• ketan vinodrai mehta
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  • Member since 2015

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Hi All,
    We have Desktop and Mobile enabled application. We are using standard Quote object and enabled with Approval process. When user logs in to approve any Quotes, they need to navigate multiple screen to see the related Quote Line Item. We would like to show the Quote Line Items in very first screen where the user navigate to the Quote Approval screen from the mobile notification screen (in below screen).Reference
Hi All,
    I want to plot data using einstain timeseries. For particular customer we may not have data for some months. While running the below SAQL, we are getting error as Expected next sequence [2019 02] but got [2019 04] in partition value "abcd". Despite using fill feature we are getting it.

q = load "All_New_Case_Data";
q = group q by ('CreatedDate_Year', 'CreatedDate_Month', 'Merchant_Wholesaler_Name__c');
q = foreach q generate 'CreatedDate_Year' as 'CreatedDate_Year' , 'CreatedDate_Month' as 'CreatedDate_Month', 'Merchant_Wholesaler_Name__c' as 'Merchant_Wholesaler_Name__c', coalesce(count(),0) as 'Case_count';
q = fill q by (dateCols=('CreatedDate_Year', 'CreatedDate_Month', "Y-M"));
q = timeseries q generate 'Case_count' as estimate with (length= 12, dateCols=('CreatedDate_Year','CreatedDate_Month',"Y-M"), partition ='Merchant_Wholesaler_Name__c');
q = foreach q generate 'CreatedDate_Year' + "~~~" + 'CreatedDate_Month' as 'CreatedDate_Year~~~CreatedDate_Month', 'Merchant_Wholesaler_Name__c' as 'Merchant_Wholesaler_Name__c', 'estimate', 'Case_count';
q = order q by 'CreatedDate_Year~~~CreatedDate_Month' desc;
q = limit q 12000;

Please guide ASAP.
Hi All,
    I am looking for a solution to replace all newline character occuring between two double quotes. I have already referred below URL  https://stackoverflow.com/questions/26337474/regexp-to-find-replace-newlines-within-double-quotes-not-affecting-newlines-out and tried to execute below code but seems like something is missing. 

String rawString = Label.TestLable;
String result = rawString.Replace('([^"\n]*)\r?\n(?!(([^"]*"){2})*[^"]*$)/g', '<br>');

The TestLabel custom label has string with multiple newline characters and enclosed within double quotes below:

Hello Team
Requesting you to join us at marathod event happening at below venue


And the out put expected is:
Hello Team <br>Requesting you to join us at marathod event happening at below venue

   While  logged in user is creating a new user, based on the logged in user role, I want to show value in Profile picklist. Is this possible? 

Thanks in advance.
Hi All,
    I want to read entire record of a debug log in my code. I am able to query ApexLog object but the log description ("LOG") column is not available. Please do guide.

Thanks in advance,
Ketan Mehta
   We are using a managed package and using standard controller, lables etc from the same in our custom pages/controller using namaspace prefix. So whenever we install a new version of the same package, the namespace get chaged and hence the existing code will break. Is there any permanent solution to this issue? 
    We have multiple lookup related child objects for an Account object. We need to delete the child records based on some criteria before deleting the parent object. For less than 50K child records, it is working fine. How to delete child records in lakhs? Exmple will help a lot.

   'sync.png' is available on the following URL. Actually 3 different color images are clubbed with the same name. I want to use any one out out of three. Can someone guide on the same?


Hi All,
    We have Desktop and Mobile enabled application. We are using standard Quote object and enabled with Approval process. When user logs in to approve any Quotes, they need to navigate multiple screen to see the related Quote Line Item. We would like to show the Quote Line Items in very first screen where the user navigate to the Quote Approval screen from the mobile notification screen (in below screen).Reference
Hi All,
    I want to plot data using einstain timeseries. For particular customer we may not have data for some months. While running the below SAQL, we are getting error as Expected next sequence [2019 02] but got [2019 04] in partition value "abcd". Despite using fill feature we are getting it.

q = load "All_New_Case_Data";
q = group q by ('CreatedDate_Year', 'CreatedDate_Month', 'Merchant_Wholesaler_Name__c');
q = foreach q generate 'CreatedDate_Year' as 'CreatedDate_Year' , 'CreatedDate_Month' as 'CreatedDate_Month', 'Merchant_Wholesaler_Name__c' as 'Merchant_Wholesaler_Name__c', coalesce(count(),0) as 'Case_count';
q = fill q by (dateCols=('CreatedDate_Year', 'CreatedDate_Month', "Y-M"));
q = timeseries q generate 'Case_count' as estimate with (length= 12, dateCols=('CreatedDate_Year','CreatedDate_Month',"Y-M"), partition ='Merchant_Wholesaler_Name__c');
q = foreach q generate 'CreatedDate_Year' + "~~~" + 'CreatedDate_Month' as 'CreatedDate_Year~~~CreatedDate_Month', 'Merchant_Wholesaler_Name__c' as 'Merchant_Wholesaler_Name__c', 'estimate', 'Case_count';
q = order q by 'CreatedDate_Year~~~CreatedDate_Month' desc;
q = limit q 12000;

Please guide ASAP.
Hi All,
    I am looking for a solution to replace all newline character occuring between two double quotes. I have already referred below URL  https://stackoverflow.com/questions/26337474/regexp-to-find-replace-newlines-within-double-quotes-not-affecting-newlines-out and tried to execute below code but seems like something is missing. 

String rawString = Label.TestLable;
String result = rawString.Replace('([^"\n]*)\r?\n(?!(([^"]*"){2})*[^"]*$)/g', '<br>');

The TestLabel custom label has string with multiple newline characters and enclosed within double quotes below:

Hello Team
Requesting you to join us at marathod event happening at below venue


And the out put expected is:
Hello Team <br>Requesting you to join us at marathod event happening at below venue

Hi All,
    I want to read entire record of a debug log in my code. I am able to query ApexLog object but the log description ("LOG") column is not available. Please do guide.

Thanks in advance,
Ketan Mehta
   We are using a managed package and using standard controller, lables etc from the same in our custom pages/controller using namaspace prefix. So whenever we install a new version of the same package, the namespace get chaged and hence the existing code will break. Is there any permanent solution to this issue? 
    We have multiple lookup related child objects for an Account object. We need to delete the child records based on some criteria before deleting the parent object. For less than 50K child records, it is working fine. How to delete child records in lakhs? Exmple will help a lot.


Hi All 


I have  VF page where i am displaying Product data in columns.. 

I need to have a fix width to the columns even when the i change the size of the page. 

When i change the size of the page the values in the column start appearing in the next line 

<apex:column headerValue="Product Code"  >
                    <a href="/{!product.prod.id}">{!product.prod.Productcode}</a>
                  <td>  <apex:column headerValue="Product Name">
                 <a href="/{!product.prod.id}">{!product.prod.Name}</a>


          <apex:column value="{!product.prod.Description}"  width="35" />
        <td >   <apex:column headerValue="List Price">           
                <apex:repeat value="{!product.pbes}" var="pbe">
                   <apex:outputField value="{!pbe.UnitPrice}" />
            </apex:column>   </td>

 Thanks All