• Rajesh Kumar 257
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I want to set lookup filter in lighting , I belive is not supported in relesed 17 ,??
any one to suggest me

thanks u in advanced.
I am trying to get the Shopify Api by using apex. I am unable to find any Connect Api call that returns to sandbox and import product data. Any suggestions how can this be achieved. Any suggestions regarding this would highly be appreciated.
I have update owner name by using flow .and set all permission require for that user. plz provide me sloution can we update owner name in case object with portal user. Rk
Please Don't want to used third party app and application .i want to develop look like and worked as shopify app

please help me
Please Don't want to used third party app and application .i want to develop look like and worked as shopify app

please help me


I need ur help !!

I am getting error INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS_ON_CROSS_REFERENCE_ENTITY, insufficient access rights on cross-reference id:[] Trigger.ShareOperatingUnits:  when test code covereag.


Test class ::

private class TestNewWorkOrder {

    static testMethod void myUnitTest() {
        User usr1 = [select id, Name, ProfileId  from User where Profile.Name = 'System Administrator' limit 1 ];
        System.runAs(usr1) {  
        Object__c ou = new Object__c();
        ou.Branch_Manager__c = UserInfo.getUserId();
        ou.Name = 'Test';
        insert ou;



After insert Trigger::

trigger ShareOperatingUnits on Object__c (after insert, after update) {
    List<Object__Share> ouShareList = new List<Object__Share>();

    for(Object__c ou: Trigger.New) {
        Object__Share ouShare = new Object__Share();
        ouShare.ParentId  = ou.Id;
        ouShare.UserOrGroupId = ou.Branch_Manager__c;
        ouShare.AccessLevel = 'Read';

   insert ouShareList;   // HERE I M GETTING ERROR



Please tell me what i done wrong .

I think i need to make some changes on object side my trigger is working fine but getting prblm for test coverage .

Please help me !!


Many Thnks In Advance

