• Abhynav
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We are facing an error in our lightning component. All seems to be working good but unnecessarily this error pops up.
Suppose I have performed any task from button click in the component, all will run on first time button if I do same thing once again then all the functionality get performed well but it shows error . Problem is not only with button click but also on other events such as onChange of text etc.

Below is the screenshot of the error : 

User-added image
User-added image
User-added image

Can anyone help in this?


<aura:iteration items="{!v.Erecord}" var="obj"> 
    <div style="{!(obj.Typee=='DATE')?'display:block':'display:none'}"> 
        <ui:inputDate displayDatePicker="true" label="{!obj.Fieldd}" labelClass="{!obj.ApiNamee}"           value="{!obj.Valuee}" change="{!c.onBoardChange}"/> 


Above is the code I am using in lightning. Erecord is the wrapper list which is having wrappers for a field's information such as
  • Fieldd : is having label name of a field.
  • Valuee : is the value of that field.
  • Apinamee : is having apiname of the field.
  • Typee : is the type of the field.
So if I am iterating the wrapper like this, its showing error on console log.

Uncaught afterRender threw an error in 'markup://ui:inputDate' [a.split is not a function]
Hi all,

I am facing an issue regarding working of " e.force:refreshView " in salesforce1 app. Though I have read in lightning docs it is available in Lightning Experience and salesforce one but still I am unable to get my lightning component refreshed in salesforce 1 app. On the other hand, if I am trying to refresh my component from lightning experience its working (so this is an ambiguous situation as I am getting two different results after pressing the same button in Lightning Experience and Salesforce 1 app).

I keep getting the following error message, even after trying in 3 new playgrounds: 
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
Some billing state names do not meet data quality standards, or the data import was unsuccessful.

I followed all of the instructions:
1. Installed unmanaged package in the new playground
2. Added Residential picklist type to Accounts
3. Cleaned up Account list:
a. Removed "Household" from Account name (this wasn't specified, but it didn't seem necessary)
b. Removed duplicate records
c. Changed accounts in ALL CAPS to only cap first letter of first and last name
d. Changed state name to 3 letter State code
e. Saved as .CSV file
4. Imported list using Import Wizard

I received an email confirming the import was successful with 11 rows processed and I see the accounts when I search up accounts in the playground. 

Thanks in advance for any help!
<aura:iteration items="{!v.Erecord}" var="obj"> 
    <div style="{!(obj.Typee=='DATE')?'display:block':'display:none'}"> 
        <ui:inputDate displayDatePicker="true" label="{!obj.Fieldd}" labelClass="{!obj.ApiNamee}"           value="{!obj.Valuee}" change="{!c.onBoardChange}"/> 


Above is the code I am using in lightning. Erecord is the wrapper list which is having wrappers for a field's information such as
  • Fieldd : is having label name of a field.
  • Valuee : is the value of that field.
  • Apinamee : is having apiname of the field.
  • Typee : is the type of the field.
So if I am iterating the wrapper like this, its showing error on console log.

Uncaught afterRender threw an error in 'markup://ui:inputDate' [a.split is not a function]