• Clinton Hatcher
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Hi all, i am new to this so thanks in advance for help. I am struggling to create a test class for my Invocable Method. I just cant get it to work - i keep getting the error Method Does not exist Or incorrect Signature. I know i am doing something wrong. Below is the two classes - 
public class PrevetActive4 {

@InvocableMethod(label='Get Prevett and update MATT' description='Returns the list of Prevett names corresponding to the specified account IDs.')
    public static void getPrevett2(List<Id> Ids) {

        List<Prevet_Checklist__c> mt = [Select Name, id,Active_Prevett__c, Open_Closed__c FROM Prevet_Checklist__c WHERE Id in :Ids AND Open_Closed__c = 'Queue' AND OwnerId = '00528000000kb5s' Order by CreatedDate ASC Limit 1];
        for (Prevet_Checklist__c one1 : mt) {
            one1.Open_Closed__c = 'Ready';
            one1.Active_Prevett__c = true;
        update mt ;

private class TEST_Prevett2

    private static testMethod void myPrevettTest2() 

       Prevet_Checklist__c PV = new Prevet_Checklist__c(Open_Closed__c = 'Queue', Active_Prevett__c = False, OwnerId = '00528000000kb5s');

       Insert PV;

       Prevet_Checklist__c result = [Select ID, OwnerId, Open_Closed__c, Name, Active_Prevett__c, Client_Name__c, Name_of_Adviser__c From Prevet_Checklist__c WHERE Open_Closed__c = 'Ready' AND OwnerId = '00528000000kb5s' Order by CreatedDate ASC Limit 1];
       System.assertEquals('Ready', result.Open_Closed__c);
       System.assertEquals(True, result.Active_Prevett__c);


Hi all, i am new to this so thanks in advance for help. I am struggling to create a test class for my Invocable Method. I just cant get it to work - i keep getting the error Method Does not exist Or incorrect Signature. I know i am doing something wrong. Below is the two classes - 
public class PrevetActive4 {

@InvocableMethod(label='Get Prevett and update MATT' description='Returns the list of Prevett names corresponding to the specified account IDs.')
    public static void getPrevett2(List<Id> Ids) {

        List<Prevet_Checklist__c> mt = [Select Name, id,Active_Prevett__c, Open_Closed__c FROM Prevet_Checklist__c WHERE Id in :Ids AND Open_Closed__c = 'Queue' AND OwnerId = '00528000000kb5s' Order by CreatedDate ASC Limit 1];
        for (Prevet_Checklist__c one1 : mt) {
            one1.Open_Closed__c = 'Ready';
            one1.Active_Prevett__c = true;
        update mt ;

private class TEST_Prevett2

    private static testMethod void myPrevettTest2() 

       Prevet_Checklist__c PV = new Prevet_Checklist__c(Open_Closed__c = 'Queue', Active_Prevett__c = False, OwnerId = '00528000000kb5s');

       Insert PV;

       Prevet_Checklist__c result = [Select ID, OwnerId, Open_Closed__c, Name, Active_Prevett__c, Client_Name__c, Name_of_Adviser__c From Prevet_Checklist__c WHERE Open_Closed__c = 'Ready' AND OwnerId = '00528000000kb5s' Order by CreatedDate ASC Limit 1];
       System.assertEquals('Ready', result.Open_Closed__c);
       System.assertEquals(True, result.Active_Prevett__c);

