• Andrea Gelsomino
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Hi everyone,

I would like the user get back to the "father" page when he save a a new record (Master-Details) , at the moment every time it saved a new "child" record it doesnt'  redirect to the previus content, but its redirect to the details page...and it's not really user friendly if we need to insert more data

I read that I could create a custom "New Button" and passing a custom URL for redirect  but i really don't understand how


I really can't understand this error on this easy Interface exampe, can you please help me to understand how can i use  Interface classes on apex code ?
please have a look to the attach.

thanks in advanceinterface

it seems that this country list functionality  doesn't reconize my language setting, because  countries name appears always in English even thought my language is set to "Spanish"...so I did some changes for example in spanish: Italy became "Italia", Germany became "Alemana" and so on 

I wuold like to avoid to rewrite all this changes for a new project, do you know how can i export this list ?


I really can't understand this error on this easy Interface exampe, can you please help me to understand how can i use  Interface classes on apex code ?
please have a look to the attach.

thanks in advanceinterface