• Ruben Vasco
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Estoy tratando de obtener el token OAuth, pero para realizar la llamada a esta dirección URL.
Https://login.salesforce.com/services/oauth2/token?code=aPrx_ZYMp.FMeHRLdo5zDKt8LmDmMUAbQdtGOwXA7Fx3090LibVRlzPtCgHAksUcZtxeh_WboQ&grant_type=authorization_code&client_id=3MVG98_Psg5cppyY1TGPC_CWww9MhWKxCgDOtg3u0b3eAZxuBQEoWOvCLF8WedagGi8i42Kjgi0v86YI8y&client_secret=655284439636179&redirect_uri=https : //eu6.salesforce.com/services/oauth2/callback
me sale este error:
<error> invalid_grant </ error> <ERROR_DESCRIPTION> error de autenticación </ ERROR_DESCRIPTION>

Si alguien me puede ayudar Gracias. Saludos

I'm developing a connector for attaching Saleforce with e-commerce framework. Need a module for from saleforce to see the products, categories, customers have been imported. Is there any module to perform this "interface" ?. If there is this module which recommend me?
Thank you.
To take the course of Apex Web Services, Part Workbench gives me the result of "Service not found at: / services / apexrest / Cases /" if anyone knows what the error is greatly appreciate it.

Thank you so much.

I have a problem with module "Manipulating Records with DML"
The 'insertNewAccount' method must accept an incoming string as a parameter, name the account after the parameter, insert it into the system and then return the account record.
My code is: 

public class AccountHandler {

    public static ID insertNewAccount(String nombre){
        ID prueba =null;
         Account cuent= new Account();
                try {
                  cuent = new Account(Name=nombre);
                  insert cuent;
                       prueba = cuent.Id;
            } catch (DmlException e) {
                  System.debug('A DML exception has occurred: ' +
        System.debug('**********' +prueba);
        System.debug('**********' +cuent.Name);
        return prueba;
I would like you ayudaseis I find the error.
Thank you