• mohammadd ismail
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How to use images in Visualforce generated PDFs which are not static resources?Can someone help me on how to achieve this.

Is there any documentation about using Client ID  or Token with REST API to access Group and Professional Editions
As i am a newbie any help is appreciated on the below requirement.
How to write the trigger which converts the contact owner into account owner.Currenty we have a "TEST" user account in salesforce and anytime a contact is owned by this "TEST"user we want to change the contact owner to the account owner. Is this possible? any assistance would be appreciated.


how to view details of a record in a pop up window in a visualforce page

thanks in advance
Can someone help me how to make styling fields as required for a visual force page.

thanks in advance.
How can we export data from particular users using data loader.

Thanks in advance
How to get a report into csv format which is outside of salesforce.

Thanks in advance
I am new to salesforce, how to write a test class in apex and what are the things that have to be considered while writing a test class.

Could someone help me how to get the id for a standard object in salesforce.

Thanks in advance.
Hi all,

i am a newbie to salesforce, can someone help me how to restrict the user to edit a field.Below is my scenario.
I have a picklist field which has 5 values i dont want users to enter the new value or edit the value of the respective picklist fields.

Thanks in advance.
how to view details of a record in a pop up window in a visualforce page

thanks in advance
Can someone help me how to make styling fields as required for a visual force page.

thanks in advance.

Could someone help me how to get the id for a standard object in salesforce.

Thanks in advance.