challenge but I keep getting an error message.

I've completed the challeng but I keep getting the error message that it can't find the object. I've double checked the spelling and relaunched/ reconnected my developer and still no success.