• Venkatesh L
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  • Member since 2016

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Hello Community,

I am trying to deploy React Js application in salesforce using Lightning componenets. I have found this link and followed the steps. https://developer.salesforce.com/blogs/2018/04/lightning-container-component-building-components-with-react-angular-and-other-libraries.html
This is working fine. But when I tried to upload zip file of react js application as static resource, the application is not loading. I am getting 404 error in the console. How can I resolve this? Please guide me through how to deploy react js applications in salesforce.

Thank you.

I have a detail page with inline vf pages. Now I want to print the deatil page data. When I tried using the Printable View from AppExchange, but it is not printing the inline vf pages. I want to use this for lightning. Please let me know how can I print the data from inline vf pages in a detail page to pdf in Lightning Experience. 
Hi all,
Good evening. I am using a SOAPUI call for one website. When I logged in to the salesforce account, it is showing the User datails in the website(WordPress). And when I logged out from the Salesforce,and clearing the cookies it is not showing the data? Why It is happening like this? Please suggest me some solution for this...

Thanks & Regards,
Hi all,
Is there any functionality in Salesforce to subscribe for email alerts by users? For example, I have 10 email addresses with me. I am sending weekly report to those emails. Now I want to add 2 more email addresses to those 10 emails without logging into my salesforce account. If I enter an email address and click on Subscribe, it will automatically stored into the existing list of emails. Is there any functionality in our salesforce? else please let me know how can I approch this?

public class SearchGlobal {

    public List <Account> acc {set;get;}
    public List <Contact> con {set;get;}
    public List <Opportunity> opp {set;get;}
    public List <Lead> ld {set;get;}
    public boolean noMatchesFound {set;get;}
    public boolean isNull {set;get;}
    public boolean isLess {set;get;}
    public boolean isMagic {set;get;}
    public boolean isCon {set;get;}
    public boolean isOpp {set;get;}
    public boolean isLd {set;get;}
    public Integer m {set;get;}
    public Integer n {set;get;}
    public Integer o {set;get;}
    public Integer p {set;get;}
    public String name {set;get;}
    public String orderType {set;get;}
    public String searchVal {set;get;}
    public void accOrder()
        if(orderType == Null || orderType =='DESC')
            acc = Database.query('Select id, Name, Phone from Account where id IN :acc order by ' + Name + ' DESC');
            orderType = 'ASC';
            acc = Database.query('Select id, Name, Phone from Account where id IN :acc order by ' + Name + ' '+orderType);
            orderType = 'DESC';
    public void conOrder()
        if(orderType == Null || orderType =='DESC')
            con = Database.query('Select LastName, Phone from Contact where id IN :con order by ' + Name + ' DESC');
            orderType = 'ASC';
            con = Database.query('Select LastName, Phone from Contact where id IN :con order by ' + Name + ' '+orderType);
            orderType = 'DESC';
    public void oppOrder()
        if(orderType == Null || orderType =='DESC')
            opp = Database.query('Select Name, Amount from Opportunity where id IN :opp order by ' + Name + ' DESC');
            orderType = 'ASC';
            opp = Database.query('Select Name, Amount from Opportunity where id IN :opp order by ' + Name + ' '+orderType);
            orderType = 'DESC';
    public void ldOrder()
        if(orderType == Null || orderType =='DESC')
            ld = Database.query('Select Name, Company from Lead where id IN :ld order by ' + Name + ' DESC');
            orderType = 'ASC';
            ld = Database.query('Select Name, Company from Lead where id IN :ld order by ' + Name + ' '+orderType);
            orderType = 'DESC';
    public pageReference doSearch()
        if(searchVal==null || searchVal=='')
            isNull = true;
            isLess = false;
            noMatchesFound = false;
            isMagic = false;
            isCon = false;
            isOpp = false;
            isLd = false;
            return null;
        else if (searchVal.length()<=2)
            isLess = true;
            isNull = false;
            noMatchesFound = false;
            isMagic = false;
            isCon = false;
            isOpp = false;
            isLd = false;
            return null;
            String s='FIND '+'\''+searchVal+'\' IN ALL FIELDS RETURNING Account(name,phone),Contact(lastname,phone),Opportunity(Name,Amount),Lead(Name,Company)';
            List<List<sObject>> searchList = search.query(s);
            sObject[] asl = (List <Account>) searchList[0];
            sObject[] csl = (List <Contact>)searchList[1];
            sObject[] osl = (List <Opportunity>) searchList[2];
            sObject[] lsl = (List <Lead>) searchList[3];
            acc = asl;
            con = csl;
            opp = osl;
            ld = lsl;
                isLess = false;
                isNull = false;
                noMatchesFound = false;
            if(!con.isEmpty() )
                isLess = false;
                isNull = false;
                noMatchesFound = false;

                isLess = false;
                isNull = false;
                noMatchesFound = false;
                isLess = false;
                isNull = false;
                noMatchesFound = false;
            if(acc.isEmpty() && con.isEmpty() && opp.isEmpty() && ld.isEmpty())
                noMatchesFound = true;
                isLess = false;
                isNull = false;
                noMatchesFound = false;
            return null;        
    public PageReference moreAccounts()
        PageReference refAcc=new PageReference('/apex/Accounts');
        return refAcc;
    public PageReference moreContacts()
        PageReference refCon=new PageReference('/apex/Contacts');
        return refCon;
    public PageReference moreOpportunities()
        PageReference refOpp=new PageReference('/apex/Opportunities');
        return refOpp;
    public PageReference moreLeads()
        PageReference refLds=new PageReference('/apex/Leads');
        return refLds;
I completed my task as per the instructions by trail-head.Even though I am getting an error with error id: FBTV
Hi all,
Is there any functionality in Salesforce to subscribe for email alerts by users? For example, I have 10 email addresses with me. I am sending weekly report to those emails. Now I want to add 2 more email addresses to those 10 emails without logging into my salesforce account. If I enter an email address and click on Subscribe, it will automatically stored into the existing list of emails. Is there any functionality in our salesforce? else please let me know how can I approch this?
I completed my task as per the instructions by trail-head.Even though I am getting an error with error id: FBTV
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