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In my organisation a lot of quotes are being sent out every day. When somebody responds positively on it, we send an invoice to close the deal. We create both quotations and invoices through the Quotes functionality in Salesforce. For quotes there is the field "Quote Number" which automatically increases every time a quote is created. We want to use an analogue field for invoices. 

What I thought was that you could build a workflow that if the quote type is invoice a field would get updated by 1 to get the new invoice number. However, for this to work, this "Invoice Number" field would have to be global across all opportunities. Is there any way I can create such a field? If so, how? Or is there maybe a smarter solution altogether?

Many thanks for the help! 
Hi everyone,

I am new to APEX programming so this will probably be an absolute rookey question:

How do I trigger a certain email or email alert on a date/time field I create on contacts? So what I want to do is to send an email to a contact one minute before a manually given date/time on the contact's page in my salesforce.

Thanks for the help! 

Hi everyone,
I would like to build a trigger that updates a custom field (a picklist) and chooses a specific item on the list, after I have sent an email. Because I am sending mails from Gmail and linking the service to Salesforce via the Ebsta app, the email appears only in "Activity History".
Since I am new to programming, I would greatly appreciate any help on how to write an apex trigger that updates the picklist field as soon as there is something in Lead "Activity History".
Thank you for your help!
Hi everyone,
I wanted to create a trigger that updates a custom checkbox field (Contacted__c) after I have sent an email. Since I am sending the mail from Gmail and logging it to Salesforce via an app called Ebsta, the email appears in "Activity History" only.
Being new to programming, I would greatly appreciate some help on how to write an apex trigger that updates the "Contacted" field when "Activity History" is not empty.
Many thanks for your help!
Hi everyone,

I am new to APEX programming so this will probably be an absolute rookey question:

How do I trigger a certain email or email alert on a date/time field I create on contacts? So what I want to do is to send an email to a contact one minute before a manually given date/time on the contact's page in my salesforce.

Thanks for the help! 

Hi everyone,
I wanted to create a trigger that updates a custom checkbox field (Contacted__c) after I have sent an email. Since I am sending the mail from Gmail and logging it to Salesforce via an app called Ebsta, the email appears in "Activity History" only.
Being new to programming, I would greatly appreciate some help on how to write an apex trigger that updates the "Contacted" field when "Activity History" is not empty.
Many thanks for your help!