• Esteban Castro R
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Hi Team,

I wonder if there's a best practice regarding the following scenario for  going on a for loop inside a for loop for a SOQL query on an object with a sub query. For example:
List<Parent__c> lp = [
  SELECT Id, Name,
    (SELECT Id, Name FROM Child__r WHERE Name = :childFilter)
  FROM Parent__c
  WHERE Name = :parentFilter

for(Parent__c p : lp){
  System.debug('Parent__c Name: ' + p.Name);
​  for(Child__c c : lp.Child__r){
    System.debug('Child__c Name: ' + c.Name);
Should I build the query on the child level and populate a Map<Id,Child__c> with back references to the parent object attributes, then do a for inside a for loop over map Id, then object? Thanks a lot.
Hi Team,

I wonder if there's a best practice regarding the following scenario for  going on a for loop inside a for loop for a SOQL query on an object with a sub query. For example:
List<Parent__c> lp = [
  SELECT Id, Name,
    (SELECT Id, Name FROM Child__r WHERE Name = :childFilter)
  FROM Parent__c
  WHERE Name = :parentFilter

for(Parent__c p : lp){
  System.debug('Parent__c Name: ' + p.Name);
​  for(Child__c c : lp.Child__r){
    System.debug('Child__c Name: ' + c.Name);
Should I build the query on the child level and populate a Map<Id,Child__c> with back references to the parent object attributes, then do a for inside a for loop over map Id, then object? Thanks a lot.