• John Hislop 8
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  • Member since 2016

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Hello, I earned badges for the Cultivate Equality at Work on Wednesday (with Trailhead account linked to my Salesforce email address - John Hislop 8) and the badges are not lighting on my profile - can you direct me to where I can get this fixed? Thanks!
Hello, I earned badges for the Cultivate Equality at Work on Wednesday (with Trailhead account linked to my Salesforce email address - John Hislop 8) and the badges are not lighting on my profile - can you direct me to where I can get this fixed? Thanks!
Hello, I earned badges for the Cultivate Equality at Work on Wednesday (with Trailhead account linked to my Salesforce email address - John Hislop 8) and the badges are not lighting on my profile - can you direct me to where I can get this fixed? Thanks!