• Jordan Torrey
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  • American Express

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so ive got 83 objects im testing for. My positive test method fails - while my negative test case passes. The positive case stops at object 81, and i cant figure out why its not iterating all the way through to 83....It may be pretty obvious, as im still new to apex development. Any advice would be more than welcome. Thanks in advance. 
P.S. I removed some of the objects from the sample code as I've hit the character limit - so please feel free to reach out to me with any questions or concerns.
public class DynamicDataCapture {
       static Aexp_Enrollment__c objEnroll;  
    public static void setup(){
        List<AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c> lstobjDDC = new List<AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c>();
		objEnroll = new Aexp_Enrollment__c();
		objEnroll.Opportunity__c = '0064B000003bdRA';
		insert objEnroll;
        AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c objDDC = new AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c();	
        objDDC.Display_When__c = '';
        objDDC.Element_Id__c = '49';
        objDDC.Element_Label__c = 'Legal Company Name';
        objDDC.Element_Type__c = 'Text';
        objDDC.Element_Value__c = 'Dreamforce';
        objDDC.Enrollment__c =objEnroll.id; //'a694B00000003wdQAA';
        objDDC.Field_Sort_Id__c = '1';
        objDDC.isRequired__c = True;
        objDDC.Max_Length__c = 100;
        objDDC.Section_Name__c = 'Legal Company Information';
        objDDC.Section_Sort_Id__c = '';
        lstobjDDC.add(objDDC); //<-- Add object one to the list
        AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c objDDC2 = new AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c();  //<-- Object 2
        objDDC2.Display_When__c = '';
        objDDC2.Element_Id__c = '59';
        objDDC2.Element_Label__c = 'Comapny Name(Doing Business As)';
        objDDC2.Element_Type__c = 'text';
        objDDC2.Element_Value__c = 'Dreamforce';
        objDDC2.Enrollment__c =objEnroll.id; //'a694B00000003wdQAA';
        objDDC2.Field_Sort_Id__c = '1';
        objDDC2.isRequired__c = False;
        objDDC2.Max_Length__c = 100;
        objDDC2.Section_Name__c = 'Legal Company Information';
        objDDC2.Section_Sort_Id__c = '1';
        lstobjDDC.add(objDDC2); //<-- Add object 2 to the list
        AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c objDDC3 = new AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c(); //<--Object 3
        objDDC3.Display_When__c = '';
        objDDC3.Element_Id__c = '50';
        objDDC3.Element_Label__c = 'Tax ID Number (TIN)';
        objDDC3.Element_Type__c = 'Text';
        objDDC3.Element_Value__c = '4567899';
        objDDC3.Enrollment__c =objEnroll.id; //'a694B00000003wdQAA';
        objDDC3.Field_Sort_Id__c = '3';
        objDDC3.isRequired__c = True;
        objDDC3.Max_Length__c = 16;
        objDDC3.Section_Sort_Id__c ='1';
        objDDC3.Section_Name__c ='Legal Company Information';
        AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c objDDC4 = new AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c(); //<-- Object 4
        objDDC4.Display_When__c = '';
        objDDC4.Element_Id__c = '60';
        objDDC4.Element_Label__c = 'Dun & Bradstreet Number';
        objDDC4.Element_Type__c = 'Text';
        objDDC4.Element_Value__c = '456789';
        objDDC4.Enrollment__c =objEnroll.id; //'a694B00000003wdQAA';
        objDDC4.Field_Sort_Id__c = '4';
        objDDC4.isRequired__c = False;
        objDDC4.Max_Length__c = 9;
        objDDC4.Section_Name__c = 'Legal Company Information';
        objDDC4.Section_Sort_Id__c = '1';
        AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c objDDC5 = new AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c();
        objDDC5.Display_When__c = '';
        objDDC5.Element_Id__c = '51';
        objDDC5.Element_Label__c = 'Corporate Phone Number';
        objDDC5.Element_Type__c = 'Text';
        objDDC5.Element_Value__c = '(876) 545-6787';
        objDDC5.Enrollment__c =objEnroll.id; //'a694B00000003wdQAA';
        objDDC5.Field_Sort_Id__c = '5';
        objDDC5.isRequired__c = True;
        objDDC5.Max_Length__c = 40;
        objDDC5.Section_Name__c = 'Legal Company Information';
        objDDC5.Section_Sort_Id__c = '1';
        AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c objDDC6 = new AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c();
        objDDC6.Display_When__c = '';
        objDDC6.Element_Id__c = 'Date of Incorprotation';
        objDDC6.Element_Type__c = 'Text';
        objDDC6.Element_Value__c = '5/1/2016';
        objDDC6.Enrollment__c =objEnroll.id; //'a694B00000003wdQAA';
        objDDC6.Field_Sort_Id__c = '6';
        objDDC6.isRequired__c = True;
        objDDC6.Max_Length__c = 10;
        objDDC6.Section_Name__c = 'Legal Comapny Information';
        objDDC6.Section_Sort_Id__c = '1';
        AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c objDDC7 = new AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c();
        objDDC7.Display_When__c = '';
        objDDC7.Element_Id__c = '52';
        objDDC7.Element_Label__c = 'Corporate Headquarter Address';
        objDDC7.Element_Type__c = 'Text Area';
        objDDC7.Element_Value__c = '23456 N 44 St';
        objDDC7.Enrollment__c =objEnroll.id; //'a694B00000003wdQAA';
        objDDC7.Field_Sort_Id__c = '7';
        objDDC7.isRequired__c = True;
        objDDC7.Max_Length__c = 25;
        objDDC7.Section_Name__c = 'Legal Company Name';
        objDDC7.Section_Sort_Id__c = '1';
        AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c objDDC8 = new AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c();
        objDDC8.Display_When__c = '';
        objDDC8.Element_Id__c = '62';
        objDDC8.Element_Label__c = 'Country of Incorporation';
        objDDC8.Element_Type__c = 'Text';
        objDDC8.Element_Value__c = 'USA';
        objDDC8.Enrollment__c =objEnroll.id; //'a694B00000003wdQAA';
        objDDC8.Field_Sort_Id__c = '8';
        objDDC8.isRequired__c = True;
        objDDC8.Max_Length__c = 80;
        objDDC8.Section_Name__c = 'Legal Comapny Information';
        objDDC8.Section_Sort_Id__c = '1';
        AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c objDDC9 = new AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c();
        objDDC9.Display_When__c = '';
        objDDC9.Element_Id__c = '54';
        objDDC9.Element_Label__c = 'City';
        objDDC9.Element_Type__c = 'Text';
        objDDC9.Element_Value__c = 'Phoenix';
        objDDC9.Enrollment__c =objEnroll.id; //'a694B00000003wdQAA';
        objDDC9.Field_Sort_Id__c = '9';
        objDDC9.isRequired__c = True;
        objDDC9.Max_Length__c = 80;
        objDDC9.Section_Name__c = 'Legal Company Information';
        objDDC9.Section_Sort_Id__c = '1';
        AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c objDDC10 = new AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c();
        objDDC10.Display_When__c = '';
        objDDC10.Element_Id__c = '65';
        objDDC10.Element_Label__c = 'State of Incorportation';
        objDDC10.Element_Type__c = 'Text';
        objDDC10.Element_Value__c = 'Arizona';
        objDDC10.Enrollment__c =objEnroll.id; //'a694B00000003wdQAA';
        objDDC10.Field_Sort_Id__c = '10';
        objDDC10.isRequired__c = False;
        objDDC10.Max_Length__c = 80;
        objDDC10.Section_Name__c = 'Legal Company Information';
        objDDC10.Section_Sort_Id__c = '1';
        AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c objDDC11 = new AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c();
        objDDC11.Display_When__c = '';
        objDDC11.Element_Id__c = '56';
        objDDC11.Element_Label__c = 'Stat';
        objDDC11.Element_Type__c = 'Text';
        objDDC11.Element_Value__c = 'Arizona';
        objDDC11.Enrollment__c =objEnroll.id; //'a694B00000003wdQAA';
        objDDC11.Field_Sort_Id__c = '11';
        objDDC11.isRequired__c = True;
        objDDC11.Max_Length__c = 80;
        objDDC11.Section_Name__c = 'Legal Company Information';
        objDDC11.Section_Sort_Id__c = '1';
        AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c objDDC12 = new AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c();
        objDDC12.Display_When__c = '';
        objDDC12.Element_Id__c = '64';
        objDDC12.Element_Label__c = 'Website';
        objDDC12.Element_Type__c = 'text';
        objDDC12.Element_Value__c = 'www.force.com';
        objDDC12.Enrollment__c =objEnroll.id; //'a694B00000003wdQAA';
        objDDC12.Field_Sort_Id__c = '12';
        objDDC12.isRequired__c = True;
        objDDC12.Max_length__c = 255;
        objDDC12.Section_Name__c = 'Legal Comapny Information';
        objDDC12.Section_Sort_Id__c = '1';
        AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c objDDC13 = new AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c();
        objDDC13.Display_When__c = '';
        objDDC13.Element_Id__c = '57';
        objDDC13.Element_Label__c = 'Zip';
        objDDC13.Element_Type__c = 'Text';
        objDDC13.Element_Value__c = '85027';
        objDDC13.Enrollment__c =objEnroll.id; //'a694B00000003wdQAA';
        objDDC13.Field_Sort_Id__c = '13';
        objDDC13.isRequired__c = True;
        objDDC13.Max_Length__c = 9;
        objDDC13.Section_Name__c = 'Lagal Company Information';
        objDDC13.Section_Sort_Id__c = '1';
        AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c objDDC14 = new AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c();
        objDDC14.Display_When__c = '';
        objDDC14.Element_Id__c = '63';
        objDDC14.Element_Label__c = 'Client Type';
        objDDC14.Element_Type__c = 'Text';
        objDDC14.Element_Value__c = 'New';
        objDDC14.Enrollment__c =objEnroll.id; //'a694B00000003wdQAA';
        objDDC14.Field_Sort_Id__c = '1';
        objDDC14.isRequired__c = True;
        objDDC14.Max_Length__c = 40;
        objDDC14.Section_Name__c = 'Legal Company Information';
        objDDC14.Section_Sort_Id__c = '1';
        AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c objDDC15 = new AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c();
        objDDC15.Display_When__C = '';
        objDDC15.Element_Id__c = '53';
        objDDC15.Element_Label__c = 'Corporate Headquarter Address Line 2';
        objDDC15.Element_Type__c = 'Text';
        objDDC15.Element_Value__c = '';
        objDDC15.Enrollment__c =objEnroll.id; //'a694B00000003wdQAA';
        objDDC15.Field_Sort_Id__c = '1011';
        objDDC15.isRequired__c = False;
        objDDC15.Max_Length__c = 40;
        objDDC15.Section_Name__c = 'Legal Comapny Information';
        objDDC15.Section_Sort_Id__c = '1';
        AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c objDDC16 = new AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c();
        objDDC16.Display_When__c = '';
        objDDC16.Element_Id__c = '58';
        objDDC16.Element_Label__c = 'SFDC Opportunity ID';
        objDDC16.Element_Type__c = 'Text';
        objDDC16.Element_Value__c = '0064B000003bdRAQAY';
        objDDC16.Enrollment__c =objEnroll.id; //'a694B00000003wdQAA';
        objDDC16.Field_Sort_Id__c = '1024';
        objDDC16.isRequired__c = False;
        objDDC16.Max_Length__c = 25;
        objDDC16.Section_Name__c = 'Legal Comapny Information';
        objDDC16.Section_Sort_Id__c = '1';
        AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c objDDC17 = new AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c();
        objDDC17.Display_When__c = '';
        objDDC17.Element_Id__c = '43';
        objDDC17.Element_Label__c = 'Company Type';
        objDDC17.Element_Type__c = 'Text';
        objDDC17.Element_Value__c = 'Private';
        objDDC17.Enrollment__c =objEnroll.id; //'a694B00000003wdQAA';
        objDDC17.Field_Sort_Id__c = '1';
        objDDC17.isRequired__c = True;
        objDDC17.Max_Length__c = 40;
        objDDC17.Section_Name__c = 'Corporate Demograpihc';
        objDDC17.Section_Sort_Id__c = '2';
// <This is where I deleted the rest of the objects > 
        AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c objDDC81 = new AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c();
        objDDC81.Display_When__c = '';
        objDDC81.Element_Id__c = '75';
        objDDC81.Element_Label__c = 'Zip';
        objDDC81.Element_Type__c = 'Text';
        objDDC81.Element_Value__c = '85027';
        objDDC81.Enrollment__c =objEnroll.id; //'a694B00000003wdQAA';
        objDDC81.Field_Sort_Id__c = '16';
        objDDC81.isRequired__c = False;
        objDDC81.Max_Length__c = 20;
        objDDC81.Section_Name__c = 'Master Program Administrator';
        objDDC81.Section_Sort_Id__c = '8';
        AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c objDDC82 = new AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c();
        objDDC82.Display_When__c = '';
        objDDC82.Element_Id__c = '76';
        objDDC82.Element_Label__c = 'Country';
        objDDC82.Element_Type__c = 'Text';
        objDDC82.Element_Value__c = 'USA';
        objDDC82.Enrollment__c =objEnroll.id; //'a694B00000003wdQAA';
        objDDC82.Field_Sort_Id__c = '17';
        objDDC82.isRequired__c = False;
        objDDC82.Max_Length__c = 80;
        objDDC82.Section_Name__c = 'Master Program Administrator';
        objDDC82.Section_Sort_Id__c = '8';
        AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c objDDC83 = new AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c();
        objDDC83.Display_When__c = '';
        objDDC83.Element_Id__c = '72';
        objDDC83.Element_Label__c = 'Address Line 2';
        objDDC83.Element_Type__c = 'Text';
        objDDC83.Element_Value__c = '';
        objDDC83.Enrollment__c =objEnroll.id; //'a694B00000003wdQAA';
        objDDC83.Field_Sort_Id__c = '1005';
        objDDC83.isRequired__c = False;
        objDDC83.Max_Length__c = 40;
        objDDC83.Section_Name__c = 'Master Program Administrator';
        objDDC83.Section_Sort_Id__c = '8';
        catch(DmlException e){
            system.debug('Exception: '+e.getMessage());
         // Beginning of test methods - Positive/Negative

        public static testMethod void testPositiveTestCases(){

            List<AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c> lstDDC = new List<AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c>();
            lstDDC = [Select Id from AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c where Enrollment__c = :objEnroll.id];
           system.debug('lst:::::'+ lstDDC.size());
            System.assert(lstDDC.size() == 83);
        //Add each variable name to the test case method
        lstDDC = [Select Element_Label__c from AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c];
        system.assert(lstDDC.size() >= 83);
        lstDDC = [Select Display_When__c from AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c];
        system.assert(lstDDC.size() >= 83 );
        lstDDC = [Select Element_Id__c from AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c];
        system.assert(lstDDC.size() >= 83);
        lstDDC = [Select Element_Type__c from AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c];
        system.assert(lstDDC.size() >= 83);
        lstDDC = [Select Element_Value__c from AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c];
        system.assert(lstDDC.size() >= 83);
        lstDDC = [Select Enrollment__c from AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c];
        system.assert(lstDDC.size() >= 83);
        lstDDC = [Select Field_Sort_Id__c from AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c];
        system.assert(lstDDC.size() >= 83);
        lstDDC = [Select isRequired__c from AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c];
        system.assert(lstDDC.size() >= 83);
        lstDDC = [Select Max_Length__c from AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c];
        system.assert(lstDDC.size() >= 83);
        lstDDC = [Select Picklist_Values__c from AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c];
        system.assert(lstDDC.size() >= 83);
        lstDDc = [Select Section_Name__c from AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c];
        system.assert(lstDDC.size() >=83);
        lstDDC = [Select Section_Sort_Id__c from AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c];
        system.assert(lstDDC.size() >= 83);       
	     static testMethod void testNegativeTestCases() {
        List<AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c> lstDDC1 = new List<AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c>();
            lstDDC1 = [Select Id from AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c where Enrollment__c = 'a694B00000003wdQAA' ];
            system.assert(lstDDC1.size() != 83);
        List<AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c> lstDDC = new List<AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c>();
        lstDDC = [Select Element_Label__c from  AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c];
       system.assert(lstDDC.size() >=83);
        lstDDC = [Select Display_When__c from AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c];
        system.assert(lstDDC.size() >= 83);
        lstDDC = [Select Element_Id__c from AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c];
        system.assert(lstDDC.size() >= 83);
        lstDDC = [Select Element_Type__c from AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c];
        system.assert(lstDDC.size() >= 83);
        lstDDC = [Select Element_Value__c from AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c];
        system.assert(lstDDC.size() >= 83);
        lstDDC = [Select Enrollment__c from AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c];
        system.assert(lstDDC.size() >= 83);
        lstDDC = [Select Field_Sort_Id__c from AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c];
        system.assert(lstDDC.size() >= 83);
        lstDDC = [Select isRequired__c from AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c];
        system.assert(lstDDC.size() >= 83);
        lstDDC = [Select Max_Length__c from AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c];
        system.assert(lstDDC.size() >= 83);
        lstDDC = [Select Picklist_Values__c from AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c];
        system.assert(lstDDC.size() >= 83);
        lstDDC = [Select Section_Sort_Id__c from AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c];
        system.assert(lstDDC.size() >= 83);
        lstDDC = [Select Section_Name__c from AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c];
        system.assert(lstDDC.size() >= 83); 
Here is what is showing up in the debug log:
11:16:25:586 USER_DEBUG [1377]|DEBUG|lst:::::81

Here is the test log:
System.AssertException: Assertion Failed
Class.DynamicDataCapture.testPositiveTestCases: line 1378, column 1
I have no idea why this exception is being thrown. If anyone can shed some light, it would be much appreciated. This unit test keeps failing and I've been through the code a million times and havent had any luck. My first guess is that my object is not iterating all the way through my list, but i could be very off, but I havent found anything out of the norm. Any help would be appreciated. Best answer gets a brand new United States aircraft carrier, and one billion dollars. Thanks :)
//There quite a bit more code in my class, these are just the test cases. There are a total of 83 objects in my list. If you need the rest of my code, please let me know and I'll be happy to post it.

//Positive test case:

  public static testMethod void testPositiveTestCases(){

            List<AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c> lstDDC = new List<AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c>();
            lstDDC = [Select Id from AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c where Enrollment__c = :objEnroll.id];
            System.debug('Size:::'+ lstDDC.size());
            System.assert(lstDDC.size() == 83);

 lstDDC = [Select Element_Label__c from AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c];
        system.assert(lstDDC.size() >= 83);
        lstDDC = [Select Display_When__c from AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c];
        system.assert(lstDDC.size() >= 83 );
        lstDDC = [Select Element_Id__c from AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c];
        system.assert(lstDDC.size() >= 83);
        lstDDC = [Select Element_Type__c from AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c];
        system.assert(lstDDC.size() >= 83);
        lstDDC = [Select Element_Value__c from AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c];
        system.assert(lstDDC.size() >= 83);
        lstDDC = [Select Enrollment__c from AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c];
        system.assert(lstDDC.size() >= 83);
        lstDDC = [Select Field_Sort_Id__c from AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c];
        system.assert(lstDDC.size() >= 83);
        lstDDC = [Select isRequired__c from AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c];
        system.assert(lstDDC.size() >= 83);
        lstDDC = [Select Max_Length__c from AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c];
        system.assert(lstDDC.size() >= 83);
        lstDDC = [Select Picklist_Values__c from AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c];
        system.assert(lstDDC.size() >= 83);
        lstDDc = [Select Section_Name__c from AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c];
        system.assert(lstDDC.size() >=83);
        lstDDC = [Select Section_Sort_Id__c from AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c];
        system.assert(lstDDC.size() >= 83);       

//Negative test case

	     static testMethod void testNegativeTestCases() {
        List<AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c> lstDDC1 = new List<AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c>();
            lstDDC1 = [Select Id from AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c where Enrollment__c = 'a694B00000003wdQAA' ];
            system.assert(lstDDC1.size() != 83);

        List<AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c> lstDDC = new List<AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c>();
        lstDDC = [Select Element_Label__c from  AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c];
       system.assert(lstDDC.size() >=83);
        lstDDC = [Select Display_When__c from AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c];
        system.assert(lstDDC.size() >= 83);
        lstDDC = [Select Element_Id__c from AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c];
        system.assert(lstDDC.size() >= 83);
        lstDDC = [Select Element_Type__c from AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c];
        system.assert(lstDDC.size() >= 83);
        lstDDC = [Select Element_Value__c from AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c];
        system.assert(lstDDC.size() >= 83);
        lstDDC = [Select Enrollment__c from AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c];
        system.assert(lstDDC.size() >= 83);
        lstDDC = [Select Field_Sort_Id__c from AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c];
        system.assert(lstDDC.size() >= 83);
        lstDDC = [Select isRequired__c from AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c];
        system.assert(lstDDC.size() >= 83);
        lstDDC = [Select Max_Length__c from AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c];
        system.assert(lstDDC.size() >= 83);
        lstDDC = [Select Picklist_Values__c from AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c];
        system.assert(lstDDC.size() >= 83);
        lstDDC = [Select Section_Sort_Id__c from AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c];
        system.assert(lstDDC.size() >= 83);
        lstDDC = [Select Section_Name__c from AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c];
        system.assert(lstDDC.size() >= 83); 

/*Stack Trace:

Class.DynamicDataCapture.setup: line 1350, column 1
Class.DynamicDataCapture.testNegativeTestCases: line 1423, column 1

// Line 1350 is pointing to my "catch" statement below - end of list:
        catch(DmlException e){
            system.debug('Exception: '+e.getMessage());

//Exception is pointing to the setup():
        public static testMethod void testPositiveTestCases(){
        setup();  // <----- Line 1365 (exception)
        List<AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c> lstDDC = new List<AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c>();
            lstDDC = [Select Id from AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c where Enrollment__c = 'a694B00000003wdQAA' ];
            system.assert(lstDDC.size() == 83);

Exception is pointing to setup()

	     static testMethod void testNegativeTestCases() {
       setup();  <---- Line 1423(exception)
        List<AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c> lstDDC1 = new List<AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c>();
            lstDDC1 = [Select Id from AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c where Enrollment__c = 'a694B00000003wdQAA' ];
            system.assert(lstDDC1.size() != 83);

Im extremely new to apex, so please let me know if my example is even legible, and if you need a more detailed question. Any insight would be of great help. Thanks in advance :)
This is driving me crazy. I've checked the API name, and tried toying with it in any possible way(I can think of) . Im a very new SF developer, so i would not be suprised if i made a novice mistake. If anyone can scrutinize this snippet of code and give me a hand, it would be much appreciated. Im just adding objects to a list, so i would imagine once i get this issue resolved, i can use the same method to fix the rest.
AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c objDDC = new AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c();	  
    objDDC.Display_When__c = '';
    objDDC.Element_Id__c = '49';
    objDDC.Element_Label__c = 'Legal Company Name';
    objDDC.Element_Type__c = 'Text';
    objDDC.Element_Value__c = 'Dreamforce';
    objDDC.Enrollement__c = 'a694B00000003wdQAA';
    objDDC.Field_Sort_Id__c = '1';
    objDDC.isRequired__c = 'True';
    objDDC.Max_Length__c = '100';
    objDDC.Section_Name__c = 'Legal Company Information';
    objDDC.Section_Sort_Id__c = '';
so ive got 83 objects im testing for. My positive test method fails - while my negative test case passes. The positive case stops at object 81, and i cant figure out why its not iterating all the way through to 83....It may be pretty obvious, as im still new to apex development. Any advice would be more than welcome. Thanks in advance. 
P.S. I removed some of the objects from the sample code as I've hit the character limit - so please feel free to reach out to me with any questions or concerns.
public class DynamicDataCapture {
       static Aexp_Enrollment__c objEnroll;  
    public static void setup(){
        List<AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c> lstobjDDC = new List<AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c>();
		objEnroll = new Aexp_Enrollment__c();
		objEnroll.Opportunity__c = '0064B000003bdRA';
		insert objEnroll;
        AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c objDDC = new AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c();	
        objDDC.Display_When__c = '';
        objDDC.Element_Id__c = '49';
        objDDC.Element_Label__c = 'Legal Company Name';
        objDDC.Element_Type__c = 'Text';
        objDDC.Element_Value__c = 'Dreamforce';
        objDDC.Enrollment__c =objEnroll.id; //'a694B00000003wdQAA';
        objDDC.Field_Sort_Id__c = '1';
        objDDC.isRequired__c = True;
        objDDC.Max_Length__c = 100;
        objDDC.Section_Name__c = 'Legal Company Information';
        objDDC.Section_Sort_Id__c = '';
        lstobjDDC.add(objDDC); //<-- Add object one to the list
        AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c objDDC2 = new AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c();  //<-- Object 2
        objDDC2.Display_When__c = '';
        objDDC2.Element_Id__c = '59';
        objDDC2.Element_Label__c = 'Comapny Name(Doing Business As)';
        objDDC2.Element_Type__c = 'text';
        objDDC2.Element_Value__c = 'Dreamforce';
        objDDC2.Enrollment__c =objEnroll.id; //'a694B00000003wdQAA';
        objDDC2.Field_Sort_Id__c = '1';
        objDDC2.isRequired__c = False;
        objDDC2.Max_Length__c = 100;
        objDDC2.Section_Name__c = 'Legal Company Information';
        objDDC2.Section_Sort_Id__c = '1';
        lstobjDDC.add(objDDC2); //<-- Add object 2 to the list
        AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c objDDC3 = new AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c(); //<--Object 3
        objDDC3.Display_When__c = '';
        objDDC3.Element_Id__c = '50';
        objDDC3.Element_Label__c = 'Tax ID Number (TIN)';
        objDDC3.Element_Type__c = 'Text';
        objDDC3.Element_Value__c = '4567899';
        objDDC3.Enrollment__c =objEnroll.id; //'a694B00000003wdQAA';
        objDDC3.Field_Sort_Id__c = '3';
        objDDC3.isRequired__c = True;
        objDDC3.Max_Length__c = 16;
        objDDC3.Section_Sort_Id__c ='1';
        objDDC3.Section_Name__c ='Legal Company Information';
        AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c objDDC4 = new AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c(); //<-- Object 4
        objDDC4.Display_When__c = '';
        objDDC4.Element_Id__c = '60';
        objDDC4.Element_Label__c = 'Dun & Bradstreet Number';
        objDDC4.Element_Type__c = 'Text';
        objDDC4.Element_Value__c = '456789';
        objDDC4.Enrollment__c =objEnroll.id; //'a694B00000003wdQAA';
        objDDC4.Field_Sort_Id__c = '4';
        objDDC4.isRequired__c = False;
        objDDC4.Max_Length__c = 9;
        objDDC4.Section_Name__c = 'Legal Company Information';
        objDDC4.Section_Sort_Id__c = '1';
        AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c objDDC5 = new AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c();
        objDDC5.Display_When__c = '';
        objDDC5.Element_Id__c = '51';
        objDDC5.Element_Label__c = 'Corporate Phone Number';
        objDDC5.Element_Type__c = 'Text';
        objDDC5.Element_Value__c = '(876) 545-6787';
        objDDC5.Enrollment__c =objEnroll.id; //'a694B00000003wdQAA';
        objDDC5.Field_Sort_Id__c = '5';
        objDDC5.isRequired__c = True;
        objDDC5.Max_Length__c = 40;
        objDDC5.Section_Name__c = 'Legal Company Information';
        objDDC5.Section_Sort_Id__c = '1';
        AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c objDDC6 = new AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c();
        objDDC6.Display_When__c = '';
        objDDC6.Element_Id__c = 'Date of Incorprotation';
        objDDC6.Element_Type__c = 'Text';
        objDDC6.Element_Value__c = '5/1/2016';
        objDDC6.Enrollment__c =objEnroll.id; //'a694B00000003wdQAA';
        objDDC6.Field_Sort_Id__c = '6';
        objDDC6.isRequired__c = True;
        objDDC6.Max_Length__c = 10;
        objDDC6.Section_Name__c = 'Legal Comapny Information';
        objDDC6.Section_Sort_Id__c = '1';
        AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c objDDC7 = new AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c();
        objDDC7.Display_When__c = '';
        objDDC7.Element_Id__c = '52';
        objDDC7.Element_Label__c = 'Corporate Headquarter Address';
        objDDC7.Element_Type__c = 'Text Area';
        objDDC7.Element_Value__c = '23456 N 44 St';
        objDDC7.Enrollment__c =objEnroll.id; //'a694B00000003wdQAA';
        objDDC7.Field_Sort_Id__c = '7';
        objDDC7.isRequired__c = True;
        objDDC7.Max_Length__c = 25;
        objDDC7.Section_Name__c = 'Legal Company Name';
        objDDC7.Section_Sort_Id__c = '1';
        AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c objDDC8 = new AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c();
        objDDC8.Display_When__c = '';
        objDDC8.Element_Id__c = '62';
        objDDC8.Element_Label__c = 'Country of Incorporation';
        objDDC8.Element_Type__c = 'Text';
        objDDC8.Element_Value__c = 'USA';
        objDDC8.Enrollment__c =objEnroll.id; //'a694B00000003wdQAA';
        objDDC8.Field_Sort_Id__c = '8';
        objDDC8.isRequired__c = True;
        objDDC8.Max_Length__c = 80;
        objDDC8.Section_Name__c = 'Legal Comapny Information';
        objDDC8.Section_Sort_Id__c = '1';
        AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c objDDC9 = new AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c();
        objDDC9.Display_When__c = '';
        objDDC9.Element_Id__c = '54';
        objDDC9.Element_Label__c = 'City';
        objDDC9.Element_Type__c = 'Text';
        objDDC9.Element_Value__c = 'Phoenix';
        objDDC9.Enrollment__c =objEnroll.id; //'a694B00000003wdQAA';
        objDDC9.Field_Sort_Id__c = '9';
        objDDC9.isRequired__c = True;
        objDDC9.Max_Length__c = 80;
        objDDC9.Section_Name__c = 'Legal Company Information';
        objDDC9.Section_Sort_Id__c = '1';
        AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c objDDC10 = new AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c();
        objDDC10.Display_When__c = '';
        objDDC10.Element_Id__c = '65';
        objDDC10.Element_Label__c = 'State of Incorportation';
        objDDC10.Element_Type__c = 'Text';
        objDDC10.Element_Value__c = 'Arizona';
        objDDC10.Enrollment__c =objEnroll.id; //'a694B00000003wdQAA';
        objDDC10.Field_Sort_Id__c = '10';
        objDDC10.isRequired__c = False;
        objDDC10.Max_Length__c = 80;
        objDDC10.Section_Name__c = 'Legal Company Information';
        objDDC10.Section_Sort_Id__c = '1';
        AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c objDDC11 = new AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c();
        objDDC11.Display_When__c = '';
        objDDC11.Element_Id__c = '56';
        objDDC11.Element_Label__c = 'Stat';
        objDDC11.Element_Type__c = 'Text';
        objDDC11.Element_Value__c = 'Arizona';
        objDDC11.Enrollment__c =objEnroll.id; //'a694B00000003wdQAA';
        objDDC11.Field_Sort_Id__c = '11';
        objDDC11.isRequired__c = True;
        objDDC11.Max_Length__c = 80;
        objDDC11.Section_Name__c = 'Legal Company Information';
        objDDC11.Section_Sort_Id__c = '1';
        AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c objDDC12 = new AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c();
        objDDC12.Display_When__c = '';
        objDDC12.Element_Id__c = '64';
        objDDC12.Element_Label__c = 'Website';
        objDDC12.Element_Type__c = 'text';
        objDDC12.Element_Value__c = 'www.force.com';
        objDDC12.Enrollment__c =objEnroll.id; //'a694B00000003wdQAA';
        objDDC12.Field_Sort_Id__c = '12';
        objDDC12.isRequired__c = True;
        objDDC12.Max_length__c = 255;
        objDDC12.Section_Name__c = 'Legal Comapny Information';
        objDDC12.Section_Sort_Id__c = '1';
        AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c objDDC13 = new AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c();
        objDDC13.Display_When__c = '';
        objDDC13.Element_Id__c = '57';
        objDDC13.Element_Label__c = 'Zip';
        objDDC13.Element_Type__c = 'Text';
        objDDC13.Element_Value__c = '85027';
        objDDC13.Enrollment__c =objEnroll.id; //'a694B00000003wdQAA';
        objDDC13.Field_Sort_Id__c = '13';
        objDDC13.isRequired__c = True;
        objDDC13.Max_Length__c = 9;
        objDDC13.Section_Name__c = 'Lagal Company Information';
        objDDC13.Section_Sort_Id__c = '1';
        AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c objDDC14 = new AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c();
        objDDC14.Display_When__c = '';
        objDDC14.Element_Id__c = '63';
        objDDC14.Element_Label__c = 'Client Type';
        objDDC14.Element_Type__c = 'Text';
        objDDC14.Element_Value__c = 'New';
        objDDC14.Enrollment__c =objEnroll.id; //'a694B00000003wdQAA';
        objDDC14.Field_Sort_Id__c = '1';
        objDDC14.isRequired__c = True;
        objDDC14.Max_Length__c = 40;
        objDDC14.Section_Name__c = 'Legal Company Information';
        objDDC14.Section_Sort_Id__c = '1';
        AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c objDDC15 = new AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c();
        objDDC15.Display_When__C = '';
        objDDC15.Element_Id__c = '53';
        objDDC15.Element_Label__c = 'Corporate Headquarter Address Line 2';
        objDDC15.Element_Type__c = 'Text';
        objDDC15.Element_Value__c = '';
        objDDC15.Enrollment__c =objEnroll.id; //'a694B00000003wdQAA';
        objDDC15.Field_Sort_Id__c = '1011';
        objDDC15.isRequired__c = False;
        objDDC15.Max_Length__c = 40;
        objDDC15.Section_Name__c = 'Legal Comapny Information';
        objDDC15.Section_Sort_Id__c = '1';
        AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c objDDC16 = new AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c();
        objDDC16.Display_When__c = '';
        objDDC16.Element_Id__c = '58';
        objDDC16.Element_Label__c = 'SFDC Opportunity ID';
        objDDC16.Element_Type__c = 'Text';
        objDDC16.Element_Value__c = '0064B000003bdRAQAY';
        objDDC16.Enrollment__c =objEnroll.id; //'a694B00000003wdQAA';
        objDDC16.Field_Sort_Id__c = '1024';
        objDDC16.isRequired__c = False;
        objDDC16.Max_Length__c = 25;
        objDDC16.Section_Name__c = 'Legal Comapny Information';
        objDDC16.Section_Sort_Id__c = '1';
        AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c objDDC17 = new AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c();
        objDDC17.Display_When__c = '';
        objDDC17.Element_Id__c = '43';
        objDDC17.Element_Label__c = 'Company Type';
        objDDC17.Element_Type__c = 'Text';
        objDDC17.Element_Value__c = 'Private';
        objDDC17.Enrollment__c =objEnroll.id; //'a694B00000003wdQAA';
        objDDC17.Field_Sort_Id__c = '1';
        objDDC17.isRequired__c = True;
        objDDC17.Max_Length__c = 40;
        objDDC17.Section_Name__c = 'Corporate Demograpihc';
        objDDC17.Section_Sort_Id__c = '2';
// <This is where I deleted the rest of the objects > 
        AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c objDDC81 = new AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c();
        objDDC81.Display_When__c = '';
        objDDC81.Element_Id__c = '75';
        objDDC81.Element_Label__c = 'Zip';
        objDDC81.Element_Type__c = 'Text';
        objDDC81.Element_Value__c = '85027';
        objDDC81.Enrollment__c =objEnroll.id; //'a694B00000003wdQAA';
        objDDC81.Field_Sort_Id__c = '16';
        objDDC81.isRequired__c = False;
        objDDC81.Max_Length__c = 20;
        objDDC81.Section_Name__c = 'Master Program Administrator';
        objDDC81.Section_Sort_Id__c = '8';
        AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c objDDC82 = new AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c();
        objDDC82.Display_When__c = '';
        objDDC82.Element_Id__c = '76';
        objDDC82.Element_Label__c = 'Country';
        objDDC82.Element_Type__c = 'Text';
        objDDC82.Element_Value__c = 'USA';
        objDDC82.Enrollment__c =objEnroll.id; //'a694B00000003wdQAA';
        objDDC82.Field_Sort_Id__c = '17';
        objDDC82.isRequired__c = False;
        objDDC82.Max_Length__c = 80;
        objDDC82.Section_Name__c = 'Master Program Administrator';
        objDDC82.Section_Sort_Id__c = '8';
        AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c objDDC83 = new AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c();
        objDDC83.Display_When__c = '';
        objDDC83.Element_Id__c = '72';
        objDDC83.Element_Label__c = 'Address Line 2';
        objDDC83.Element_Type__c = 'Text';
        objDDC83.Element_Value__c = '';
        objDDC83.Enrollment__c =objEnroll.id; //'a694B00000003wdQAA';
        objDDC83.Field_Sort_Id__c = '1005';
        objDDC83.isRequired__c = False;
        objDDC83.Max_Length__c = 40;
        objDDC83.Section_Name__c = 'Master Program Administrator';
        objDDC83.Section_Sort_Id__c = '8';
        catch(DmlException e){
            system.debug('Exception: '+e.getMessage());
         // Beginning of test methods - Positive/Negative

        public static testMethod void testPositiveTestCases(){

            List<AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c> lstDDC = new List<AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c>();
            lstDDC = [Select Id from AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c where Enrollment__c = :objEnroll.id];
           system.debug('lst:::::'+ lstDDC.size());
            System.assert(lstDDC.size() == 83);
        //Add each variable name to the test case method
        lstDDC = [Select Element_Label__c from AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c];
        system.assert(lstDDC.size() >= 83);
        lstDDC = [Select Display_When__c from AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c];
        system.assert(lstDDC.size() >= 83 );
        lstDDC = [Select Element_Id__c from AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c];
        system.assert(lstDDC.size() >= 83);
        lstDDC = [Select Element_Type__c from AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c];
        system.assert(lstDDC.size() >= 83);
        lstDDC = [Select Element_Value__c from AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c];
        system.assert(lstDDC.size() >= 83);
        lstDDC = [Select Enrollment__c from AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c];
        system.assert(lstDDC.size() >= 83);
        lstDDC = [Select Field_Sort_Id__c from AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c];
        system.assert(lstDDC.size() >= 83);
        lstDDC = [Select isRequired__c from AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c];
        system.assert(lstDDC.size() >= 83);
        lstDDC = [Select Max_Length__c from AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c];
        system.assert(lstDDC.size() >= 83);
        lstDDC = [Select Picklist_Values__c from AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c];
        system.assert(lstDDC.size() >= 83);
        lstDDc = [Select Section_Name__c from AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c];
        system.assert(lstDDC.size() >=83);
        lstDDC = [Select Section_Sort_Id__c from AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c];
        system.assert(lstDDC.size() >= 83);       
	     static testMethod void testNegativeTestCases() {
        List<AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c> lstDDC1 = new List<AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c>();
            lstDDC1 = [Select Id from AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c where Enrollment__c = 'a694B00000003wdQAA' ];
            system.assert(lstDDC1.size() != 83);
        List<AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c> lstDDC = new List<AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c>();
        lstDDC = [Select Element_Label__c from  AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c];
       system.assert(lstDDC.size() >=83);
        lstDDC = [Select Display_When__c from AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c];
        system.assert(lstDDC.size() >= 83);
        lstDDC = [Select Element_Id__c from AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c];
        system.assert(lstDDC.size() >= 83);
        lstDDC = [Select Element_Type__c from AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c];
        system.assert(lstDDC.size() >= 83);
        lstDDC = [Select Element_Value__c from AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c];
        system.assert(lstDDC.size() >= 83);
        lstDDC = [Select Enrollment__c from AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c];
        system.assert(lstDDC.size() >= 83);
        lstDDC = [Select Field_Sort_Id__c from AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c];
        system.assert(lstDDC.size() >= 83);
        lstDDC = [Select isRequired__c from AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c];
        system.assert(lstDDC.size() >= 83);
        lstDDC = [Select Max_Length__c from AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c];
        system.assert(lstDDC.size() >= 83);
        lstDDC = [Select Picklist_Values__c from AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c];
        system.assert(lstDDC.size() >= 83);
        lstDDC = [Select Section_Sort_Id__c from AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c];
        system.assert(lstDDC.size() >= 83);
        lstDDC = [Select Section_Name__c from AEXP_Dynamic_Data_Capture__c];
        system.assert(lstDDC.size() >= 83); 
Here is what is showing up in the debug log:
11:16:25:586 USER_DEBUG [1377]|DEBUG|lst:::::81

Here is the test log:
System.AssertException: Assertion Failed
Class.DynamicDataCapture.testPositiveTestCases: line 1378, column 1