• ali bouhaddou
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Hello all,
I'd like to connect Talend OS V.5.6 to my Sandbox org.

How can I configurate my oAuth2 connection from Talend? (screenshot below)
Where do I find the "token properties file" and "Callback host"?
Should I edit the web service URL generated by defaults when I change the login type to OAuth2 from: https://login.salesforce.com/services/oauth2 to: https://test.salesforce.com/services/oauth2 ??

Thank you in advance

Config OAuth2 Talend SFDC app

Hello all,
I'd like to connect Talend OS V.5.6 to my Sandbox org.

How can I configurate my oAuth2 connection from Talend? (screenshot below)
Where do I find the "token properties file" and "Callback host"?
Should I edit the web service URL generated by defaults when I change the login type to OAuth2 from: https://login.salesforce.com/services/oauth2 to: https://test.salesforce.com/services/oauth2 ??

Thank you in advance


Hi everyone,
I'm struggling at connecting my sandbox org to Talend open studio.
I've generated the token and followed all the instructions for the login. I've also generated XML file related to WDSL copied the URL on the bottom:https://test.salesforce.com/services/Soap/c/35.0/0DF1100000001VU
Through forums I've noticed that it's maybe related to API and WDSL.
Details of the error: Connection failure. You must change the connection settings. No operation available for request {urn:partner.soap.sforce.com}login
I'll really appreciate your help

Hi everyone,
I'm struggling at connecting my sandbox org to Talend open studio.
I've generated the token and followed all the instructions for the login. I've also generated XML file related to WDSL copied the URL on the bottom:https://test.salesforce.com/services/Soap/c/35.0/0DF1100000001VU
Through forums I've noticed that it's maybe related to API and WDSL.
Details of the error: Connection failure. You must change the connection settings. No operation available for request {urn:partner.soap.sforce.com}login
I'll really appreciate your help

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