• Jason Burke
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  • Member since 2016
  • Xede Consulting Group

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I am getting the following error when custom object is being updated:

Error: Invalid Data. 
Review all error messages below to correct your data.
Apex trigger PaidHolidayTrigger caused an unexpected exception, contact your administrator: PaidHolidayTrigger: execution of AfterInsert caused by: System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: CANNOT_INSERT_UPDATE_ACTIVATE_ENTITY, dlrs_Time_EntryTrigger: execution of AfterInsert caused by: System.DmlException: Update failed. First exception on row 0 with id a140e000005StPgAAK; first error: INTERNAL_ERROR, __MISSING LABEL__ PropertyFile - val WorkflowLogOnlyException_desc not found in section Exception: [] Class.dlrs.RollupService.Updater.updateRecords: line 1315, column 1 Class.dlrs.RollupService.UpdateWithoutSharing.updateRecords: line 1358, column 1 Class.dlrs.RollupService.updateRecords: line 1286, column 1 Class.dlrs.RollupService.handleRollups: line 918, column 1 Class.dlrs.RollupService.triggerHandler: line 329, column 1 Trigger.dlrs_Time_EntryTrigger: line 7, column 1: []: Class.PaidHolidayTriggerHandler.insertTimeEntries: line 167, column 1

There is a single workflow rule on the object that does 3 field updates on object creation and edit.  I don't get the above error if I deactivate the workflow rule so it is causing it somehow.  I have no idea what the root cause could be, but the NTERNAL_ERROR, __MISSING LABEL__ part suggests that it's a bug in the internal Salesforce code.  Any information on or ideas on how to workaround this issue would be greatly appreciated.

I am calling an @InvocableMethod from a Flow and am getting the following error:

FLOW_ELEMENT_ERROR|Unable to convert value 'Mrs.' to Apex type String for Apex action <class name> field Account.Title__c

Here is the method signature.  Title__c is a picklist field containing two values, 'Mr.' and 'Mrs.'  The kicker is it works fine in one sandbox, but blows up in another and I can't tell what the difference is or why Salesforce can't convert a String to a String.
public static List<List<String>> updateCustomerNames(List<List<Account>> accountList) {



I am getting the following error when custom object is being updated:

Error: Invalid Data. 
Review all error messages below to correct your data.
Apex trigger PaidHolidayTrigger caused an unexpected exception, contact your administrator: PaidHolidayTrigger: execution of AfterInsert caused by: System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: CANNOT_INSERT_UPDATE_ACTIVATE_ENTITY, dlrs_Time_EntryTrigger: execution of AfterInsert caused by: System.DmlException: Update failed. First exception on row 0 with id a140e000005StPgAAK; first error: INTERNAL_ERROR, __MISSING LABEL__ PropertyFile - val WorkflowLogOnlyException_desc not found in section Exception: [] Class.dlrs.RollupService.Updater.updateRecords: line 1315, column 1 Class.dlrs.RollupService.UpdateWithoutSharing.updateRecords: line 1358, column 1 Class.dlrs.RollupService.updateRecords: line 1286, column 1 Class.dlrs.RollupService.handleRollups: line 918, column 1 Class.dlrs.RollupService.triggerHandler: line 329, column 1 Trigger.dlrs_Time_EntryTrigger: line 7, column 1: []: Class.PaidHolidayTriggerHandler.insertTimeEntries: line 167, column 1

There is a single workflow rule on the object that does 3 field updates on object creation and edit.  I don't get the above error if I deactivate the workflow rule so it is causing it somehow.  I have no idea what the root cause could be, but the NTERNAL_ERROR, __MISSING LABEL__ part suggests that it's a bug in the internal Salesforce code.  Any information on or ideas on how to workaround this issue would be greatly appreciated.

I am calling an @InvocableMethod from a Flow and am getting the following error:

FLOW_ELEMENT_ERROR|Unable to convert value 'Mrs.' to Apex type String for Apex action <class name> field Account.Title__c

Here is the method signature.  Title__c is a picklist field containing two values, 'Mr.' and 'Mrs.'  The kicker is it works fine in one sandbox, but blows up in another and I can't tell what the difference is or why Salesforce can't convert a String to a String.
public static List<List<String>> updateCustomerNames(List<List<Account>> accountList) {
