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Anyone know why the Campaign object would not be available in Data Loader?  I have Marketing User checked on User Record.  Full Sys Admin profile privileges.  Full CRED on Object Permissions.  What else am I missing???
I'm having trouble installing DataLoader on my Mac.  I'm downloading the latest version "DataLoader for Mac" from the Setup Menu.  Once downloaded, I move it to the Applications folder and tell it to Replace any old versions.  When I go to Launchpad to open DataLoader, the icon I see is the older version of DataLoader and it is greyed out.  

User-added image
When I try to open it, it says "The application “Data Loader” can’t be opened."  

User-added image

I've tried dragging it to the Trash and starting again, but it won't let me.  I've also tried installing an older version but received a different kind of error with that....."Failed to parse detail........"  

User-added image

Does anyone have any ideas on how I can resolve?  I've searched documentation as far as I know how and I'm not getting anywhere!  Thanks in advance!!!