• Srinivasa Rao Balle 1
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I have a one requirement that is, i have to check how many live agent users were online through apex, i looked into liveAgentSession object that object is giving once the user online and then turn back to offline etc, that time it is creating a record in liveAgentSession object, but i would like to query through apex when ever an agent put himself online i have to query the number of agents available online now in Apex or VF page, is this possible?.
Hi All,

I am developing partner wsdl java applicartion. from CSV file i am getting the date field value as  '09/12/2017'. how should i convert that date format to salesforce date format in using partner wsdl java application.

SObject so = new SObject();
so.setField("Effective_Date__c",   ? what is the way to convert this  '09/12/2017' date to saelsforce date format in my java application );
Hi All,

I am developing partner wsdl java applicartion. from CSV file i am getting the date field value as  '09/12/2017'. how should i convert that date format to salesforce date format in using partner wsdl java application.

SObject so = new SObject();
so.setField("Effective_Date__c",   ? what is the way to convert this  '09/12/2017' date to saelsforce date format in my java application );
Hi All,

I have one requirement. 

I have created two queues in Salesforce to use them on case object. 

1.Supplier Management  (I assigned A,B,C users in to this queue)
2.PO Purchasing (I assigned d,e,f users in to this queue).

When a case is created in salesforce there are couple of case assignment rules executing and updating owner id to any of these queues based on the conditions.

Now the requirement is once a case got created and assigned to a queue(Queue1), one of the user from the queue works on the case and if I have to moved the case to another queue(Queue2) then I have to update out time of the  queue1 and in time of the queue2.

I tried doing this using a trigger, but could not due to multiple assignment rules. Same record is updating more than two times, so my trigger is updating previous queue time value and new queue time value.

Is there any standard out-of-box feature for this kind of requirement.

My requirement is to grab the in times and out times and need to update the difference between the times.
Hi All,

I have one requirement of caliculate the business hours of case first touch by rep, for this i created 2 fields 

1. First touch date (Date time filed)
2. Business Tat hours. (Formula filed)

when ever a case is changing the staus from New to other statuses i am updating first touch date with system.now() in trigger. then after i am using this formula to get the business hours calucation based on case created date and first touch date. here is the formula 

ROUND( 8 * ( 
( 5 * FLOOR( ( DATEVALUE(First_Touch_Date__c ) - DATE( 1900, 1, 8) ) / 7) + 
MOD( DATEVALUE(First_Touch_Date__c ) - DATE( 1900, 1, 8), 7) + 
MIN( 1, 24 / 8 * ( MOD( First_Touch_Date__c - DATETIMEVALUE( '1900-01-08 16:00:00' ), 1 ) ) ) 

( 5 * FLOOR( ( DATEVALUE(CreatedDate) - DATE( 1900, 1, 8) ) / 7) + 
MIN( 5, 
MOD( DATEVALUE(CreatedDate) - DATE( 1996, 1, 1), 7 ) + 
MIN( 1, 24 / 8 * ( MOD(CreatedDate - DATETIMEVALUE( '1900-01-08 16:00:00' ), 1) ) ) 

0 )

Now the issue is when a case is created between 12.00 AM to 8.30 AM. and first touch date is that case created date then business hours is caliculating negative values. here  Case is opened at 8/9/2016 4.15AM  and First touch date is  8/9/2016 4.53 PM then my Business Hours(TAT) should be 8 hours 23 minutes, but it is showing -3.00 hours as negative value with above salesforce provided formula. how should we reslove this with formula field.. 

here are my business hours. 

Case business hours

How should i resolve this issue any help is appreciated.


Hi All,

I have one requiremeent to show the first touch hours on case object, these are the details.

On case object we have case open date field and first touch date fields. i am updating the first touch date when ever the case status changes from NEW to Other picklist values, from this field i am caiculating the Business TAT hours with following code.

if(trigger.isBefore && trigger.isUpdate){
        for(case caseRec: trigger.new){
            if(trigger.newMap.get(caseRec.id).Status !='New' && trigger.oldMap.get(caseRec.id).Status =='New'){
                    caseRec.First_Touch_Date__c = system.now();

//Get the default business hours (we might need it)
                   BusinessHours defaultHours = [select Id from BusinessHours where IsDefault=true];
                //On the off-chance that the business hours on the case are null, use the default ones instead
                Id hoursToUse = caseRec.BusinessHoursId!=null?caseRec.BusinessHoursId:defaultHours.Id;
 Long timeSinceLastStatus = BusinessHours.diff(hoursToUse,caseRec.createdDate, caseRec.First_Touch_Date__c)/ 1000L / 60 / 60;
                caseRec.Business_TAT_hours__c = timeSinceLastStatus;


now if the case is created at  8/9/2016 3.15 PM  and First touch date is  8/9/2016 4.53 PM then my Business Hours(TAT) should be 1 hour 38 minutes. but here it is showing only 1, what should i do to get decimal minutes value also in the above code.

Any help is appricaited. i refered some of these links



I have one requirement that is currently my organization has enabled chatter, now they want to disable the chatter for all the users, for this i gone through developer forms and salesforce documentation most of the people suggesting either go with disable chatter or disable chatter with profile based rollouts (Can not disable this for standard profiles) options. 

Now my concern is if i disable the chatter for all the users is there any impact on existing data (i mean salesforce data)?, If there is any impact what are the impacts?. Which Option is best suitable like disable chatter or profile based rollout disable?.

Any help is appreciated.

i created a public site in sfdc and enable to knowledge one in the profiles and also i check share articles public option in profile.

Wehn i  am in service cloud console in the articles sidebar i can see the optoin of send articles public site, when i clicked on it is sending email with the link, but i am not able to open that link. it is shwoing force.com securtiy authorization required. Can any one please help me how to share the knowlede through public site..

any help is appreciated.
