• Wim Rippen 11
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I have a basic SF Ultmate and I am new to SF.
I imported the Accounts and Contacts.. no problem.

I created an Object called... Aproducts.... : meaning Company AAA, making XXXproduct,  YYYproduct   ZZZproduct (or no products or some 20 products,depending on the link Account/Acompany)
I see the Aproducts object on Accountpage. (I took Account as link in Aproducts)

Aproducts fields:

Acompany   (which should be linked to Accounts)  and I  do such mapping

some other fields like Email,address etc.

If I import via Dataloader or the default Import Objects (SF) then only some 9000 of 35.000 records
are imported and others gives errors like wrong ID, or doubles...
To save time, how to mass delete the records in Aproducts, and how to see a list of the file/fields imported.
(i now do a new name for Aproducts like Aprod1. Aprod2.... to re-start/re-try a new effort) but time consuming.

Thanks for any help.

SF Ultimate/Wind 8.1
I am new to SF, so my question: I have an Accountfield called Black with content X and I have to
put the X value in the same Black field in the RELATED Contactfield. (some 50.000 records)
How to do this  ?
Thanks for reply.