• sergii poluektov
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Hi everyone,
I am now trying to build an OData 4 service so that Salesforce can access the external data.
So far I was able to get the list view of the external objects with pagination. However when I am trying to access a particular object
I get an HTTP error "400 Bad request". When I inspect the used URL I see that the key property "id" is set to '/x' (%2Fx if encoded) instead of the real id, which can even be seen in the list view.
Here is the decoded URL: https://ecme.empolis.com/oauth/LegoService/LegoService.svc/events?$top=2&$filter=id eq '%2Fx'&$count=true&$select=description,id,sensorId,severity,timestamp,unitId,value
I tried some sample oData4 services provided by odata.org and there the key property is set to its actial value in the same situation.
What can be the reason? How can I fix it?

Hi everyone,
I am now trying to build an OData 4 service so that Salesforce can access the external data.
So far I was able to get the list view of the external objects with pagination. However when I am trying to access a particular object
I get an HTTP error "400 Bad request". When I inspect the used URL I see that the key property "id" is set to '/x' (%2Fx if encoded) instead of the real id, which can even be seen in the list view.
Here is the decoded URL: https://ecme.empolis.com/oauth/LegoService/LegoService.svc/events?$top=2&$filter=id eq '%2Fx'&$count=true&$select=description,id,sensorId,severity,timestamp,unitId,value
I tried some sample oData4 services provided by odata.org and there the key property is set to its actial value in the same situation.
What can be the reason? How can I fix it?