• Burak Yurttas 7
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Hi All,

I am very new to Force.com and Sales Force Apex classes. I found this article online which adds a next button to leads and cases. I was able to get it to work on Sandbox but failed to migrate it to production. Deployment fails due to code coverage. It only covers 66 percent. i can not find any solution for this. Any help would be appreciated. 

Here is the article:

Here is code: 

 private class TestNextButton {

     static Id retrieveNextCase(String userId)
        //Really we're only specifying the user ID for the sake of the test methods
        if (userId=='') {
            //Use the currently running user
            userId = UserInfo.getUserId();
        //First find out which queues this user is a member of
        List<Id> listGroupIds = getQueuesForUser(userId);
            //Find an open case that is assigned to one of those queues
            Case caseObj = [select c.Id,c.OwnerId from Case c where 
                                                        and c.OwnerId in :listGroupIds 
                                                        limit 1 
                                                        for update];
            if (caseObj!=null) {        
                //If we found one, assign it to the current user
                caseObj.OwnerId = userId;
                update caseObj;
                return caseObj.Id;
        return null;

   static Id retrieveNextLead(String userId)
        //Really we're only specifying the user ID for the sake of the test methods
        if (userId=='') {
            //Use the currently running user
            userId = UserInfo.getUserId();
        //First find out which queues this user is a member of
        List<Id> listGroupIds = getQueuesForUser(userId);
            //Find an open lead that is assigned to one of those queues
            List<Lead> leads = [select l.Id,l.OwnerId from Lead l where 
                                                        and l.OwnerId in :listGroupIds 
                                                        limit 1 
                                                        for update];
            if (leads.size()>0) {       
                //If we found one, assign it to the current user
                leads[0].OwnerId = userId;
                update leads;
                return leads[0].Id;
        return null;

    //Returns a list of ids of queues that this user is a member of
    public static List<Id> getQueuesForUser(String userId) 
        List<Id> listGroupIds = new List<Id>();
        List<GroupMember> listGroupMembers = [Select g.GroupId From GroupMember g 
                                                where g.Group.Type='Queue'
                                                and g.UserOrGroupId=:userId];
        if (listGroupMembers!=null && listGroupMembers.size()>0) {      
            for (GroupMember gm:listGroupMembers) {
        return listGroupIds;
    public static Group createTestGroup()
        Group g = new Group(Type='Queue',Name='testRetrieveNextCase');
        insert g;
        //Make this queue assignable to leads and cases
        List<QueueSobject> qs = new List<QueueSobject>();
        qs.add(new QueueSobject(QueueId=g.Id,SObjectType='Case'));
        qs.add(new QueueSobject(QueueId=g.Id,SObjectType='Lead'));        
        insert qs;
        return g;
    static User createTestUser() {
        User user = new User();
        user.Username = 'test'+System.currentTimeMillis()+'@RetrieveNextUtils.com';
        user.LastName = 'LastTestName';
        user.Email = 'test@RetrieveNextUtils.com';
        user.alias = 'testAl';
        user.TimeZoneSidKey = 'America/New_York';
        user.LocaleSidKey = 'en_US';
        user.EmailEncodingKey = 'ISO-8859-1';
        user.ProfileId = [select id from Profile where Name='System Administrator'].Id;
        user.LanguageLocaleKey = 'en_US';
        insert user;
        return user;
    public static testMethod void testRetrieveNextLead()
      User u = createTestUser();
        Group g = createTestGroup();
        GroupMember gm = new GroupMember(UserOrGroupId=u.Id,GroupId=g.Id);
        insert gm;
        //We have to runAs so that we don't get a MIXED_DML_EXCEPTION
        System.runAs(u) {
          Lead l = new Lead(LastName='Test',OwnerId=g.Id,Company='Test');
          insert l;
          Id leadId = retrieveNextLead(u.Id);
          Lead ownedLead = [select OwnerId from Lead where Id=:l.Id];
    public static testMethod void testNegativeRetrieveNextLead()
      User u = createTestUser();
        Group g = createTestGroup();
        //We have to runAs so that we don't get a MIXED_DML_EXCEPTION
        System.runAs(u) {
          //Do not insert this user in the queue -- he should not get the case
          Lead l = new Lead(LastName='Test',OwnerId=g.Id,Company='Test');
          insert l;
          Id leadId = retrieveNextLead(u.Id);
          Lead ownedLead = [select OwnerId from Lead where Id=:l.Id];
    public static testMethod void testRetrieveNextCase()
      User u = createTestUser();
        Group g = createTestGroup();
        GroupMember gm = new GroupMember(UserOrGroupId=u.Id,GroupId=g.Id);
        insert gm;
        //We have to runAs so that we don't get a MIXED_DML_EXCEPTION
        System.runAs(u) {
          Case c = new Case(Subject='Test',OwnerId=g.Id);
          insert c;
          Id caseId = retrieveNextCase(u.Id);
          Case ownedCase = [select OwnerId from Case where Id=:c.Id];
    public static testMethod void testNegativeRetrieveNextCase()
      User u = createTestUser();
        Group g = createTestGroup();
        //We have to runAs so that we don't get a MIXED_DML_EXCEPTION
        System.runAs(u) {
          //Do not insert this user in the queue -- he should not get the case
          Case c = new Case(Subject='Test',OwnerId=g.Id);
          insert c;
          Id caseId = retrieveNextCase(u.Id);
          Case ownedCase = [select OwnerId from Case where Id=:c.Id];

I'm trying to get pull the oldest case and assign it to a user. Without locking, we are experiening where users are clicking the button to call the query at the same time. If I add in For Update and remove order by, the oldest case isn't ever pulled. The newest case is. Does anyone have a work around to query the oldest case for update?                       

Case caseObj = [select c.CreatedDate,c.ID,c.OwnerId from Case c where

                                                            and c.OwnerId in :listGroupIds ORDER BY c.CreatedDate
                                                            limit 1
                                                            for update];
                                                            caseObj.OwnerId = userId;
                                                            update caseObj;
                                                            return caseObj.Id;
                                   catch (QueryException e) {
                                    System.debug ('No Cases Available');