• Nikita Verkhoshintcev
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  • Member since 2016

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I have a VisualForce page with the select element:

<apex:selectList value="{!StyleGuide}" size="1" styleClass="SlectBox" id="styleguideSelect">
  <apex:selectOptions value="{!StyleGuideOptions}"/>
  <apex:actionSupport event="onchange" onComplete="resetItems()" rerender="dropdownpanel, guidelines, imagespanel, result-count" action="{!doSearch}"/>

Here is a compiled HTML:
<select id="j_id0:j_id60:dropdownpanel:generationTypes" name="j_id0:j_id60:dropdownpanel:generationTypes" class="SlectBox " size="1" onchange="A4J.AJAX.Submit('j_id0:j_id60',event,{'similarityGroupingId':'j_id0:j_id60:dropdownpanel:j_id64','oncomplete':function(request,event,data){resetItems()},'parameters':{'j_id0:j_id60:dropdownpanel:j_id64':'j_id0:j_id60:dropdownpanel:j_id64'} } )" style="display: none;"> 
  <option value="Generation 3" selected="selected">Generation 3</option>
  <option value="Generation 2">Generation 2</option>
  <option value="Generation 1">Generation 1</option>

It works perfectly fine in Chrome, Firefox, Safari and IE Edge. Doesn't work in IE up to 11. Selecting an option do nothing.

The error which I'm getting when page is loaded:

[Error] Could not retrieve a valid progID of Class: Microsoft.XMLDOM. (original exception: ReferenceError: Can't find variable: ActiveXObject)
It is thrown from Sarissa.js

The error when I'm selecting the option element:
TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'A4J.AJAX.Submit')

Is there any solution to fix that?
Thank you!


I have a VisualForce page with the select element:

<apex:selectList value="{!StyleGuide}" size="1" styleClass="SlectBox" id="styleguideSelect">
  <apex:selectOptions value="{!StyleGuideOptions}"/>
  <apex:actionSupport event="onchange" onComplete="resetItems()" rerender="dropdownpanel, guidelines, imagespanel, result-count" action="{!doSearch}"/>

Here is a compiled HTML:
<select id="j_id0:j_id60:dropdownpanel:generationTypes" name="j_id0:j_id60:dropdownpanel:generationTypes" class="SlectBox " size="1" onchange="A4J.AJAX.Submit('j_id0:j_id60',event,{'similarityGroupingId':'j_id0:j_id60:dropdownpanel:j_id64','oncomplete':function(request,event,data){resetItems()},'parameters':{'j_id0:j_id60:dropdownpanel:j_id64':'j_id0:j_id60:dropdownpanel:j_id64'} } )" style="display: none;"> 
  <option value="Generation 3" selected="selected">Generation 3</option>
  <option value="Generation 2">Generation 2</option>
  <option value="Generation 1">Generation 1</option>

It works perfectly fine in Chrome, Firefox, Safari and IE Edge. Doesn't work in IE up to 11. Selecting an option do nothing.

The error which I'm getting when page is loaded:

[Error] Could not retrieve a valid progID of Class: Microsoft.XMLDOM. (original exception: ReferenceError: Can't find variable: ActiveXObject)
It is thrown from Sarissa.js

The error when I'm selecting the option element:
TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'A4J.AJAX.Submit')

Is there any solution to fix that?
Thank you!


I have a VisualForce page with the select element:

<apex:selectList value="{!StyleGuide}" size="1" styleClass="SlectBox" id="styleguideSelect">
  <apex:selectOptions value="{!StyleGuideOptions}"/>
  <apex:actionSupport event="onchange" onComplete="resetItems()" rerender="dropdownpanel, guidelines, imagespanel, result-count" action="{!doSearch}"/>

Here is a compiled HTML:
<select id="j_id0:j_id60:dropdownpanel:generationTypes" name="j_id0:j_id60:dropdownpanel:generationTypes" class="SlectBox " size="1" onchange="A4J.AJAX.Submit('j_id0:j_id60',event,{'similarityGroupingId':'j_id0:j_id60:dropdownpanel:j_id64','oncomplete':function(request,event,data){resetItems()},'parameters':{'j_id0:j_id60:dropdownpanel:j_id64':'j_id0:j_id60:dropdownpanel:j_id64'} } )" style="display: none;"> 
  <option value="Generation 3" selected="selected">Generation 3</option>
  <option value="Generation 2">Generation 2</option>
  <option value="Generation 1">Generation 1</option>

It works perfectly fine in Chrome, Firefox, Safari and IE Edge. Doesn't work in IE up to 11. Selecting an option do nothing.

The error which I'm getting when page is loaded:

[Error] Could not retrieve a valid progID of Class: Microsoft.XMLDOM. (original exception: ReferenceError: Can't find variable: ActiveXObject)
It is thrown from Sarissa.js

The error when I'm selecting the option element:
TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'A4J.AJAX.Submit')

Is there any solution to fix that?
Thank you!