• ariella noth
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Im trying to figure out how to override the font color for this component since it is being classified as overlay text. I have the class (found it in the inspect element) but i cant find any documentation on how to enter. This is what ive managed with my very poor google results.
div.employeeLoginLink.salesforceIdentityEmployeeLoginLink2 {
    color: black;
Trying to deactivate an Apex Trigger. Some test classes with poor coverage are making it so I can not push it through into production. All I have in the change set is the apex trigger that I am trying to deactivate. Help? 
Im working on a test class, and this chunk below is resulting in an Assertion Failed error. Its returning as "Expected 1, Actual Null" 

 //Insert our first task
        Task t = new Task(subject='Test Activity', whoId = leds.id);
        insert t;
        //Verify count
        leds = [SELECT ID, Number_of_Activities__c FROM Lead WHERE ID = :leds.id];

Any help is appreciated.