• Fahad Ali Khan 4
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I am getting error on component loading, that lightning component contains record edit form. This error usually comes whenerver some deployment is done. This is not a persistent error. I am not able to find the root cause. Below is the error message which is being appearing in the console log. 

Content Security Policy: The page's settings blocked the loading of a resource at self ("script-src"). Source: onfocusin attribute on DIV element. view

Object { component: "lightning:recordEditForm", componentStack: "[lightning:recordEditForm]", action: null, name: "AuraFriendlyError", message: "Error in fetching record or record metadata. [[object Object]]", kg: (23) […], df: "wireRecordUi/a._subscription<.error<()

Getting the following exception on email alert action when related user value is used as Email recipient.  
"The record couldn’t be saved because it failed to trigger a flow"
We are using OKTA for the SSO. but deeplinks are not working when a user click on deeplink it authenticates and redirects to the Salesforce homepage instead of deeplink.
Getting the following exception on email alert action when related user value is used as Email recipient.  
"The record couldn’t be saved because it failed to trigger a flow"
We are using OKTA for the SSO. but deeplinks are not working when a user click on deeplink it authenticates and redirects to the Salesforce homepage instead of deeplink.