• DaveSt
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I am attempting to write a trigger on a custom object but it doesn't seem to being updating - my logic must be flawed in some way. The basic premise is that I have 2 checkbox fields that are updated depending on if a date field ( on the same object) falls within the bounds of either THIS_QUARTER or NEXT_QUARTER.  My code looks like this:
trigger SM_Ident_Quarter on ScheduleMirror__c (before insert, before update) {
   for(ScheduleMirror__c SchedMirr : Trigger.New){
     // if the schedule date is in This Quarter then update the this quarter flag
     for( ScheduleMirror__c s: [SELECT ID, Current_Quarter__c, Next_quarter__c, schedule_date__c  from schedulemirror__c where schedule_date__c = THIS_QUARTER]){
         if(s.id != null)
            s.Current_Quarter__c = TRUE;
     // if the schedule date is in Next Quarter then update the next quarter flag
     for( ScheduleMirror__c sm: [SELECT ID, Current_Quarter__c, Next_quarter__c, schedule_date__c  from schedulemirror__c where schedule_date__c = NEXT_QUARTER]){
         if(sm.id != null)
            sm.Next_quarter__c = TRUE;    
I feel this should be quite simple but I think I am missing something fundamental.
Any help would be much appreciated,

  • October 18, 2016
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I have been struggling with this piece of apex for the last few days  - had considered using batchable context but was struggling to get my head around it. So, I am persevering with a schedulable piece of code - its not very elegant but initial testing on volume data indicates it won't blow the dml or cpu limits ( now that I am not doing a nested loop )  - what I am struggling with is the syntax to assign my values I have loaded in the Sobject to my list. Would someone be able to point me in the right direction?
My code is:
Global class RefreshScheduleMirror  implements Schedulable {

      global void execute(SchedulableContext SC) {


    public void RefreshSchedule()  {
    /// Delete the old mirror records ///

	ScheduleMirror__c[] doomedMirrors = [SELECT Name FROM ScheduleMirror__c]; 
		try {
  	delete doomedMirrors;
	} catch (DmlException e) {
    // Process exception here
       /// use generic object to pull combined line item and schedule records 
        SObject[] allSchedules = [ SELECT  CurrencyIsoCode, OpportunityLineItemId, ScheduleDate,    Revenue,Quantity, Type, Description, OpportunityLineItem.Name, OpportunityLineItem.OpportunityId, 
                                  OpportunityLineItem.Product2Id, OpportunityLineItem.ProductCode 
                                  FROM OpportunityLineItemSchedule];  
        SObject IsoCode = getSObject('CurrencyIsoCode');
        /// Create new list to store the records ( based on the structure defined by the custom object Schedule Mirror )
        List<ScheduleMirror__c> newmirrors = new List<ScheduleMirror__c>();
        /// for (OpportunityLineItem Schedule myschedule : allSchedules) {
        for (SObject myschedule : allSchedules) {
                // create variable 'mymirror' to hold the record values 
                 ScheduleMirror__c mymirror = new ScheduleMirror__c(); 
                 mymirror.CurrencyIsoCode = myschedule.get(OpportunityLineItemSchedule.CurrencyIsoCode);
            	 mymirror.Name = myschedule.get('ScheduleDate.year() + '-' + myschedule.ScheduleDate.month() + '-' + myschedule.Name');
                 //mymirror.LineItemID__c = string.valueOf(myschedule.get('OpportunityLineItemId'));
				 //mymirror.Opportunity__c = string.valueOf(myschedule.get('OpportunityId'));
                 //mymirror.Schedule_Amount__c = string.valueOf(myschedule.get('Revenue'));
                 //mymirror.Schedule_Date__c =  string.valueOf(myschedule.get('ScheduleDate'));   
                 //mymirror.Schedule_Description__c = string.valueOf(myschedule.get('Description'));
                 //mymirror.Schedule_Quantity__c = string.valueOf(myschedule.get('Quantity'));
				 //mymirror.Schedule_Type__c = string.valueOf(myschedule.get('Type'));
				 //mymirror.Schedule_Type__c = string.valueOf(myschedule.get('Product2Id'));
				 //mymirror.Product_Code__c = string.valueOf(myschedule.get('ProductCode'));
                 //mymirror.Name = string.valueOf(myschedule.get('Name'));

            // Update the list with all the records retrieved in the for loop

             // update database outwith the for loop!!!!     
     		 upsert newmirrors;  

it is where I am building up the list " ScheduleMirror__c mymirror = new ScheduleMirror__c(); "  that I have my issue:
mymirror.CurrencyIsoCode = myschedule.get(OpportunityLineItemSchedule.CurrencyIsoCode); 
mymirror.Name = myschedule.get('ScheduleDate.year() + '-' + myschedule.ScheduleDate.month() + '-' + myschedule.Name');

My basic issue for example, is that I am trying to map mymirror.currencyIsoCode  to the field CurrencyIsoCode from my SObject  - I can't work out the syntax for this.
Secondly, once I get that resolved, I need to be able to build mymirror.Name  by concatenating the year,  month ( from the ScheduleDate  ) and the Name  from the SObject.

Any help would be appreciated.

  • October 13, 2016
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I created a piece of schedulable Apex code but encountered the "scheduled apex class getting Too many DML rows: 10001 error" as one of the queries exceeded the row limit.  I am relatively new to Force and was aware of the governere limits but this has caught me out but after a bit of reading understand why. 

I think my solution is to adapt my code to use the batch interface and then create a new schedulable piece of code to then call this. My problem is re-cutting my code into a batchable form - would anyone be able to suggest how I can re-structure this?

The original code is:
Global class RefreshScheduleMirror  implements Schedulable {

      global void execute(SchedulableContext SC) {


    public void RefreshSchedule()  {
    /// Delete the old mirror records ///

	ScheduleMirror__c[] doomedMirrors = [SELECT Name FROM ScheduleMirror__c]; 
		try {
    	delete doomedMirrors;
	} catch (DmlException e) {
    // Process exception here
    /// Create the current schedulve list and query and query to populate it
    OpportunityLineItemSchedule[] allSchedules = [ SELECT CurrencyIsoCode, OpportunityLineItemId, ScheduleDate, Revenue,  Quantity, Type, Description FROM OpportunityLineItemSchedule];
    /// Create list for the product instance records and query to populate it

    OpportunityLineItem[] AlllineItems = [ SELECT ID, Name, OpportunityId, Product2Id, ProductCode  FROM OpportunityLineItem];
     // Create new list to store the records ( based on the structure defined by the custom object Schedule Mirror )
        List<ScheduleMirror__c> newmirrors = new List<ScheduleMirror__c>();
        /// Loop around each line item schedule record - create variable 'myschedule' for each iteration through array 'allSchedules'
        for (OpportunityLineItemSchedule myschedule : allSchedules) {
             // inner loop around the Opportunity Product 
            for (OpportunityLineItem mylineitem : AlllineItems)  {
                if (mylineitem.ID == myschedule.OpportunityLineItemId)  {
                    // create variable 'mymirror' to hold the record values 
                    ScheduleMirror__c mymirror = new ScheduleMirror__c(); 
                    mymirror.CurrencyIsoCode = myschedule.CurrencyIsoCode;
                    mymirror.Name = myschedule.ScheduleDate.year() + '-' + myschedule.ScheduleDate.month() + '-' + mylineitem.Name;
                    mymirror.LineItemID__c = myschedule.OpportunityLineItemId;
                    mymirror.Opportunity__c = mylineitem.OpportunityId;
                    mymirror.Schedule_Amount__c = myschedule.Revenue;
                    mymirror.Schedule_Date__c = myschedule.ScheduleDate;
                    mymirror.Schedule_Description__c = myschedule.Description;
  					mymirror.Schedule_Quantity__c = myschedule.Quantity;
                    mymirror.Schedule_Type__c = myschedule.Type;
                    mymirror.ProductID__c = mylineitem.Product2Id;
                    mymirror.Product_Code__c = mylineitem.ProductCode;
            		// Update the list with all the records retrieved in the for loop
                // update database     
                upsert newmirrors;   
What I have so far....
1 - I split the clear out of the custom object into a separate batch;
Global class PurgeOldMirrorsBatch implements Database.Batchable<sObject> 

  global Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext BC)
            String query ='SELECT Name FROM ScheduleMirror__c';
	        return Database.getQueryLocator(query);
    global void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC, List<ScheduleMirror__c> scope){
	    delete scope; 
    global void finish(Database.BatchableContext BC){

2 - I then 'tried' to create a batchable piece of Apex code to do the main processing but cannot get my head around how I transfer my query results into my list and then update my custom object.
Global class RefreshScheduleMirrorBatch implements Database.Batchable<sObject> 

  global Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext BC)
      /// Grab the data upfront 
            String query ='SELECT CurrencyIsoCode, OpportunityLineItemId, ScheduleDate, Revenue,  Quantity, Type, Description, OpportunityLineItem.ID, OpportunityLineItem.Name, OpportunityLineItem.OpportunityId, OpportunityLineItem.Product2Id, OpportunityLineItem.ProductCode  FROM OpportunityLineItemSchedule';
	        return Database.getQueryLocator(query);
      global void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC, List<sObject> scope) {
        // Create new list to store the records ( based on the structure defined by the custom object Schedule Mirror )
        List<ScheduleMirror__c> newmirrors = new List<ScheduleMirror__c>();
         // This is the section I am having issues getting my head around - how to build up the records to populate my list from my query results.  
        for( ScheduleMirror__c myschedule : scope)  
                if (myschedule.ID == myschedule.OpportunityLineItemId)  {
                    // create variable 'mymirror' to hold the record values 
                    ScheduleMirror__c mymirror = new ScheduleMirror__c(); 
                    mymirror.CurrencyIsoCode = myschedule.CurrencyIsoCode;
                    mymirror.Name = myschedule.ScheduleDate.year() + '-' + myschedule.ScheduleDate.month() + '-' + myschedule.Name;
                    mymirror.LineItemID__c = myschedule.OpportunityLineItemId;
                    mymirror.Opportunity__c = myschedule.OpportunityId;
                    mymirror.Schedule_Amount__c = myschedule.Revenue;
                    mymirror.Schedule_Date__c = myschedule.ScheduleDate;
                    mymirror.Schedule_Description__c = myschedule.Description;
  					mymirror.Schedule_Quantity__c = myschedule.Quantity;
                    mymirror.Schedule_Type__c = myschedule.Type;
                    mymirror.ProductID__c = myschedule.Product2Id;
                    mymirror.Product_Code__c = myschedule.ProductCode;
            		// Update the list with all the records retrieved in the for loop
                // update database     
                upsert newmirrors;   

3 - The idea was then to call both of these from the scheduble code i.e
Global class RefreshScheduleMirrorExec  implements Schedulable 
      global void execute(SchedulableContext SC) 
          PurgeOldMirrorsBatch  Purge = new PurgeOldMirrorsBatch();
          RefreshScheduleMirrorBatch MirrorBatch = new RefreshScheduleMirrorBatch();


Am I way off the mark in my approach? Any help would be appreciated.

  • October 12, 2016
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Hoping you can explain what I am experiencing when running a SOQL query on the OpportunityLineItemSchedule to sum the revenue for this quarter. I have the following query:

SELECT sum(Revenue) FROM OpportunityLineItemSchedule where OpportunityLineItem.Opportunity.StageName in ('Closed Won','Contract','Pricing','Trial','Contract Signed','Schedule Variation Open','Schedule Variation–Signed') and ScheduleDate =THIS_QUARTER

but when I use the same criteria to run an report via SF I get a different amount. The value is more in the report.

The report type I am running is an Opportunity Schedule report and is based on Schedule Date range being in Current FQ (which is 01/07/2016 to 30/09/2016 ) and filtered on Stage equals ('Closed Won','Contract','Pricing','Trial','Contract Signed','Schedule Variation Open','Schedule Variation–Signed') and is returning the Opportunity Name, Stage and Schedule Amount. and returns the Schedule Amount ( as there is no option for Revenue )
Could you tell me what the relationship is between the Schedule Amount ( that I can get from the report ) and the 'Revenue' ( from the dev guides https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.api.meta/api/sforce_api_objects_opportunitylineitemschedule.htm ) that I am referring to in the query? I did see a post https://success.salesforce.com/answers?id=9063A000000ZmsoQAC that mentioned sharing limits - I could see the relevance if the amount in the query was greater but it is the other way around and I am really struggling to reconcile the figures.

When I expand the query out to this...

SELECT OpportunityLineItem.Opportunity.ID, OpportunityLineItem.Opportunity.name, OpportunityLineItem.Opportunity.CloseDate, ScheduleDate, Revenue, CurrencyIsoCode FROM OpportunityLineItemSchedule where OpportunityLineItem.Opportunity.StageName in ('Closed Won','Contract','Pricing','Trial','Contract Signed','Schedule Variation–Open','Schedule Variation–Signed') and ScheduleDate = THIS_QUARTER

export to excel and manually sum the revenue i get a different figure than my original sum(revenue) query. Have I expanded this incorrectly?

The expanded query returns less rows than the report so this would explain the difference - I just don't know how to correct it

  • September 07, 2016
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I am attempting to write a trigger on a custom object but it doesn't seem to being updating - my logic must be flawed in some way. The basic premise is that I have 2 checkbox fields that are updated depending on if a date field ( on the same object) falls within the bounds of either THIS_QUARTER or NEXT_QUARTER.  My code looks like this:
trigger SM_Ident_Quarter on ScheduleMirror__c (before insert, before update) {
   for(ScheduleMirror__c SchedMirr : Trigger.New){
     // if the schedule date is in This Quarter then update the this quarter flag
     for( ScheduleMirror__c s: [SELECT ID, Current_Quarter__c, Next_quarter__c, schedule_date__c  from schedulemirror__c where schedule_date__c = THIS_QUARTER]){
         if(s.id != null)
            s.Current_Quarter__c = TRUE;
     // if the schedule date is in Next Quarter then update the next quarter flag
     for( ScheduleMirror__c sm: [SELECT ID, Current_Quarter__c, Next_quarter__c, schedule_date__c  from schedulemirror__c where schedule_date__c = NEXT_QUARTER]){
         if(sm.id != null)
            sm.Next_quarter__c = TRUE;    
I feel this should be quite simple but I think I am missing something fundamental.
Any help would be much appreciated,

  • October 18, 2016
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I have been struggling with this piece of apex for the last few days  - had considered using batchable context but was struggling to get my head around it. So, I am persevering with a schedulable piece of code - its not very elegant but initial testing on volume data indicates it won't blow the dml or cpu limits ( now that I am not doing a nested loop )  - what I am struggling with is the syntax to assign my values I have loaded in the Sobject to my list. Would someone be able to point me in the right direction?
My code is:
Global class RefreshScheduleMirror  implements Schedulable {

      global void execute(SchedulableContext SC) {


    public void RefreshSchedule()  {
    /// Delete the old mirror records ///

	ScheduleMirror__c[] doomedMirrors = [SELECT Name FROM ScheduleMirror__c]; 
		try {
  	delete doomedMirrors;
	} catch (DmlException e) {
    // Process exception here
       /// use generic object to pull combined line item and schedule records 
        SObject[] allSchedules = [ SELECT  CurrencyIsoCode, OpportunityLineItemId, ScheduleDate,    Revenue,Quantity, Type, Description, OpportunityLineItem.Name, OpportunityLineItem.OpportunityId, 
                                  OpportunityLineItem.Product2Id, OpportunityLineItem.ProductCode 
                                  FROM OpportunityLineItemSchedule];  
        SObject IsoCode = getSObject('CurrencyIsoCode');
        /// Create new list to store the records ( based on the structure defined by the custom object Schedule Mirror )
        List<ScheduleMirror__c> newmirrors = new List<ScheduleMirror__c>();
        /// for (OpportunityLineItem Schedule myschedule : allSchedules) {
        for (SObject myschedule : allSchedules) {
                // create variable 'mymirror' to hold the record values 
                 ScheduleMirror__c mymirror = new ScheduleMirror__c(); 
                 mymirror.CurrencyIsoCode = myschedule.get(OpportunityLineItemSchedule.CurrencyIsoCode);
            	 mymirror.Name = myschedule.get('ScheduleDate.year() + '-' + myschedule.ScheduleDate.month() + '-' + myschedule.Name');
                 //mymirror.LineItemID__c = string.valueOf(myschedule.get('OpportunityLineItemId'));
				 //mymirror.Opportunity__c = string.valueOf(myschedule.get('OpportunityId'));
                 //mymirror.Schedule_Amount__c = string.valueOf(myschedule.get('Revenue'));
                 //mymirror.Schedule_Date__c =  string.valueOf(myschedule.get('ScheduleDate'));   
                 //mymirror.Schedule_Description__c = string.valueOf(myschedule.get('Description'));
                 //mymirror.Schedule_Quantity__c = string.valueOf(myschedule.get('Quantity'));
				 //mymirror.Schedule_Type__c = string.valueOf(myschedule.get('Type'));
				 //mymirror.Schedule_Type__c = string.valueOf(myschedule.get('Product2Id'));
				 //mymirror.Product_Code__c = string.valueOf(myschedule.get('ProductCode'));
                 //mymirror.Name = string.valueOf(myschedule.get('Name'));

            // Update the list with all the records retrieved in the for loop

             // update database outwith the for loop!!!!     
     		 upsert newmirrors;  

it is where I am building up the list " ScheduleMirror__c mymirror = new ScheduleMirror__c(); "  that I have my issue:
mymirror.CurrencyIsoCode = myschedule.get(OpportunityLineItemSchedule.CurrencyIsoCode); 
mymirror.Name = myschedule.get('ScheduleDate.year() + '-' + myschedule.ScheduleDate.month() + '-' + myschedule.Name');

My basic issue for example, is that I am trying to map mymirror.currencyIsoCode  to the field CurrencyIsoCode from my SObject  - I can't work out the syntax for this.
Secondly, once I get that resolved, I need to be able to build mymirror.Name  by concatenating the year,  month ( from the ScheduleDate  ) and the Name  from the SObject.

Any help would be appreciated.

  • October 13, 2016
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I created a piece of schedulable Apex code but encountered the "scheduled apex class getting Too many DML rows: 10001 error" as one of the queries exceeded the row limit.  I am relatively new to Force and was aware of the governere limits but this has caught me out but after a bit of reading understand why. 

I think my solution is to adapt my code to use the batch interface and then create a new schedulable piece of code to then call this. My problem is re-cutting my code into a batchable form - would anyone be able to suggest how I can re-structure this?

The original code is:
Global class RefreshScheduleMirror  implements Schedulable {

      global void execute(SchedulableContext SC) {


    public void RefreshSchedule()  {
    /// Delete the old mirror records ///

	ScheduleMirror__c[] doomedMirrors = [SELECT Name FROM ScheduleMirror__c]; 
		try {
    	delete doomedMirrors;
	} catch (DmlException e) {
    // Process exception here
    /// Create the current schedulve list and query and query to populate it
    OpportunityLineItemSchedule[] allSchedules = [ SELECT CurrencyIsoCode, OpportunityLineItemId, ScheduleDate, Revenue,  Quantity, Type, Description FROM OpportunityLineItemSchedule];
    /// Create list for the product instance records and query to populate it

    OpportunityLineItem[] AlllineItems = [ SELECT ID, Name, OpportunityId, Product2Id, ProductCode  FROM OpportunityLineItem];
     // Create new list to store the records ( based on the structure defined by the custom object Schedule Mirror )
        List<ScheduleMirror__c> newmirrors = new List<ScheduleMirror__c>();
        /// Loop around each line item schedule record - create variable 'myschedule' for each iteration through array 'allSchedules'
        for (OpportunityLineItemSchedule myschedule : allSchedules) {
             // inner loop around the Opportunity Product 
            for (OpportunityLineItem mylineitem : AlllineItems)  {
                if (mylineitem.ID == myschedule.OpportunityLineItemId)  {
                    // create variable 'mymirror' to hold the record values 
                    ScheduleMirror__c mymirror = new ScheduleMirror__c(); 
                    mymirror.CurrencyIsoCode = myschedule.CurrencyIsoCode;
                    mymirror.Name = myschedule.ScheduleDate.year() + '-' + myschedule.ScheduleDate.month() + '-' + mylineitem.Name;
                    mymirror.LineItemID__c = myschedule.OpportunityLineItemId;
                    mymirror.Opportunity__c = mylineitem.OpportunityId;
                    mymirror.Schedule_Amount__c = myschedule.Revenue;
                    mymirror.Schedule_Date__c = myschedule.ScheduleDate;
                    mymirror.Schedule_Description__c = myschedule.Description;
  					mymirror.Schedule_Quantity__c = myschedule.Quantity;
                    mymirror.Schedule_Type__c = myschedule.Type;
                    mymirror.ProductID__c = mylineitem.Product2Id;
                    mymirror.Product_Code__c = mylineitem.ProductCode;
            		// Update the list with all the records retrieved in the for loop
                // update database     
                upsert newmirrors;   
What I have so far....
1 - I split the clear out of the custom object into a separate batch;
Global class PurgeOldMirrorsBatch implements Database.Batchable<sObject> 

  global Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext BC)
            String query ='SELECT Name FROM ScheduleMirror__c';
	        return Database.getQueryLocator(query);
    global void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC, List<ScheduleMirror__c> scope){
	    delete scope; 
    global void finish(Database.BatchableContext BC){

2 - I then 'tried' to create a batchable piece of Apex code to do the main processing but cannot get my head around how I transfer my query results into my list and then update my custom object.
Global class RefreshScheduleMirrorBatch implements Database.Batchable<sObject> 

  global Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext BC)
      /// Grab the data upfront 
            String query ='SELECT CurrencyIsoCode, OpportunityLineItemId, ScheduleDate, Revenue,  Quantity, Type, Description, OpportunityLineItem.ID, OpportunityLineItem.Name, OpportunityLineItem.OpportunityId, OpportunityLineItem.Product2Id, OpportunityLineItem.ProductCode  FROM OpportunityLineItemSchedule';
	        return Database.getQueryLocator(query);
      global void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC, List<sObject> scope) {
        // Create new list to store the records ( based on the structure defined by the custom object Schedule Mirror )
        List<ScheduleMirror__c> newmirrors = new List<ScheduleMirror__c>();
         // This is the section I am having issues getting my head around - how to build up the records to populate my list from my query results.  
        for( ScheduleMirror__c myschedule : scope)  
                if (myschedule.ID == myschedule.OpportunityLineItemId)  {
                    // create variable 'mymirror' to hold the record values 
                    ScheduleMirror__c mymirror = new ScheduleMirror__c(); 
                    mymirror.CurrencyIsoCode = myschedule.CurrencyIsoCode;
                    mymirror.Name = myschedule.ScheduleDate.year() + '-' + myschedule.ScheduleDate.month() + '-' + myschedule.Name;
                    mymirror.LineItemID__c = myschedule.OpportunityLineItemId;
                    mymirror.Opportunity__c = myschedule.OpportunityId;
                    mymirror.Schedule_Amount__c = myschedule.Revenue;
                    mymirror.Schedule_Date__c = myschedule.ScheduleDate;
                    mymirror.Schedule_Description__c = myschedule.Description;
  					mymirror.Schedule_Quantity__c = myschedule.Quantity;
                    mymirror.Schedule_Type__c = myschedule.Type;
                    mymirror.ProductID__c = myschedule.Product2Id;
                    mymirror.Product_Code__c = myschedule.ProductCode;
            		// Update the list with all the records retrieved in the for loop
                // update database     
                upsert newmirrors;   

3 - The idea was then to call both of these from the scheduble code i.e
Global class RefreshScheduleMirrorExec  implements Schedulable 
      global void execute(SchedulableContext SC) 
          PurgeOldMirrorsBatch  Purge = new PurgeOldMirrorsBatch();
          RefreshScheduleMirrorBatch MirrorBatch = new RefreshScheduleMirrorBatch();


Am I way off the mark in my approach? Any help would be appreciated.

  • October 12, 2016
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