• Neil Bradbury 1
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I am trying to create a Custom Action - Create Record on a parent custom object, but I am unable to select an child objects if it is a lookup relationship. Only Master detail objects show. I can't find any documentation that says this is a limitation. Any suggestions?


Hi guys,

I thought, that by default, when an Account Owner is changed, open Opportunities owned by said User are given to the new Account Owner as well.
I know that this is the default when Account Owner is changed via front end. I thought this was the default for Account Owner changes via Apex Trigger as well? Is it not?
We have a Trigger that changes the Account Owner. However, the open Opportunities that are owned by the old Account Owner, don't get transferred to the new Account Owner.
Any idea why? Or do we have to put that Opportunity-Owner change into the Apex explicitly?

Thanks and best regards

P.S.: I know that Opps don't get transfered when Account-Owner is changed via API. The API Version 35 (Winter16) offers new "OwnerChangeOption" for that though. Is there something equivalent in Apex Classes?