• Deepak Hanumantha Andeli
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  • Member since 2016

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Hi All,

I understand Salesforce as a Identity Provide does not support Grant Type Client Credentail but can it interract with an Identity Provider through Grant Type Client Credentail as a Servic Provider ?

I have a requirement where Salesforce is required to authenticate itself using this grant type with IDP before accessing.

Has anyone done something similar to this in the past ?

Hi All,

We have a requirement where 2 object Account and Activities (Custom Object) are required to be associated either through a Lookup or Master Detail relationship. The challenge is to utilize the OOTB salesforce feature over Custom coding as much possible.

The requirement is every Account will be associated to multiple Acitivities. Each Activity record will have a field called Points and sum of all the points against associated Activities are to be calculated and rolledup to Account in another Points field.

While at the first look it seems a simple case of Master Detail relationship between Account and Activities and Rollup Summary field to sum up all the points but here is a twist.

The twist is, Accounts are set up in an Hierarchical manner. ie., Account A1 is linked to 2 children Accounts A2 and A3
Both A2 and A3 has their own associated activities. 
Say A2 has 10 points and A3 has 20 points - when one views A1 there should be a value of 30 against Points field in A1.

Considering this hierarchical model, one of the developer has recommended a Look up relationship between the 2 object and Apex trigger each time an activities is created or updated to carry out the calculation.

The question is whether the same can still be achieved by Master detail relationship with lesser custom code and more OOTB feature such as RollUp Summary field.

Hi All,

We are currently working on OAuth 2.0 User Agent flow where our Mobile App connects with Salesforce through a Connected App.

Although most of the time, user gets authenticated and authorized accurately. There are some instances where we see OAuth Error page (see the below image) instead of redirecting the User to appropriate redirection page.

We haven't been able to identify the cause for this behavior but we do know that the User trying to authenticate and authorize himself can be
  • New User
  • Existing User
  • Provide Corrector Incorrect credentails.
Any one has come across this behavior and has been able to idenitify the root cause ?

OAuth Error

We are trying to setup an Email - App based linking between Salesforce and my iOS App.
As part of this setup, Apple requires us to support something called Universal link (see the link provided below).


As per the instructions, I am expected to setup a configuration file called 'apple-app-site-association' in the website (Salesforce in this context) and provide the App details in a JSON format.

Although it may sound simple when think of Static resource, the expectation is that the file is required to be placed in the root of the Salesforce domain

Such as

I was surprised that this file already exists in Salesforce but don't think one can edit it to add my App related information to it.

Has anyone come across this issue before, if so please provide me some insights in resolving the same.
Hi All,

We are currently working on OAuth 2.0 User Agent flow where our Mobile App connects with Salesforce through a Connected App.

Although most of the time, user gets authenticated and authorized accurately. There are some instances where we see OAuth Error page (see the below image) instead of redirecting the User to appropriate redirection page.

We haven't been able to identify the cause for this behavior but we do know that the User trying to authenticate and authorize himself can be
  • New User
  • Existing User
  • Provide Corrector Incorrect credentails.
Any one has come across this behavior and has been able to idenitify the root cause ?

OAuth Error
Hello team,

I’m facing some issues trying to call Marketing Cloud REST API,  from SF Apex code, using Named Credentials, Auth Providers and Custom Metadata Types.
I have done the connection between the two systems, but making a request to obtain the access token every time I need to call the API or storing it in a custom setting, for example, to reuse it in future API calls.

I want to do it in a better way using Named Credentials, Auth Providers and Custom Metadata Types but I’m struggling with it. When my class extending Auth.AuthProviderPluginClass runs, it calls the method initiate but the method handleCallback is never called.

My questions are:
- Is it possible to do this connection between SF and Marketing Cloud REST API using these features? (Named Credentials, Auth Providers and Custom Metadata Types).
- If so, do you have any documentation I can read with an example of how to do it? I have read the SF help documentation and I couldn’t find anything.

Thanks in advance!!


Anybody have an idea on how can I make the Sales Path on lead page read-only?
I do not want users to click on this path to mark it as complete..

I want them to use the Lead status field from the detail page to change the lead status..Once saved, the status will just reflects in the sales path section.

Hi All,

We are currently working on OAuth 2.0 User Agent flow where our Mobile App connects with Salesforce through a Connected App.

Although most of the time, user gets authenticated and authorized accurately. There are some instances where we see OAuth Error page (see the below image) instead of redirecting the User to appropriate redirection page.

We haven't been able to identify the cause for this behavior but we do know that the User trying to authenticate and authorize himself can be
  • New User
  • Existing User
  • Provide Corrector Incorrect credentails.
Any one has come across this behavior and has been able to idenitify the root cause ?

OAuth Error

We are trying to setup an Email - App based linking between Salesforce and my iOS App.
As part of this setup, Apple requires us to support something called Universal link (see the link provided below).


As per the instructions, I am expected to setup a configuration file called 'apple-app-site-association' in the website (Salesforce in this context) and provide the App details in a JSON format.

Although it may sound simple when think of Static resource, the expectation is that the file is required to be placed in the root of the Salesforce domain

Such as

I was surprised that this file already exists in Salesforce but don't think one can edit it to add my App related information to it.

Has anyone come across this issue before, if so please provide me some insights in resolving the same.
Is there a way to get more info from an Openid Connect auth other than AuthorizationError?ErrorCode=No_Openid_Response&ErrorDescription=Bad+response


Hi all, Any hints on how to get person accounts made available?


From the documentation I've read it looks like I need to request it from SF directly, but for the life of me I can't seem to locate a method to make that request.


