• sravani adiraju
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Hi there,Although i added reports & dashboards in the tabs section of community Management, Couldn't find reports & dashboards in community builder. can anybody tell how can I achieve it
Hi all,

I have a problem with this challenge : 

Write an Apex trigger that fires before records are inserted and ensures that the ShippingState field has the same value as the BillingState field.
Create an Apex class named AccountTriggerHandler that contains a public static method called CreateAccounts to accept the List of Account objects.
For each Account record, before saving, ensure that the ShippingState field has the same value as the BillingState field.
Write an Apex trigger named AccountTrigger that fires before records are inserted.
The Apex trigger must call the AccountTriggerHandler.CreateAccounts() method with the collection of new records.
Create a test class named AccountTriggerTest that inserts 200 Account records with a BillingState of CA. After the insert, test to ensure that all 200 records have a ShippingState of CA.
Before verifying this challenge, run your test class at least once using the Developer Console Run All feature.

and this is my classes :
public class AccountTriggerHandler {
    public static void CreateAccounts(List<Account> acclist){
        for(Account a:acclist){

trigger AccountTrigger on Account (before insert) 
    if (Trigger.isBefore && Trigger.isInsert) {
public class AccountTriggerTest {
    @isTest static void TestCreate200Records(){
        // Test Setup data
        // Create 200 new Accounts
        List<Account> accts = new List<Account>();
        for(Integer i=0; i < 200; i++) {
            Account acct = new Account(Name='Test Account ' + i, BillingState = 'CA');
            //insert acct;
            for (Account a:accts){
                System.assertEquals('CA', a.ShippingState, 'ERROR');

And this error :
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
The 'AccountTrigger' Trigger does not appear to be working correctly. Inserted records did not have matching BillingState and ShippingState values.

Anyone can help me please??
I'm following the example shown on Peter Knolle's post here: https://developer.salesforce.com/blogs/developer-relations/2015/03/lightning-component-framework-custom-events.html

When creating the contactSearch Component, I'm getting the following error:

"Failed to save undefined: No CONTROLLER named apex://mynamespace.ContactSearchController found: Source"

I'm not sure what I've missing - any thoughts?
I am trying to write a soql query to return objects based on a datetime field on the object. When I try to use any of the comparison operators on the datetimes ( <, = ) I get the error "No viable alternative at character ' ' " which is ever so helpful in usual salesforce style. The error points at the comparison operator. How can I compare dates in a soql query?
Message Edited by Praetorian65 on 10-01-2009 03:38 AM