• AmeyB
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We have a custom object, records are created and updated on daily basis. The object currently has approximately 45,000 records and will kepp on increasing.
Below is our requirement:
1] Take a snapshot of all these records on day 1 of the month and store it (as same custom object records, or as new custom object records, or as CSV, to external system etc.).
2] Similarly take the snapshots for every month.
3] There should be provision to view any of the snapshot and report on the same.

What will be the better approach for the same?
  • January 28, 2017
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I need help in reading/storing and parsing big (~70-80 MB) XML file.

1] As per our requirement, the third party system will upload the xml on secure ftp, which we will need to bring in Salesforce.
I know Salesforce doesn't support FTP natively, I amy need to introduce a java/dotnet app in between or go for third party solutions like Jittebit or dataloader.io.

2] This xml will contain 2000-3000 records, each with approx 150 fields. We will need to prse this big xml, and upsert these records.
I have used Apex DOM to parse xmls in Salesforce, but not sure it will be the appropriate for our requirement.

​Any recommended appraoches for these requirements?

  • February 26, 2016
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I need help in reading/storing and parsing big (~70-80 MB) XML file.

1] As per our requirement, the third party system will upload the xml on secure ftp, which we will need to bring in Salesforce.
I know Salesforce doesn't support FTP natively, I amy need to introduce a java/dotnet app in between or go for third party solutions like Jittebit or dataloader.io.

2] This xml will contain 2000-3000 records, each with approx 150 fields. We will need to prse this big xml, and upsert these records.
I have used Apex DOM to parse xmls in Salesforce, but not sure it will be the appropriate for our requirement.

​Any recommended appraoches for these requirements?

  • February 26, 2016
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