• Mariana D'Abreu
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  • Member since 2015

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I've seen used on Formula fields the following operator/code, which seems not to be supported, at least it is not mentioned on the Formula field documentation:

1) The '!' logical operator, i.e. !ISNEW()  (the documentation mentions only the NOT() function)
2) Reference a global variable wihtout enclosing it with {!}, i.e. $Api.Enterprise_Server_URL

Are the examples mentioned above supported by Formula fields?

Thanks in advance for any help on this.

I need to retrieve all the validation rules associated with a given object, using the REST API.

Looking in doc/forums, I've found that I could retrieve validation rules associated with an object using the following query:

https:///services/data/v35.0/tooling/query?q=Select Id,Active,Description,ErrorDisplayField, ErrorMessage From ValidationRule Where EntityDefinitionId = 'xxxxx'

The problem is that I don't have the object'ID needed to filter, I only have its name. Is there any way to filter using the object's name?

Another alternative seems to be getting the object'ID, but it seems that Metadata REST API (i.e. describe) does not return it.

Any help on this is very appreciated.


I've seen used on Formula fields the following operator/code, which seems not to be supported, at least it is not mentioned on the Formula field documentation:

1) The '!' logical operator, i.e. !ISNEW()  (the documentation mentions only the NOT() function)
2) Reference a global variable wihtout enclosing it with {!}, i.e. $Api.Enterprise_Server_URL

Are the examples mentioned above supported by Formula fields?

Thanks in advance for any help on this.

I need to retrieve all the validation rules associated with a given object, using the REST API.

Looking in doc/forums, I've found that I could retrieve validation rules associated with an object using the following query:

https:///services/data/v35.0/tooling/query?q=Select Id,Active,Description,ErrorDisplayField, ErrorMessage From ValidationRule Where EntityDefinitionId = 'xxxxx'

The problem is that I don't have the object'ID needed to filter, I only have its name. Is there any way to filter using the object's name?

Another alternative seems to be getting the object'ID, but it seems that Metadata REST API (i.e. describe) does not return it.

Any help on this is very appreciated.
