• Will Edwards
  • 30 Points
  • Member since 2016

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I'm trying to write a trigger (I think) that will send an email whenever a specific field changes on a campaign member record. Basically, the goal is to send an email to an email address associated with a lookup field on the page. Thanks. If this can be done with a workflow alert, even better.
This is the line I'm trying to fix:
<apex:column headerValue="Status" headerClass="headerStyle" value="{!con.Status__c}" />

This doesn't work:
<apex:column headerValue="Status" headerClass="headerStyle" value="{!LEFT(con.Status__c,500)}" />

I want to click a button on a campaign member record that will:
  1. Update the campaign record status
  2. Create a new related event that I can update
In an Apex class, I'd like to take two lists of contacts, merge them, remove duplicate contacts, and then sort them? Any suggestions? Thanks.
I'm trying to add a lead to a campaign using VF and Apex. I'd like to add all leads entered via the form to a campaign with status "Responded."

Can you help out? Thanks.

Here's my controller:
public class myWeb2LeadExtension {

    private final Lead weblead;

    public myWeb2LeadExtension(ApexPages.StandardController
                                stdController) {
       weblead = (Lead)stdController.getRecord();

     public PageReference saveLead() {
       try {
       catch(System.DMLException e) {
           return null;
       PageReference p = Page.ThankYou;
       return p;

And my VF:
<apex:page standardController="Lead"
           title="Register for Digital Accelerator" showHeader="false"
           <script src='https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api.js'></script>
 <apex:composition template="{!$Site.Template}">
  <apex:define name="body">
   <apex:form id="theForm">
    <apex:messages id="error"
      <apex:pageBlock title="" mode="edit">
        <apex:pageBlockButtons >
           <apex:commandButton value="Submit"
        <apex:pageBlockSection title="Register for Digital Accelerator"
        <div class = "requiredInput">
        <div class = "requiredBlock"></div>
         <apex:inputField value="{!Lead.FirstName}" required="true"/>
         <apex:inputField value="{!Lead.LastName}" required="true"/>
         <apex:inputField value="{!Lead.Nickname__c}" label="Nickname" required="False"/>
         <apex:inputField value="{!Lead.Title}" required="true"/>
         <apex:inputField value="{!Lead.Email}" required="true"/>
         <apex:inputField value="{!Lead.Company}" required="true"/>
         <apex:inputField value="{!Lead.Phone}" required="true"/>
         <apex:inputField value="{!Lead.Mailing_Address__c}" required="true"/>
         <apex:inputHidden value="{!Lead.Campaign.Id}" id="hiddenField3"/>
         <apex:inputHidden value="{!Member_Status}" id="hiddenField4"/>

         document.getElementById('{!$Component.theForm}').elements['{!$Component.hiddenField3}'].value = '7013B000000MAma';
         document.getElementById('{!$Component.theForm}').elements['{!$Component.hiddenField4}'].value = 'Responded';


I'm trying to fill a hidden custom field through a parameter provided via the URL in a Visualforce page on a Force.com site that creates leads. I'm getting the following error: "Error: Literal value is required for attribute id in apex:inputHidden in NomineeRegistration at line 38 column 99."
Here's my Apex:
public class myWeb2LeadExtension {

private final Lead weblead;

public myWeb2LeadExtension(ApexPages.StandardController
                            stdController) {
   weblead = (Lead)stdController.getRecord();

 public PageReference saveLead() {
   try {
   catch(System.DMLException e) {
       return null;
   PageReference p = Page.ThankYou;
   return p;

And the highlights of the VF page:
<apex:page standardController="Lead"
       title="Register for Digital Accelerator" showHeader="false"

<apex:composition template="{!$Site.Template}">
<apex:define name="body">
<apex:form >
<apex:messages id="error"
  <apex:pageBlock title="" mode="edit">
    <apex:pageBlockButtons >
       <apex:commandButton value="Submit"
    <apex:pageBlockSection title="Register for Digital Accelerator"
    <div class = "requiredInput">
    <div class = "requiredBlock"></div>
     <apex:inputField value="{!Lead.FirstName}" required="true"/>
     <apex:inputField value="{!Lead.LastName}" required="true"/>
     <apex:inputField value="{!Lead.Nickname__c}" required="false"/>
     <apex:inputField value="{!Lead.Title}" required="true"/>
     <apex:inputField value="{!Lead.Email}" required="true"/>
     <apex:inputField value="{!Lead.Company}" required="true"/>
     <apex:inputField value="{!Lead.Phone}" required="true"/>
     <apex:inputField value="{!Lead.Mailing_Address__c}" required="true"/>

    <apex:inputHidden id="{!Lead.Referred_By__c}"

I would like to use Force.com, Visualforce, and Apex to create a two-stage lead creation process. I'd like for person A to access a Visualforce page on a Force.com site.

Here's the Visualforce code for the first nomination form.
<apex:page standardController="Lead"
           title="Submit Nominee for Digital Accelerator" showHeader="false"
 <apex:composition template="{!$Site.Template}">
  <apex:define name="body">
   <apex:form >
    <apex:messages id="error"
      <apex:pageBlock title="" mode="edit">
        <apex:pageBlockButtons >
           <apex:commandButton value="Submit"
        <apex:pageBlockSection title="Contact Us"
        <div class = "requiredInput">
        <div class = "requiredBlock"></div>
         <apex:inputField value="{!Lead.FirstName}" required="true"/>
         <apex:inputField value="{!Lead.LastName}" required="true"/>
         <apex:inputField value="{!Lead.Title}" required="true"/>
         <apex:inputField value="{!Lead.Email}" required="true"/>
         <apex:inputField value="{!Lead.Company}" required="true"/>
        <input type="hidden" name="Campaign_ID" value="{$CurrentPage.parameters.MeetingValue}" />
And the Apex controller:
public class myWeb2LeadExtension {

    private final Lead weblead;

    public myWeb2LeadExtension(ApexPages.StandardController
                                stdController) {
       weblead = (Lead)stdController.getRecord();

     public PageReference saveLead() {
       try {
       catch(System.DMLException e) {
           return null;
       PageReference p = Page.ThankYou;
       return p;
This will create a lead with some of the information. I'd then like to send a link to the nominee with most of the information filled in and request they add some follow up information. I was thinking of having a hidden value of the lead ID passed through the URL and then writing an Apex controller to update that specific lead.

Any recommendations?

I'm trying to put a Chatter feed on a custom VF page. I thought I could to the following:

<apex:page >
<chatter:feedWithFollowers entityId="{!$CurrentPage.Id}" />

But there's no Id associated with the page. Any tips? Thanks.
I'd like to create a trigger that posts a field from a campaign member record to the associated contact's Chatter feed after the campaign status is changed to closed. Thanks.
Using pageBlockTable, I'd like to show a long list of Members (contacts) with various Renewal statuses. I'd like the column header to appear on all pages. Is this possible?
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!FinalConList}" var="con">
    <apex:column headerValue="Renewal" headerClass="headerStyle"
        value="{!con.CV_Impact_Status__c}" />
    <apex:column headerValue="Member" headerClass="headerStyle" 
        value="{!con.FirstName} {!con.LastName} - {!con.Account.Company_Nickname__c}" />   
I want to create a VF page that shows fields from all contact records that belong to accounts related to a particular campaign. To do that I'll need to create a class in Apex that pulls all contacts with any of the account IDs that belong to campaign members. I understand it will involved nested statements, but I'm not quite sure how to get started. Thanks.
I have several values for a child campaign that I'd like to display as columns rather than rows.

I would like the first row to be Hidden_Speaker_Name__c and the second row to be Average_Speaker_Value__c, rather than columbs as they are now. Thanks.

My controller:
public class CampaignController {
    public Campaign camp {get; set;}
    public CampaignController(ApexPages.StandardController controller) {
        camp = (Campaign) controller.getRecord();

        if(camp != null && camp.Id != null) {
            camp = [Select Id, Name, (Select Id, Average_Speaker_Value__c, Hidden_Speaker_Name__c, Type 
            FROM ChildCampaigns
            WHERE Type = 'Speakers')
            FROM Campaign WHERE Id =: camp.Id];
My current code:
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!camp.ChildCampaigns}"

        <apex:column headerValue="Speaker" headerClass="headerStyle" value="!cc.Hidden_Speaker_Name__c}"/>
        <apex:column headerValue="Score" headerClass="headerStyle" value="!cc.Average_Speaker_Value__c}"/>


I'm trying to pull a field from all child campaigns and reference it on a Visualforce page accessed via a button on the parent campaign. Is there anyway to do that? Thanks.
Using pageBlockTable, I'd like to show a long list of Members (contacts) with various Renewal statuses. I'd like the column header to appear on all pages. Is this possible?
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!FinalConList}" var="con">
    <apex:column headerValue="Renewal" headerClass="headerStyle"
        value="{!con.CV_Impact_Status__c}" />
    <apex:column headerValue="Member" headerClass="headerStyle" 
        value="{!con.FirstName} {!con.LastName} - {!con.Account.Company_Nickname__c}" />   
I'm trying to write a trigger (I think) that will send an email whenever a specific field changes on a campaign member record. Basically, the goal is to send an email to an email address associated with a lookup field on the page. Thanks. If this can be done with a workflow alert, even better.
This is the line I'm trying to fix:
<apex:column headerValue="Status" headerClass="headerStyle" value="{!con.Status__c}" />

This doesn't work:
<apex:column headerValue="Status" headerClass="headerStyle" value="{!LEFT(con.Status__c,500)}" />

I want to click a button on a campaign member record that will:
  1. Update the campaign record status
  2. Create a new related event that I can update
In an Apex class, I'd like to take two lists of contacts, merge them, remove duplicate contacts, and then sort them? Any suggestions? Thanks.
I'm trying to add a lead to a campaign using VF and Apex. I'd like to add all leads entered via the form to a campaign with status "Responded."

Can you help out? Thanks.

Here's my controller:
public class myWeb2LeadExtension {

    private final Lead weblead;

    public myWeb2LeadExtension(ApexPages.StandardController
                                stdController) {
       weblead = (Lead)stdController.getRecord();

     public PageReference saveLead() {
       try {
       catch(System.DMLException e) {
           return null;
       PageReference p = Page.ThankYou;
       return p;

And my VF:
<apex:page standardController="Lead"
           title="Register for Digital Accelerator" showHeader="false"
           <script src='https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api.js'></script>
 <apex:composition template="{!$Site.Template}">
  <apex:define name="body">
   <apex:form id="theForm">
    <apex:messages id="error"
      <apex:pageBlock title="" mode="edit">
        <apex:pageBlockButtons >
           <apex:commandButton value="Submit"
        <apex:pageBlockSection title="Register for Digital Accelerator"
        <div class = "requiredInput">
        <div class = "requiredBlock"></div>
         <apex:inputField value="{!Lead.FirstName}" required="true"/>
         <apex:inputField value="{!Lead.LastName}" required="true"/>
         <apex:inputField value="{!Lead.Nickname__c}" label="Nickname" required="False"/>
         <apex:inputField value="{!Lead.Title}" required="true"/>
         <apex:inputField value="{!Lead.Email}" required="true"/>
         <apex:inputField value="{!Lead.Company}" required="true"/>
         <apex:inputField value="{!Lead.Phone}" required="true"/>
         <apex:inputField value="{!Lead.Mailing_Address__c}" required="true"/>
         <apex:inputHidden value="{!Lead.Campaign.Id}" id="hiddenField3"/>
         <apex:inputHidden value="{!Member_Status}" id="hiddenField4"/>

         document.getElementById('{!$Component.theForm}').elements['{!$Component.hiddenField3}'].value = '7013B000000MAma';
         document.getElementById('{!$Component.theForm}').elements['{!$Component.hiddenField4}'].value = 'Responded';


I'm trying to fill a hidden custom field through a parameter provided via the URL in a Visualforce page on a Force.com site that creates leads. I'm getting the following error: "Error: Literal value is required for attribute id in apex:inputHidden in NomineeRegistration at line 38 column 99."
Here's my Apex:
public class myWeb2LeadExtension {

private final Lead weblead;

public myWeb2LeadExtension(ApexPages.StandardController
                            stdController) {
   weblead = (Lead)stdController.getRecord();

 public PageReference saveLead() {
   try {
   catch(System.DMLException e) {
       return null;
   PageReference p = Page.ThankYou;
   return p;

And the highlights of the VF page:
<apex:page standardController="Lead"
       title="Register for Digital Accelerator" showHeader="false"

<apex:composition template="{!$Site.Template}">
<apex:define name="body">
<apex:form >
<apex:messages id="error"
  <apex:pageBlock title="" mode="edit">
    <apex:pageBlockButtons >
       <apex:commandButton value="Submit"
    <apex:pageBlockSection title="Register for Digital Accelerator"
    <div class = "requiredInput">
    <div class = "requiredBlock"></div>
     <apex:inputField value="{!Lead.FirstName}" required="true"/>
     <apex:inputField value="{!Lead.LastName}" required="true"/>
     <apex:inputField value="{!Lead.Nickname__c}" required="false"/>
     <apex:inputField value="{!Lead.Title}" required="true"/>
     <apex:inputField value="{!Lead.Email}" required="true"/>
     <apex:inputField value="{!Lead.Company}" required="true"/>
     <apex:inputField value="{!Lead.Phone}" required="true"/>
     <apex:inputField value="{!Lead.Mailing_Address__c}" required="true"/>

    <apex:inputHidden id="{!Lead.Referred_By__c}"

I would like to use Force.com, Visualforce, and Apex to create a two-stage lead creation process. I'd like for person A to access a Visualforce page on a Force.com site.

Here's the Visualforce code for the first nomination form.
<apex:page standardController="Lead"
           title="Submit Nominee for Digital Accelerator" showHeader="false"
 <apex:composition template="{!$Site.Template}">
  <apex:define name="body">
   <apex:form >
    <apex:messages id="error"
      <apex:pageBlock title="" mode="edit">
        <apex:pageBlockButtons >
           <apex:commandButton value="Submit"
        <apex:pageBlockSection title="Contact Us"
        <div class = "requiredInput">
        <div class = "requiredBlock"></div>
         <apex:inputField value="{!Lead.FirstName}" required="true"/>
         <apex:inputField value="{!Lead.LastName}" required="true"/>
         <apex:inputField value="{!Lead.Title}" required="true"/>
         <apex:inputField value="{!Lead.Email}" required="true"/>
         <apex:inputField value="{!Lead.Company}" required="true"/>
        <input type="hidden" name="Campaign_ID" value="{$CurrentPage.parameters.MeetingValue}" />
And the Apex controller:
public class myWeb2LeadExtension {

    private final Lead weblead;

    public myWeb2LeadExtension(ApexPages.StandardController
                                stdController) {
       weblead = (Lead)stdController.getRecord();

     public PageReference saveLead() {
       try {
       catch(System.DMLException e) {
           return null;
       PageReference p = Page.ThankYou;
       return p;
This will create a lead with some of the information. I'd then like to send a link to the nominee with most of the information filled in and request they add some follow up information. I was thinking of having a hidden value of the lead ID passed through the URL and then writing an Apex controller to update that specific lead.

Any recommendations?

I'm trying to put a Chatter feed on a custom VF page. I thought I could to the following:

<apex:page >
<chatter:feedWithFollowers entityId="{!$CurrentPage.Id}" />

But there's no Id associated with the page. Any tips? Thanks.
I want to create a VF page that shows fields from all contact records that belong to accounts related to a particular campaign. To do that I'll need to create a class in Apex that pulls all contacts with any of the account IDs that belong to campaign members. I understand it will involved nested statements, but I'm not quite sure how to get started. Thanks.
I'm trying to pull a field from all child campaigns and reference it on a Visualforce page accessed via a button on the parent campaign. Is there anyway to do that? Thanks.