• Maelle Polak 8
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In reports and dashboards superbadge, I cant validate challenge number 5 as trailhead says one of my reports, the 'Lightning Hobbies by Contact' report does not appear to have a locked filter. Documentation says that the filter can be enabled in report builder, but I can't find it. I can only see and edit the filters. Where is the option to lock the filters? Does it need to be enabled anywhere? Thanks!
Hi there,

I think there is a problem in the validation of Step 4 in the Lighning Experience Specialist superbadge. Trailhead creates records to validate the process builder flow, but because the Adventure Record created does not have an Expedition Leader, the flow fires an error message. Is there a support team who can fix this?
In reports and dashboards superbadge, I cant validate challenge number 5 as trailhead says one of my reports, the 'Lightning Hobbies by Contact' report does not appear to have a locked filter. Documentation says that the filter can be enabled in report builder, but I can't find it. I can only see and edit the filters. Where is the option to lock the filters? Does it need to be enabled anywhere? Thanks!
Hi there,

I think there is a problem in the validation of Step 4 in the Lighning Experience Specialist superbadge. Trailhead creates records to validate the process builder flow, but because the Adventure Record created does not have an Expedition Leader, the flow fires an error message. Is there a support team who can fix this?