• krishna mohan 29
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Hi all, 
I need inputfield capability to get given input even after it is rerendered(hidden or shown) onchange of picklist value.

like if option 'a' is selected in picklist, the apex:inputfield with type textarea is shown and user enters data, and selecting 'b' hides rerenders and hides the field, and again if 'a' is selected i need field shown with previously given data in the field.
Thanks in advance.
Hi all, 
I need inputfield capability to get given input even after it is rerendered(hidden or shown) onchange of picklist value.

like if option 'a' is selected in picklist, the apex:inputfield with type textarea is shown and user enters data, and selecting 'b' hides rerenders and hides the field, and again if 'a' is selected i need field shown with previously given data in the field.
Thanks in advance.