• Philip Zimmerman
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I'm trying to replicate a custom button I had that would launch a report and immediately bring up the dialogue box to save the report.

I used this code to make that happen:

I have read all of the documentation and am trying to get the following to work:
{!URLFOR( $Action.Report.ReportExportAction , "00O63000000HEhL", [ fv0=Batch__c.Id ])}

Anybody know what I am doing wrong here?  It will launch the report but will not apply my parameters and will not export it.

I am running a simple soql query to gather a list of external objects are that related to a set of ids of internal records.  

SELECT ExternalId, Type__c, Location__c, Payer__c, PayerDescription__c, DateofService__c, PostedDate__c, Amount__c, EncounterID_SDB__c FROM Transaction_External__x WHERE EncounterID_SDB__c in: esdbids 

This query generates an insanely long GET request URL to our external system.  The Request is 9,000 characters when esdbids contains 248 ids.  I dont want to open up our maxquerylength that much.  Has anyone found a way around this issue in the past?
So i have found the numerous articles explaining using 2 pages and one controller to export data to a csv file. I have followed the steps and my created csv file always has the following code appended:

<script type="text/javascript">  SfdcApp.Visualforce.viewstate.ViewstateSender.sendViewstate('https://cs10.salesforce.com' 'ClientPortalCases');  </script>

how do i prevent this code from appearing?  I have seen other people mention this appearing but have never seen a solution.  I also tried exporting to xls but then you get the error message explaining that the extension and the file format don't match.  

Please help!