• aravind swaminathan
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We tried to upgrade to TSL1.2 using
ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12;
conn = new SalesforceConnection(userNAME, passWORD, secTOKEN);

in our .NET Console Application to connect to Salesforce and we are getting the error below when  initializing the connection.

INVALID_LOGIN: Invalid username, password, security token; or user locked out.

Can you please let me know what am i doing wrong here and please suggest a fix for this?

Thanks in Advance.
Hi All,

I am trying to update managerid field on user object using upsert method.My requirement is to make it null/ remove the existing manager name when i run my update process with new managerid.If it doesnt find the new managerid in salesforce, it should remove the old manager id and make it null.How to accomplish it?I tried passing null and "" to manageriod field on my upsert method without any luck.If someone can help, it would be great.


We are trying to update user profile information and we are using upsert method to do it.When we are trying to do so, some records got upadted succesfully but we got "System.FinalException : Sobject row does not allow errors" and error code is "CANNOT_INSERT_UPDATE_ACTIVATE_ENTITY" AND Error Message is UserTrigger:execution of AfterUpdate.
class.user.BLogic.closeOpentasksforChampionUser: line 213,column 1

Can you please help us with this?what is causing it?
I am passing companyname,department,division etc to upsert method to insert new user.But am getting "Business Unit must be defined for a User".Can you help me with this?

When i try to do upsert with all the information including profileId, i get "Cannot grant or remove a profile with modify all data,<br>without having the modify all data permission yourself.: Profile ID" error.Without Profile Id, am able to update properly.What is the reason for it?
For Manager/ManagerId field, what is the encoding thats used? i tried decoding using base64 and it didnt work.
We are trying to update the user profile data(ie Contacts information).When i am trying to do 
SaveResult[] rsults=binding.update(userList);
I am getting an error -Invalid format of Id.I am sending Id as employee number.Can you please let me know if Id is salesforce identifier?If yes,How can i get that Id?And also please advise me if i am using the right api method to update Contact Information?



We tried to upgrade to TSL1.2 using
ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12;
conn = new SalesforceConnection(userNAME, passWORD, secTOKEN);

in our .NET Console Application to connect to Salesforce and we are getting the error below when  initializing the connection.

INVALID_LOGIN: Invalid username, password, security token; or user locked out.

Can you please let me know what am i doing wrong here and please suggest a fix for this?

Thanks in Advance.

We are trying to update user profile information and we are using upsert method to do it.When we are trying to do so, some records got upadted succesfully but we got "System.FinalException : Sobject row does not allow errors" and error code is "CANNOT_INSERT_UPDATE_ACTIVATE_ENTITY" AND Error Message is UserTrigger:execution of AfterUpdate.
class.user.BLogic.closeOpentasksforChampionUser: line 213,column 1

Can you please help us with this?what is causing it?
We are trying to update the user profile data(ie Contacts information).When i am trying to do 
SaveResult[] rsults=binding.update(userList);
I am getting an error -Invalid format of Id.I am sending Id as employee number.Can you please let me know if Id is salesforce identifier?If yes,How can i get that Id?And also please advise me if i am using the right api method to update Contact Information?
