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Create a new object Survey Request with below fields,
  1. Status – Pick list(Options: Open, Close , Start, Stop)
  2. Stop Started date – date
  3. Total Stop Duration in days-- Integer
  • Create a trigger on survey request to capture the total days for which the survey request was stopped and store the same in Total Stop Duration in day’s field.
I currently have a custom field on the Contacts Object called Field Lable: Colleague ID API Name: TargetX_SRMb__Colleague_ID__c that I need when it gets filled in to trigger and copy the data from Colleague ID field and add it to the Field Lable: SRM ETL ID API Name: TargetX_SRMb__SRM_ETL_ID__c on the Application Object
 return Database.getQueryLocator([select userorGroupid from groupmember where group.name='GroupnameXYZ' and userorgroupid in (Select id,contact.AP_Status__c from user where contact.Fieldxyz__c!='Available' and isactive=True)]);

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