• Alexandru Moise
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I have an issue with an Apex Test Class and I would really need your help. I have a Apex Trigger and an Apex Class and I have tried to create a test class but I can't get it over 70% code coverage.

The class is:
public with sharing class OpportunitySchedulingHandler {

     //Update LineItemSchedule dates for all scheduling dates

    public static void ScheduleDateUpdate(String oppid, Integer DayDiff) 
       List<OpportunityLineItem> idval = [SELECT id FROM OpportunityLineItem WHERE OpportunityId=:oppid];
       List<OpportunityLineItemSchedule> datelist = new List<OpportunityLineItemSchedule>();
       for (Integer i = 0; i < idval.size(); i++)
           datelist = [SELECT ScheduleDate FROM OpportunityLineItemSchedule WHERE OpportunityLineItemId =:idval[i].id];
           Date firstDate = datelist[0].ScheduleDate.addDays(DayDiff);
           datelist[0].ScheduleDate = firstDate;

           Integer day = firstDate.day();
           Integer month = firstDate.month();
           Integer year = firstDate.year();

           for (Integer k = 1; k < datelist.size(); k++)
               Integer nYear = year;
               Integer nMonth = month + k;
               Integer nDay = day;

               if (nMonth > 12) {
                   nMonth = nMonth - 12;
                   nYear = nYear + 1;

               Set<Integer> longMonths = new Set<Integer> {1,3,5,7,8,10,12};

               if (nDay == 31 && ! longMonths.contains(nMonth)) {
                   nDay = 30;

               if (nDay > 28 && nMonth == 2) {
                   nDay = 28;

               Date mydate = date.newInstance(nYear,nMonth,nDay);
               datelist[k].ScheduleDate = mydate;
                update datelist;

      //Update ServiceDate with closeDate

    public static void ScheduleServiceDateUpdate(String oppid)
        List<Opportunity> oliList = [SELECT Id, Name, CloseDate, (SELECT Id, ServiceDate, OpportunityId from OpportunityLineItems) from Opportunity where Id =:oppid];
        List<OpportunityLineItem> oliUpdateList = new List<OpportunityLineItem>();
        for(Opportunity x : oliList)
            for(OpportunityLineItem oli : x.OpportunityLineItems)
                oli.ServiceDate = x.CloseDate;
            update oliUpdateList;

The trigger is:

trigger OpportunityReScheduling on Opportunity (after update, before update, after insert) 
        for (Opportunity o: Trigger.new)
            if (Trigger.isBefore)
                Opportunity prevOpportunity = Trigger.oldMap.get(o.ID);
                if (o.CloseDate != prevOpportunity.CloseDate) 
                    Integer DayDiff = prevOpportunity.CloseDate.daysBetween(o.CloseDate);

                    OpportunitySchedulingHandler.ScheduleDateUpdate(o.id, DayDiff);

            if (Trigger.isAfter || Trigger.isInsert)

and the Test class is:

trigger OpportunityReScheduling on Opportunity (after update, before update, after insert) 
        for (Opportunity o: Trigger.new)
            if (Trigger.isBefore)
                Opportunity prevOpportunity = Trigger.oldMap.get(o.ID);
                if (o.CloseDate != prevOpportunity.CloseDate) 
                    Integer DayDiff = prevOpportunity.CloseDate.daysBetween(o.CloseDate);

                    OpportunitySchedulingHandler.ScheduleDateUpdate(o.id, DayDiff);

            if (Trigger.isAfter || Trigger.isInsert)

Can somebody help me figure this out? I still getting my way arround Apex and I would really appreciate any assistance

Thank you very much



I have an issue with an Apex Test Class and I would really need your help. I have a Apex Trigger and an Apex Class and I have tried to create a test class but I can't get it over 70% code coverage.

The class is:
public with sharing class OpportunitySchedulingHandler {

     //Update LineItemSchedule dates for all scheduling dates

    public static void ScheduleDateUpdate(String oppid, Integer DayDiff) 
       List<OpportunityLineItem> idval = [SELECT id FROM OpportunityLineItem WHERE OpportunityId=:oppid];
       List<OpportunityLineItemSchedule> datelist = new List<OpportunityLineItemSchedule>();
       for (Integer i = 0; i < idval.size(); i++)
           datelist = [SELECT ScheduleDate FROM OpportunityLineItemSchedule WHERE OpportunityLineItemId =:idval[i].id];
           Date firstDate = datelist[0].ScheduleDate.addDays(DayDiff);
           datelist[0].ScheduleDate = firstDate;

           Integer day = firstDate.day();
           Integer month = firstDate.month();
           Integer year = firstDate.year();

           for (Integer k = 1; k < datelist.size(); k++)
               Integer nYear = year;
               Integer nMonth = month + k;
               Integer nDay = day;

               if (nMonth > 12) {
                   nMonth = nMonth - 12;
                   nYear = nYear + 1;

               Set<Integer> longMonths = new Set<Integer> {1,3,5,7,8,10,12};

               if (nDay == 31 && ! longMonths.contains(nMonth)) {
                   nDay = 30;

               if (nDay > 28 && nMonth == 2) {
                   nDay = 28;

               Date mydate = date.newInstance(nYear,nMonth,nDay);
               datelist[k].ScheduleDate = mydate;
                update datelist;

      //Update ServiceDate with closeDate

    public static void ScheduleServiceDateUpdate(String oppid)
        List<Opportunity> oliList = [SELECT Id, Name, CloseDate, (SELECT Id, ServiceDate, OpportunityId from OpportunityLineItems) from Opportunity where Id =:oppid];
        List<OpportunityLineItem> oliUpdateList = new List<OpportunityLineItem>();
        for(Opportunity x : oliList)
            for(OpportunityLineItem oli : x.OpportunityLineItems)
                oli.ServiceDate = x.CloseDate;
            update oliUpdateList;

The trigger is:

trigger OpportunityReScheduling on Opportunity (after update, before update, after insert) 
        for (Opportunity o: Trigger.new)
            if (Trigger.isBefore)
                Opportunity prevOpportunity = Trigger.oldMap.get(o.ID);
                if (o.CloseDate != prevOpportunity.CloseDate) 
                    Integer DayDiff = prevOpportunity.CloseDate.daysBetween(o.CloseDate);

                    OpportunitySchedulingHandler.ScheduleDateUpdate(o.id, DayDiff);

            if (Trigger.isAfter || Trigger.isInsert)

and the Test class is:

trigger OpportunityReScheduling on Opportunity (after update, before update, after insert) 
        for (Opportunity o: Trigger.new)
            if (Trigger.isBefore)
                Opportunity prevOpportunity = Trigger.oldMap.get(o.ID);
                if (o.CloseDate != prevOpportunity.CloseDate) 
                    Integer DayDiff = prevOpportunity.CloseDate.daysBetween(o.CloseDate);

                    OpportunitySchedulingHandler.ScheduleDateUpdate(o.id, DayDiff);

            if (Trigger.isAfter || Trigger.isInsert)

Can somebody help me figure this out? I still getting my way arround Apex and I would really appreciate any assistance

Thank you very much
