• Deepankar Chanda
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  • Member since 2016

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Hi All,

Please help me on the below 

I have a VFpage where in one section i need to display all the avaliable attachments for a record(FYI i have record ID for the partitcular record lets say recId).

Please help me with sample code in order to acheive this also on click of the attachment record i should be able to download the attachment.

BEst Regards,
Mohammad Yaseen
i hope you can help me.

I have a trigger on a the Event Object , that creates a Visit Report (Customized Object) after generating a Event. 

At the moment the trigger generate a visit report but i want to write back the id of the generated visit report into the event. 

can i handle this in only one trigger? 

Thx 4 help
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
Please check the custom fields on the Account object. Not all custom fields were found.

I have created all the fields as given in the challenge. Please help me solve this issue
Hi All,

Please help me on the below 

I have a VFpage where in one section i need to display all the avaliable attachments for a record(FYI i have record ID for the partitcular record lets say recId).

Please help me with sample code in order to acheive this also on click of the attachment record i should be able to download the attachment.

BEst Regards,
Mohammad Yaseen
User-added image

This is my detail page and when i click on skip to milestone it will open a visual force page which looks like below

User-added image

How can i remove the extra portions like setup in the head part?

the button code for skip to milestone is


var status='{!Program_Member_MVN__c.Status_MVN__c}';
var PmId='{!JSENCODE(Program_Member_MVN__c.Id)}'; 
var url;
if (sforce.console.isInConsole()) {
if(status == 'On Therapy')
url = "/apex/Milestone_skip?id="+PmId;
alert("Patient must be ‘On-Therapy’ before skipping to a milestone");

var showTabId = function showTabId(thisVal) {
  sforce.console.refreshPrimaryTabById(thisVal.id, true, '');
if (sforce.console != null && sforce.console.isInConsole()) {

i am just referring the visual force page link in the button how can modify it show only my visual force part?
i hope you can help me.

I have a trigger on a the Event Object , that creates a Visit Report (Customized Object) after generating a Event. 

At the moment the trigger generate a visit report but i want to write back the id of the generated visit report into the event. 

can i handle this in only one trigger? 

Thx 4 help
Hello Developer Community!

I am tasked with updating my company's whole database so that the contact owners match the Account owners. There are around 5k records to change and it would be taxing to go through an excel sheet and change them and re-load them via dataloader. So, I figured some code could do the trick in the Developer Console via Execute Anonymous Window. Would the code below work?

User-added image

Let me know your thoughts and thank you for your time.

Tony Garand
Hi Friends,

I created app for restaurent . I created custom objects name as Bill , Order , Raw material . Now i want to write a trigger /something for deduct the rawmaterial after order is billing. howit is possible ?

Thanks in advance