• Moghal Kalam 10
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I am new to salesforce and need to write Dev 401 exam. I wanna sample questions or dumps so as to give the exam better. Pls if any one have kindly send to my mail id  <b>"  moghalkalam@gmail.com  " </b>
Hellow I tried to develop vf page wizard i wrote cotroller below but not executing.
* This class is the controller behind the New Customer Opportunity
* wizard. The new wizard is comprised of three pages, each of
* which utilizes the same instance of this controller.
public class newOpportunityController {
// These four class variables maintain the state of the wizard.
// When users enter data into the wizard, their input is stored
// in these variables.
Account account;
Contact contact;
Opportunity opportunity;
OpportunityContactRole role;
// The next four methods return one of each of the four class
// variables. If this is the first time the method is called,
// it creates an empty record for the variable.
public Account getAccount() {
if(account == null) account = new Account();
return account;
public Contact getContact() {
if(contact == null) contact = new Contact();
return contact;
public Opportunity getOpportunity() {
if(opportunity == null) opportunity = new Opportunity();
return opportunity;
public OpportunityContactRole getRole() {
if(role == null) role = new OpportunityContactRole();
return role;
// The next three methods are used to control navigation through
// the wizard. Each returns a reference to one of the three pages
// in the wizard.
public PageReference step1() {
return Page.opptyStep1;
public PageReference step2() {
return Page.opptyStep2;
public PageReference step3() {
return Page.opptyStep3;
// This method performs the final save for all four objects, and
// then navigates the user to the detail page for the new
// opportunity.
public PageReference save() {
// Create the account. Before inserting, copy the contact's
// phone number into the account phone number field.
account.phone = contact.phone;
insert account;
// Create the contact. Before inserting, use the id field
// that's created once the account is inserted to create
// the relationship between the contact and the account.
contact.accountId = account.id;
insert contact;
// Create the opportunity. Before inserting, create
// another relationship with the account.
opportunity.accountId = account.id;
insert opportunity;
// Create the junction contact role between the opportunity
// and the contact.
role.opportunityId = opportunity.id;
role.contactId = contact.id;
insert role;
// Finally, send the user to the detail page for
// the new opportunity.
// Note that using '/' in the new PageReference object keeps
// the user in the current instance of salesforce, rather than
// redirecting him or her elsewhere.
PageReference opptyPage = new PageReference('/' +
return opptyPage;