• Reuben Reynoso 3
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  • Member since 2016

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Does anyone have insight into the definitions of Types in the Wave Interactions Event Monitoring table are?

I am seeing in my table types of (Application,Blank, Browse,Dashboard,dataManager,dataset,home,lense,oldbuilder)
Over the course of years of creating campaigns with different member status, we have about 80+ status in the "Status" standard field on the Campaign Member object. I have created a simple custom visualforce page that uses a pageblock table to list member from a campaign and I have enable inline editing so users can double click on the fields to edit.  

When users click on the Status field only about 50% of the available status appear.  Any new status that is created will simply not appear in the dropdownlist
<apex:column style="width:8%;height:30px">
                    <apex:outputField value="{!record.Status}">
                         <apex:inlineEditSupport event="ondblClick" showOnEdit="saveButton"/>
                    <apex:facet name="header">Status</apex:facet>

I was running into this error in some code of mine and so I began to do some troubleshooting.  Hoping someone can explain what is going on.

So while troubleshooting, I opened an execute anonymous window to test a theory; this error only appears when referencing CampaignMember and not other objects.  Test Code 1 below results in the error "Illegal assignment from List<CampaignMember> to List<CampaignMember>"  while test code 2 executes with no errors. 

What is the difference and how can get around this issues?

------------Test Code 1:-----------------
string ID='xyz';
list<CampaignMember> lst = new List<CampaignMember>();
lst = [Select id from CampaignMember where id =:ID];

--------------Test Code 2:-----------------
string ID='xyz';
list<Campaign> lst = new List<Campaign>();
lst = [Select id from Campaign where id =:ID];
Over the course of years of creating campaigns with different member status, we have about 80+ status in the "Status" standard field on the Campaign Member object. I have created a simple custom visualforce page that uses a pageblock table to list member from a campaign and I have enable inline editing so users can double click on the fields to edit.  

When users click on the Status field only about 50% of the available status appear.  Any new status that is created will simply not appear in the dropdownlist
<apex:column style="width:8%;height:30px">
                    <apex:outputField value="{!record.Status}">
                         <apex:inlineEditSupport event="ondblClick" showOnEdit="saveButton"/>
                    <apex:facet name="header">Status</apex:facet>

I was running into this error in some code of mine and so I began to do some troubleshooting.  Hoping someone can explain what is going on.

So while troubleshooting, I opened an execute anonymous window to test a theory; this error only appears when referencing CampaignMember and not other objects.  Test Code 1 below results in the error "Illegal assignment from List<CampaignMember> to List<CampaignMember>"  while test code 2 executes with no errors. 

What is the difference and how can get around this issues?

------------Test Code 1:-----------------
string ID='xyz';
list<CampaignMember> lst = new List<CampaignMember>();
lst = [Select id from CampaignMember where id =:ID];

--------------Test Code 2:-----------------
string ID='xyz';
list<Campaign> lst = new List<Campaign>();
lst = [Select id from Campaign where id =:ID];