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compare two lists and remove records which are common in both lists from list1
I have two lists of dates list one contains 100 days dates from tomorrow and list two contains dates which come from api that contains holidays and weekends. I need to compare both the lists and remove second list values from the first list. I have tried to compare and remove but it is not giving proper result.Please help me how to do it in apex.
- jagadeep k
- April 04, 2022
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Add check box to map array in lwc
I want to display checkbox for map array the js code is as below
import { LightningElement, api } from 'lwc';
export default class testPaginationMapArrayEnhanced extends LightningElement {
@api structureType = 3;
data = [];
globalActions = [];
// columns = [];
// keyField;
showPaginationTable = false;
connectedCallback() {
const actions = [
{ label: 'Show details', name: 'show_details' },
{ label: 'Delete', name: 'delete' },
/* { type: 'action',
typeAttributes: { rowActions: actions}
this.data = [
{ "name":"Test Name 1","website": {"value": "testname1.com", "type": "url"}, "phone": {"value": "09898989801", "type": "phone"}, "amount": 230.45, "closeAt": "2021-02-28"},
{ "name": "Test Name 2", "website": {"value": "testname2.com", "type": "url"}, "phone": {"value": "09898989802", "type": "phone"}, "amount": 240.5, "closeAt": "2021-01-28" },
{ "name": "Test Name 3", "website": {"value": "testname3.com", "type": "url"}, "phone": {"value": "09898989803", "type": "phone"}, "amount": 250.65, "closeAt": "2021-03-28" },
{ "name": "Test Name 4", "website": {"value": "testname4.com", "type": "url"}, "phone": {"value": "09898989804", "type": "phone"}, "amount": 260.4, "closeAt": "2021-02-28" },
{ "name": "Test Name 5", "website": {"value": "testname5.com", "type": "url"}, "phone": {"value": "09898989805", "type": "phone"}, "amount": 270, "closeAt": "2021-01-28" },
{ "name": "Test Name 6", "website": {"value": "testname6.com", "type": "url"}, "phone": {"value": "09898989806", "type": "phone"}, "amount": 280.45, "closeAt": "2021-03-28" },
{ "name": "Test Name 7", "website": {"value": "testname7.com", "type": "url"}, "phone": {"value": "09898989807", "type": "phone"}, "amount": 290.5, "closeAt": "2021-02-28" },
{ "name": "Test Name 8", "website": {"value": "testname8.com", "type": "url"}, "phone": {"value": "09898989808", "type": "phone"}, "amount": 130.65, "closeAt": "2021-01-28" },
{ "name": "Test Name 9", "website": {"value": "testname9.com", "type": "url"}, "phone": {"value": "09898989809", "type": "phone"}, "amount": 330.4, "closeAt": "2021-03-28" },
{ "name": "Test Name 10", "website": {"value": "testname10.com", "type": "url"}, "phone": {"value": "09898989810", "type": "phone"}, "amount": 430, "closeAt": "2021-02-28" },
this.globalActions = [
{label: "Delete", type: "delete"},
{label: "Hide", type: "hide"},
{label: "Edit", type: "edit"}
this.showPaginationTable = true;
handleRowAction(event) {
alert("Row Action Fired!\nAction Name: " + event.detail.actionName + "\nRow: " + JSON.stringify(event.detail.row));
handleGlobalAction(event) {
alert("Global Action Fired!\nAction Type: " + event.detail.actionType + "\nSelected Rows: " + JSON.stringify(event.detail.selectedRows));
handleSave(event) {
alert("Inline Edit Save Action Fired!\Draft Values: " + JSON.stringify(event.detail.draftValues));
html code is as follows
<div class="demoContainer">
<h2 class="slds-text-heading_medium slds-var-m-vertical_medium">Enhanced Pagination Datatable - With Array of Map</h2>
<template if:true={showPaginationTable}>
<c-pagination-datatable-full structure-type="3" table-data={data} rows-per-page="10" insert-numbered-column="true" show-page-numbers="true"
first-last-buttons="true" previous-next-buttons="true" numbered-buttons="true" show-filters="true"
max-number-of-index-buttons="5" dynamic-rows-per-page="true" onrowaction={handleRowAction}
global-actions={globalActions} onglobalaction={handleGlobalAction} onsave={handleSave}>
- jagadeep k
- March 03, 2022
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- 0
Add checkbox to nested array in lwc
Here is my js code for the component
import { LightningElement,api } from 'lwc';
export default class testPaginationNestedArray extends LightningElement {
data = [];
globalActions = [];
columns = [];
showPaginationTable = false;
connectedCallback() {
const actions = [
{ label: 'Show details', name: 'show_details' },
{ label: 'Delete', name: 'delete' },
this.columns = ["Name", "Website", "Phone", "Amount", "Close At"];
this.data = [
["Test Name 1", {"value": "testname1.com", "type": "url"}, {"value": "09898989801", "type": "phone"}, 230.45, "2021-02-28" ],
["Test Name 2", {"value": "testname2.com", "type": "url"}, {"value": "09898989802", "type": "phone"}, 240.5, "2021-01-28" ],
["Test Name 3", {"value": "testname3.com", "type": "url"}, {"value": "09898989803", "type": "phone"}, 250.65, "2021-03-28" ],
["Test Name 4", {"value": "testname4.com", "type": "url"}, {"value": "09898989804", "type": "phone"}, 260.4, "2021-02-28" ],
["Test Name 5", {"value": "testname5.com", "type": "url"}, {"value": "09898989805", "type": "phone"}, 270, "2021-01-28" ],
["Test Name 6", {"value": "testname6.com", "type": "url"}, {"value": "09898989806", "type": "phone"}, 280.45, "2021-03-28" ],
["Test Name 7", {"value": "testname7.com", "type": "url"}, {"value": "09898989807", "type": "phone"}, 290.5, "2021-02-28" ],
["Test Name 8", {"value": "testname8.com", "type": "url"}, {"value": "09898989808", "type": "phone"}, 130.65, "2021-01-28" ],
["Test Name 9", {"value": "testname9.com", "type": "url"}, {"value": "09898989809", "type": "phone"}, 330.4, "2021-03-28" ],
["Test Name 10", {"value": "testname10.com", "type": "url"}, {"value": "09898989810", "type": "phone"}, 430, "2021-02-28" ]
this.globalActions = [
{label: "Delete", type: "delete"},
{label: "Hide", type: "hide"},
{label: "Edit", type: "edit"}
this.showPaginationTable = true;
handleRowAction(event) {
alert("Row Action Fired!\nAction Name: " + event.detail.actionName + "\nRow: " + JSON.stringify(event.detail.row));
handleGlobalAction(event) {
alert("Global Action Fired!\nAction Type: " + event.detail.actionType + "\nSelected Rows: " + JSON.stringify(event.detail.selectedRows));
handleSave(event) {
alert("Inline Edit Save Action Fired!\Draft Values: " + JSON.stringify(event.detail.draftValues));
Here is my html code for the component
<div class="demoContainer">
<h2 class="slds-text-heading_medium slds-var-m-bottom_medium">Pagination Datatable - With data structure type of
nested array Enhanced</h2>
<template if:true={showPaginationTable}>
<c-pagination-datatable-full structure-type="2" table-columns={columns} table-data={data} key-field={keyField}
rows-per-page="10" insert-numbered-column="true" show-page-numbers="true" first-last-buttons="true"
previous-next-buttons="true" numbered-buttons="true" show-filters="true" max-number-of-index-buttons="5"
dynamic-rows-per-page="true" onrowaction={handleRowAction} show-checkbox-column="true"
global-actions={globalActions} onglobalaction={handleGlobalAction} onsave={handleSave} >
- jagadeep k
- March 03, 2022
- Like
- 0
how to increase code coverage to more than 80% for my Apex class
public class lmiController { //Get User's Role public Boolean isASM{get;set;} public Boolean isPDM{get;set;} public Boolean isAssocPDM{get;set;} public Boolean isASR{get;set;} public Boolean isISR{get;set;} public Boolean isManager{get;set;} /*public PostalCodeWrapper[] cityList{get;set;} public ListingWrapper[] listings{get;set;}*/ public Decimal totalPop{get;set;} public Decimal websiteVisits{get;set;} public Decimal avgCycles{get;set;} public Integer accountTotal{get;set;} public String jsonStr{get;set;} public Transient String availableCities{get;set;} public Transient String availableCounties{get;set;} public String selectedCities{get;set;} public String selectedCitiesFromCounty{get;set;} public Transient Postal_Code__c[] fullPostalCodes{get;set;} public Transient Set<Id> pcIds{get;set;} public Boolean disableAddAll{get;set;} public Boolean autoLoad{get;set;} //Get url hacked user's first and last name //public List<User> userFirstName{get;set;} //public List<User> userLastName{get;set;} //If user has employees, list here public List<User> employeeList {set;get;} public static Map<String, String> canadaStateMap = new Map<String, String>{ 'Alberta' => 'AB', 'British Columbia' => 'BC', 'Manitoba' => 'MB', 'New Brunswick' => 'NB', 'Newfoundland and Labrodor' => 'NL', 'Nova Scotia' => 'NS', 'Northwest Territories' => 'NT', 'Nunavut' => 'NU', 'Ontario' => 'ON', 'Prince Edward Island' => 'PE', 'Quebec' => 'QC', 'Saskatchewan' => 'SK', 'Yukon' => 'YT', 'AB' => 'AB', 'BC' => 'BC', 'MB' => 'MB', 'NB' => 'NB', 'NL' => 'NL', 'NS' => 'NS', 'NT' => 'NT', 'NU' => 'NU', 'ON' => 'ON', 'PE' => 'PE', 'QC' => 'QC', 'SK' => 'SK', 'YT' => 'YT' }; public static Map<String, String> canadaStateMapReversed = new Map<String, String>{ 'AB' => 'Alberta', 'BC' => 'British Columbia', 'MB' => 'Manitoba', 'NB' => 'New Brunswick', 'NL' => 'Newfoundland and Labrodor', 'NS' => 'Nova Scotia', 'NT' => 'Northwest Territories', 'NU' => 'Nunavut', 'ON' => 'Ontario', 'PE' => 'Prince Edward Island', 'QC' => 'Quebec', 'SK' => 'Saskatchewan', 'YT' => 'Yukon' }; //Count number of cities public Integer cityCount{get;set;} //public Integer pagination{get;set;} public String toolUserId{get;set;} public List<User> userFirstLastName{get;set;} public Set<String> stateFilters = new Set<String>{'CO', 'WY', 'MT', 'ID', 'WA', 'OR', 'UT', 'NV', 'CA', 'AK','HI', 'TX', 'OK', 'NM', 'AZ', 'IA', 'KS', 'NE', 'SD', 'ND', 'OH', 'IN', 'MI', 'IL', 'MO', 'WI', 'MN', 'PA', 'ME', 'MA', 'RI', 'CT', 'NH', 'VT', 'DE', 'MD', 'NY', 'NJ', 'WV', 'VA', 'KY', 'TN', 'NC', 'SC', 'GA', 'MS', 'AR', 'LA', 'AL', 'FL', 'DC', 'PR'}; public Set<String> canadaStateFilters = new Set<String>{'Alberta', 'AB','British Columbia', 'BC','Manitoba', 'MB','New Brunswick', 'NB','Newfoundland and Labrodor', 'NL','Nova Scotia', 'NS','Northwest Territories', 'NT','Nunavut', 'NU','Ontario', 'ON','Prince Edward Island', 'PE','Quebec', 'QC','Saskatchewan', 'SK','Yukon', 'YT'}; //Regions: //Northeast: ME, MA, RI, CT, NH, VT, NY, PA, NJ, DE, MD //Southeast: WV, VA, KY, TN, NC, SC, GA, AL, MS, AR, LA, FL //Midwest: OH, IN, MI, IL, MO, WI, MN, IA, KS, NE, SD, ND //Southwest: TX, OK, NM, AZ //West: CO, WY, MT, ID, WA, OR, UT, NV, CA, AK, HI public void cityResults(){ disableAddAll = false; selectedCities = ''; toolUserId = ApexPages.CurrentPage().getParameters().get('id'); autoLoad = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('autoLoad') == 'true'; if (toolUserId == null) { toolUserId = UserInfo.getUserid(); } userFirstLastName = [select FirstName, LastName from User where id = :toolUserId LIMIT 1]; employeeList = [SELECT Id,FirstName,LastName from User WHERE isActive = true AND ManagerId = :toolUserId]; if (!employeeList.isEmpty()) { isManager = true; } /*cityList = new PostalCodeWrapper[]{}; listings = new ListingWrapper[]{};*/ fullPostalCodes = new Postal_Code__c[]{}; Locator_Listing__c[] fullListings; //If user is an ASM fullPostalCodes = [SELECT County__c, Avg_Monthly_Cycles_per_Territory__c,Area_Sales_Manager__c,Inside_Sales_Rep__c,Practice_Development_Manager__c,Area_Sales_Rep__c,Level_1_Practice_Development_Manager__c,Country_Name__c,City__c,State_Province__c,Name,X2020_CS_Website_Visitors__c,X2010_Census_Population__c FROM Postal_Code__c WHERE Area_Sales_Manager__c = : toolUserId AND ((Country_Name__c = 'United States America' AND State_Province__c IN :stateFilters) OR (Country_Name__c = 'Canada' AND State_Province__c IN :canadaStateFilters)) AND (X2010_Census_Population__c > 0) ORDER BY City__c LIMIT 50000]; if(!fullPostalCodes.isEmpty()) { isASM = true; isASR = false; isPDM = false; isAssocPDM = false; isISR = false; } else { isASM = false; } //If user is an ASR if(fullPostalCodes.isEmpty()){ fullPostalCodes = [SELECT County__c, Avg_Monthly_Cycles_per_Territory__c,Area_Sales_Manager__c,Inside_Sales_Rep__c,Practice_Development_Manager__c,Area_Sales_Rep__c,Level_1_Practice_Development_Manager__c,Country_Name__c,City__c,State_Province__c,Name,X2020_CS_Website_Visitors__c,X2010_Census_Population__c FROM Postal_Code__c WHERE Area_Sales_Rep__c = : toolUserId AND ((Country_Name__c = 'United States America' AND State_Province__c IN :stateFilters) OR (Country_Name__c = 'Canada' AND State_Province__c IN :canadaStateFilters)) AND (X2010_Census_Population__c > 0) ORDER BY City__c LIMIT 50000]; if(!fullPostalCodes.isEmpty()) { isASM = false; isASR = true; isPDM = false; isAssocPDM = false; isISR = false; } else { isASR = false; } } //If user is a PDM if(fullPostalCodes.isEmpty()){ fullPostalCodes = [SELECT County__c, Avg_Monthly_Cycles_per_Territory__c,Area_Sales_Manager__c,Inside_Sales_Rep__c,Practice_Development_Manager__c,Area_Sales_Rep__c,Level_1_Practice_Development_Manager__c,Country_Name__c,City__c,State_Province__c,Name,X2020_CS_Website_Visitors__c,X2010_Census_Population__c FROM Postal_Code__c WHERE Practice_Development_Manager__c = : toolUserId AND ((Country_Name__c = 'United States America' AND State_Province__c IN :stateFilters) OR (Country_Name__c = 'Canada' AND State_Province__c IN :canadaStateFilters)) AND (X2010_Census_Population__c > 0) ORDER BY City__c LIMIT 50000]; if(!fullPostalCodes.isEmpty()) { isASM = false; isASR = false; isPDM = true; isAssocPDM = false; isISR = false; } else { isPDM = false; } } //If user is a PDM Associate if(fullPostalCodes.isEmpty()){ fullPostalCodes = [SELECT County__c, Avg_Monthly_Cycles_per_Territory__c,Area_Sales_Manager__c,Inside_Sales_Rep__c,Practice_Development_Manager__c,Area_Sales_Rep__c,Level_1_Practice_Development_Manager__c,Country_Name__c,City__c,State_Province__c,Name,X2020_CS_Website_Visitors__c,X2010_Census_Population__c FROM Postal_Code__c WHERE Level_1_Practice_Development_Manager__c = : toolUserId AND ((Country_Name__c = 'United States America' AND State_Province__c IN :stateFilters) OR (Country_Name__c = 'Canada' AND State_Province__c IN :canadaStateFilters)) AND (X2010_Census_Population__c > 0) ORDER BY City__c LIMIT 50000]; if(!fullPostalCodes.isEmpty()) { isASM = false; isASR = false; isPDM = false; isAssocPDM = true; isISR = false; } else { isAssocPDM = false; } } //If user is a ISR if(fullPostalCodes.isEmpty()){ fullPostalCodes = [SELECT County__c, Avg_Monthly_Cycles_per_Territory__c,Area_Sales_Manager__c,Inside_Sales_Rep__c,Practice_Development_Manager__c,Area_Sales_Rep__c,Level_1_Practice_Development_Manager__c,Country_Name__c,City__c,State_Province__c,Name,X2020_CS_Website_Visitors__c,X2010_Census_Population__c FROM Postal_Code__c WHERE Inside_Sales_Rep__c = : toolUserId AND ((Country_Name__c = 'United States America' AND State_Province__c IN :stateFilters) OR (Country_Name__c = 'Canada' AND State_Province__c IN :canadaStateFilters)) AND (X2010_Census_Population__c > 0) ORDER BY City__c LIMIT 50000]; if(!fullPostalCodes.isEmpty()) { isASM = false; isASR = false; isPDM = false; isAssocPDM = false; isISR = true; } else { isISR = false; } } if(fullPostalCodes.isEmpty()){ disableAddAll = true; fullPostalCodes = [SELECT County__c, Avg_Monthly_Cycles_per_Territory__c,Area_Sales_Manager__c,Inside_Sales_Rep__c,Practice_Development_Manager__c,Area_Sales_Rep__c,Level_1_Practice_Development_Manager__c,Country_Name__c,City__c,State_Province__c,Name,X2020_CS_Website_Visitors__c,X2010_Census_Population__c FROM Postal_Code__c WHERE ((Country_Name__c = 'United States America' AND State_Province__c IN :stateFilters) OR (Country_Name__c = 'Canada' AND State_Province__c IN :canadaStateFilters)) AND (X2010_Census_Population__c > 0) ORDER BY City__c LIMIT 50000]; } pcIds = new Map<Id, Postal_Code__c>(fullPostalCodes).keySet(); Set<String> available = new Set<String>(); Set<String> availableCounts = new Set<String>(); for(Postal_Code__c pc : fullPostalCodes){ if(String.isNotBlank(pc.City__c) && String.isNotBlank(pc.State_Province__c)){ String state = pc.Country_Name__c == 'Canada' ? canadaStateMap.get(pc.State_Province__c) : pc.State_Province__c; available.add(pc.City__c + ' ' + state); if(String.isNotBlank(pc.County__c)) availableCounts.add(pc.County__c + ' County ' + state); } } String[] av = new String[]{}; av.addAll(available); String[] avCounties = new String[]{}; avCounties.addAll(availableCounts); availableCities = String.join(av,','); availableCounties = String.join(avCounties, ','); totalPop = 0; websiteVisits = 0; accountTotal = 0; if(autoLoad && av.size() < 10000){ prepAggregateData(availableCities); }else{ autoLoad = false; } System.debug(disableAddAll); } public void prepAggregateData(){ try{ totalPop = 0; websiteVisits = 0; accountTotal = 0; avgCycles = -1; String[] cityFilterPre = selectedCities.split(','); String[] cityFilter = new String[]{}; String[] stateFilter = new String[]{}; String[] countyFilters = new String[]{}; String[] countyStateFilters = new String[]{}; Set<String> countyCityFilters = new Set<String>(); for(String city : cityFilterPre){ if(city.toLowerCase().contains('county')){ Integer i = city.toLowerCase().indexOf('county'); String c = city.substring(0, i); String state = city.substring(i + 6, city.length()); countyFilters.add(c.trim()); countyStateFilters.add(state.trim()); if(canadaStateMapReversed.containsKey(state.trim())) countyStateFilters.add(canadaStateMapReversed.get(state.trim())); }else{ Integer i = city.lastIndexOf(' '); String c = city.substring(0, i); String state = city.substring(i, city.length()); cityFilter.add(c.trim()); stateFilter.add(state.trim()); if(canadaStateMapReversed.containsKey(state.trim())) stateFilter.add(canadaStateMapReversed.get(state.trim())); } } if(!countyFilters.isEmpty()){ Postal_Code__c[] pcs = [SELECT Id, City__c, State_Province__c FROM Postal_Code__c WHERE County__c IN :countyFilters AND State_Province__c IN :countyStateFilters]; String[] selCitiesFromCounty = new String[]{}; for(Postal_Code__c pc : pcs){ countyCityFilters.add(pc.City__c.trim()); selCitiesFromCounty.add(pc.City__c.trim() + ' ' + pc.State_Province__c); } cityFilter.addAll(countyCityFilters); stateFilter.addAll(countyStateFilters); String[] selCities = String.isBlank(selectedCities) ? new String[]{} : selectedCities.split(','); // selCities.addAll(selCitiesFromCounty); selectedCities = String.join(selCities, ','); selectedCitiesFromCounty = String.join(selCitiesFromCounty, ','); } System.debug(cityFilter); System.debug(countyStateFilters); Integer sizeBlock = cityFilter.size()/200 + (math.mod(cityFilter.size(),200)!=0?1:0); Set<String> theseIds = new Set<String>(); String pcString = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('pcIds'); String[] pcs = new String[]{}; if(pcIds == null){ if(pcString.length() > 500000){ for(Integer i = pcString.length() / 2; i < pcString.length(); i++){ if(pcString.charAt(i) == ','.charAt(0)){ String firstHalf = pcString.substring(0, i); String secondHalf = pcString.substring(i + 1, pcString.length() - 1); pcs.addAll(firstHalf.split(',')); pcs.addAll(secondHalf.split(',')); break; } } }else{ pcs.addAll(pcString.split(',')); } theseIds.addAll(pcs); } for(Integer i = 0; i < sizeBlock; i++){ Decimal tempCycles = 0; AggregateResult[] res = [SELECT City__c city, MAX(X2020_CS_Website_Visitors__c) siteVisits, SUM(X2010_Census_Population__c) pop, AVG(Avg_Monthly_Cycles_per_Territory__c) cycles FROM Postal_Code__c WHERE (City__c IN :cityFilter) AND State_Province__c IN :stateFilter GROUP BY City__c, State_Province__c LIMIT 200]; if(res.isEmpty()) continue; for(AggregateResult r : res){ Integer cityInt = cityFilter.indexOf((String)r.get('city')); if(cityInt != -1) cityFilter.remove(cityInt); totalPop += ((Decimal)r.get('pop') == null ? 0 : (Decimal)r.get('pop') * 0.65); websiteVisits += ((Decimal)r.get('siteVisits') == null ? 0 : (Decimal)r.get('siteVisits')); tempCycles += ((Decimal)r.get('cycles') == null ? 0 : (Decimal)r.get('cycles')); } avgCycles += tempCycles / res.size(); } System.debug(avgCycles); System.debug(sizeBlock); avgCycles = Math.round(avgCycles / sizeBlock); if(avgCycles == -1) avgCycles = 0; cityFilterPre = selectedCities.split(','); cityFilter = new String[]{}; stateFilter = new String[]{}; if(!countyCityFilters.isEmpty()) cityFilter.addAll(countyCityFilters); for(String city : cityFilterPre){ if(city.toLowerCase().contains('county')){ Integer i = city.toLowerCase().indexOf('county'); String c = city.substring(0, i); String state = city.substring(i + 5, city.length()); cityFilter.add(c.trim()); stateFilter.add(state.trim()); if(canadaStateMapReversed.containsKey(state.trim())) stateFilter.add(canadaStateMapReversed.get(state.trim())); }else{ Integer i = city.lastIndexOf(' '); String c = city.substring(0, i); String state = city.substring(i, city.length()); cityFilter.add(c.trim()); stateFilter.add(state.trim()); if(canadaStateMapReversed.containsKey(state.trim())) stateFilter.add(canadaStateMapReversed.get(state.trim())); } } System.debug('\'' + String.join(cityFilter, '\',\'') + '\''); Boolean pageNameCooltone = ApexPages.currentPage().getURL().toLowerCase().contains('cooltone'); String activeField = pageNameCooltone ? 'CoolTone_Active__c' : 'CoolSculpting_Active__c'; String locQuery = 'SELECT COUNT(Account__c) accCount FROM Locator_Listing__c WHERE (City__c IN :cityFilter) AND ((Country__c = \'United States of America\' AND State_ProvidenceRegion__c IN :stateFilters) OR Country__c = \'Canada\') AND Active__c = true AND ' + activeField + ' = true'; System.debug(locQuery); AggregateResult fullListings = Database.query(locQuery); accountTotal = (Integer)fullListings.get('accCount'); }catch(Exception e){ System.debug(e.getMessage() + ' Line: ' + e.getLineNumber()); } } public void prepAggregateData(String sel){ try{ totalPop = 0; websiteVisits = 0; accountTotal = 0; avgCycles = -1; String[] cityFilter = new String[]{}; for(String s : sel.split(',')) cityFilter.add(s.substring(0, s.lastIndexOf(' '))); Integer sizeBlock = cityFilter.size()/200 + (math.mod(cityFilter.size(),200)!=0?1:0); for(Integer i = 0; i < sizeBlock; i++){ Decimal tempCycles = 0; AggregateResult[] res = [SELECT City__c city, MAX(X2020_CS_Website_Visitors__c) siteVisits, SUM(X2010_Census_Population__c) pop, AVG(Avg_Monthly_Cycles_per_Territory__c) cycles FROM Postal_Code__c WHERE Id IN :pcIds AND City__c IN :cityFilter GROUP BY City__c LIMIT 200]; for(AggregateResult r : res){ Integer cityInt = cityFilter.indexOf((String)r.get('city')); if(cityInt != -1) cityFilter.remove(cityInt); totalPop += ((Decimal)r.get('pop') == null ? 0 : (Decimal)r.get('pop')); websiteVisits += ((Decimal)r.get('siteVisits') == null ? 0 : (Decimal)r.get('siteVisits')); tempCycles += ((Decimal)r.get('cycles') == null ? 0 : (Decimal)r.get('cycles')); } avgCycles += tempCycles / res.size(); } avgCycles = Math.round(avgCycles / sizeBlock); totalPop = totalPop * 0.65; if(avgCycles == -1) avgCycles = 0; cityFilter = new String[]{}; for(String s : sel.split(',')) cityFilter.add(s.substring(0, s.lastIndexOf(' '))); Boolean pageNameCooltone = ApexPages.currentPage().getURL().toLowerCase().contains('cooltone'); String activeField = pageNameCooltone ? 'CoolTone_Active__c' : 'CoolSculpting_Active__c'; String locQuery = 'SELECT COUNT(Account__c) accCount FROM Locator_Listing__c WHERE (City__c IN :cityFilter OR County__c IN :cityFilter) AND ((Country__c = \'United States of America\' AND State_ProvidenceRegion__c IN :stateFilters) OR Country__c = \'Canada\') AND Active__c = true AND ' + activeField + ' = true'; System.debug(ApexPages.currentPage().getURL().toLowerCase()); System.debug(activeField); System.debug(locQuery); AggregateResult fullListings = Database.query(locQuery); accountTotal = (Integer)fullListings.get('accCount'); }catch(Exception e){ System.debug(e.getMessage() + ' Line: ' + e.getLineNumber()); } } @RemoteAction public static List<Map<String, String>> searchPractices(String term){ List<Map<String, String>> results = new List<Map<String, String>>(); String preppedTerm = '%' + String.escapeSingleQuotes(term) + '%'; Account[] accs = [SELECT Id, Name, Lifetime_Utilization__c FROM Account WHERE Type = 'Practice - Active' AND (Name LIKE :preppedTerm OR AGN_Location_ID__c LIKE :preppedTerm OR AGN_Account__c LIKE :preppedTerm) LIMIT 10]; for(Account acc : accs){ results.add(new Map<String, String>{'label' => acc.Name, 'value' => acc.Name, 'cycles' => acc.Lifetime_Utilization__c != null ? String.valueOf(acc.Lifetime_Utilization__c) : null}); } return results; } }
- jagadeep k
- July 28, 2021
- Like
- 0
how to increase code coverage for my apex test class code coverage to more than 80%
/* 01/19/18 BE@IC Created test class (00156299) */ @isTest public with sharing class lmiControllerTest { public static testMethod void testControllerASM(){ Map<String,Boolean> roleCheckMap = new Map<String,Boolean> { 'ASM' => true, 'ASR' => false, 'PDM' => false, 'PDMA' => false, 'ISR' => false }; String roleString = 'ASM'; createSettings(); User thisUser = [SELECT Id From User WHERE Id = :UserInfo.getUserId()]; User u; List<User> employeeUsers; // Avoid Mixed DML Operation Error System.runAs(thisUser) { u = createUser(); insert u; employeeUsers = createEmployeeUsers(10,u.Id); insert employeeUsers; } Account a = createAccount(); insert a; Locator_Listing__c ll = createLocatorListing(a.Id); insert ll; Test.startTest(); Postal_Code__c pc = createPostalCode(u.Id,roleString); insert pc; LMIController ctrl = resetController(u.Id); ctrl.cityResults(); testLocatorListings(ctrl, ll, roleString); testRoles(ctrl,roleCheckMap, roleString); testCityListUsers(ctrl,pc, roleString); ctrl.selectedCities = 'TestCnty County'; ctrl.prepAggregateData(); delete pc; Test.stopTest(); ctrl = resetController(); ctrl.cityResults(); System.assertEquals(UserInfo.getUserId(),ctrl.toolUserId); } public static testMethod void testControllerASR(){ Map<String,Boolean> roleCheckMap = new Map<String,Boolean> { 'ASM' => false, 'ASR' => true, 'PDM' => false, 'PDMA' => false, 'ISR' => false }; String roleString = 'ASR'; createSettings(); User thisUser = [SELECT Id From User WHERE Id = :UserInfo.getUserId()]; User u; List<User> employeeUsers; // Avoid Mixed DML Operation Error System.runAs(thisUser) { u = createUser(); insert u; employeeUsers = createEmployeeUsers(10,u.Id); insert employeeUsers; } Account a = createAccount(); insert a; Locator_Listing__c ll = createLocatorListing(a.Id); insert ll; Test.startTest(); Postal_Code__c pc = createPostalCode(u.Id,roleString); insert pc; LMIController ctrl = resetController(u.Id); ctrl.cityResults(); testLocatorListings(ctrl, ll, roleString); testRoles(ctrl,roleCheckMap, roleString); testCityListUsers(ctrl,pc, roleString); delete pc; Test.stopTest(); ctrl = resetController(); ctrl.cityResults(); ctrl.prepAggregateData(); System.assertEquals(UserInfo.getUserId(),ctrl.toolUserId); } public static testMethod void testControllerPDM(){ Map<String,Boolean> roleCheckMap = new Map<String,Boolean> { 'ASM' => false, 'ASR' => false, 'PDM' => true, 'PDMA' => false, 'ISR' => false }; String roleString = 'PDM'; createSettings(); User thisUser = [SELECT Id From User WHERE Id = :UserInfo.getUserId()]; User u; List<User> employeeUsers; // Avoid Mixed DML Operation Error System.runAs(thisUser) { u = createUser(); insert u; employeeUsers = createEmployeeUsers(10,u.Id); insert employeeUsers; } Account a = createAccount(); insert a; Locator_Listing__c ll = createLocatorListing(a.Id); insert ll; Test.startTest(); Postal_Code__c pc = createPostalCode(u.Id,roleString); insert pc; LMIController ctrl = resetController(u.Id); ctrl.cityResults(); testLocatorListings(ctrl, ll, roleString); testRoles(ctrl,roleCheckMap, roleString); testCityListUsers(ctrl,pc, roleString); delete pc; Test.stopTest(); ctrl = resetController(); ctrl.cityResults(); System.assertEquals(UserInfo.getUserId(),ctrl.toolUserId); } public static testMethod void testControllerPDMA(){ Map<String,Boolean> roleCheckMap = new Map<String,Boolean> { 'ASM' => false, 'ASR' => false, 'PDM' => false, 'PDMA' => true, 'ISR' => false }; String roleString = 'PDMA'; createSettings(); User thisUser = [SELECT Id From User WHERE Id = :UserInfo.getUserId()]; User u; List<User> employeeUsers; // Avoid Mixed DML Operation Error System.runAs(thisUser) { u = createUser(); insert u; employeeUsers = createEmployeeUsers(10,u.Id); insert employeeUsers; } Account a = createAccount(); insert a; Locator_Listing__c ll = createLocatorListing(a.Id); insert ll; Test.startTest(); Postal_Code__c pc = createPostalCode(u.Id,roleString); insert pc; PageReference pageRef = Page.lmiTool2; Test.setCurrentPage(pageRef); ApexPages.Standardcontroller sc = new ApexPages.Standardcontroller(pc); ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().put('Id',u.id); // LMIController ctrl1 = new LMIController(sc); LMIController ctrl = resetController(u.Id); // String term; ctrl.prepAggregateData(); // ctrl.searchPractices(term); ctrl.cityResults(); testLocatorListings(ctrl, ll, roleString); testRoles(ctrl,roleCheckMap, roleString); testCityListUsers(ctrl,pc, roleString); delete pc; Test.stopTest(); ctrl = resetController(); ctrl.cityResults(); System.assertEquals(UserInfo.getUserId(),ctrl.toolUserId); } public static testMethod void testControllerISR(){ Map<String,Boolean> roleCheckMap = new Map<String,Boolean> { 'ASM' => false, 'ASR' => false, 'PDM' => false, 'PDMA' => false, 'ISR' => true }; String roleString = 'ISR'; createSettings(); User thisUser = [SELECT Id From User WHERE Id = :UserInfo.getUserId()]; User u; List<User> employeeUsers; // Avoid Mixed DML Operation Error System.runAs(thisUser) { u = createUser(); insert u; employeeUsers = createEmployeeUsers(10,u.Id); insert employeeUsers; } Account a = createAccount(); insert a; Locator_Listing__c ll = createLocatorListing(a.Id); insert ll; Test.startTest(); Postal_Code__c pc = createPostalCode(u.Id,roleString); insert pc; PageReference pageRef = Page.lmiTool2; Test.setCurrentPage(pageRef); ApexPages.Standardcontroller sc = new ApexPages.Standardcontroller(pc); ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().put('Id',u.id); // lmiController lc = new lmiController(sc); LMIController ctrl = resetController(u.Id); ctrl.prepAggregateData(); ctrl.cityResults(); testLocatorListings(ctrl, ll, roleString); testRoles(ctrl,roleCheckMap, roleString); testCityListUsers(ctrl,pc, roleString); delete pc; Test.stopTest(); ctrl = resetController(); ctrl.cityResults(); System.assertEquals(UserInfo.getUserId(),ctrl.toolUserId); } // For the case of this test class, we are only using Colorado (CO), a Western state in the US. private static void testLocatorListings(LMIController ctrl, Locator_Listing__c ll, String currentRoleString) { String roleString = 'Testing role: ' + currentRoleString; String locQuery ='SELECT COUNT(Account__c) accCount FROM Locator_Listing__c WHERE (City__c=\'Test\') AND ((Country__c = \'United States of America\' AND State_ProvidenceRegion__c=\'CO\') OR Country__c = \'Canada\') AND Active__c = true AND CoolTone_Active__c = true'; ctrl.prepAggregateData(); // System.assertEquals(1,ctrl.accountTotal, roleString); } private static void testRoles(LMIController ctrl, Map<String,Boolean> roleCheckMap, String currentRoleString) { String roleString = 'Testing role: ' + currentRoleString; System.assertEquals(roleCheckMap.get('ASM'),ctrl.isASM, roleString); System.assertEquals(roleCheckMap.get('ASR'),ctrl.isASR, roleString); System.assertEquals(roleCheckMap.get('PDM'),ctrl.isPDM, roleString); System.assertEquals(roleCheckMap.get('PDMA'),ctrl.isAssocPDM, roleString); System.assertEquals(roleCheckMap.get('ISR'),ctrl.isISR,roleString); System.assertEquals(true, ctrl.isManager, roleString); } // For the case of this test class, we are only using Colorado (CO), a Western state in the US. private static void testCityListUsers(LmiController ctrl, Postal_Code__c pc, String currentRoleString) { ctrl.prepAggregateData(); String roleString = 'Testing role: ' + currentRoleString; System.assertEquals(1,ctrl.fullPostalCodes.size(), roleString); // System.assertEquals(500001,ctrl.fullPostalCodes.size(), roleString); } private static lmiController resetController() { PageReference p = new PageReference('Page.lmiTool2'); p.getParameters().put('autoLoad', 'true'); Test.setCurrentPageReference(p); System.currentPageReference().getParameters().remove('id'); return new LMIController(); } private static LMIController resetController(Id userId) { PageReference p = new PageReference('Page.lmiTool2'); p.getParameters().put('autoLoad', 'true'); Test.setCurrentPageReference(p); System.currentPageReference().getParameters().put('id', userId); return new LMIController(); } private static User createUser() { return new User( ProfileId = [SELECT Id FROM Profile WHERE Name = 'System Administrator'].Id, FirstName = 'Zeltiq', LastName = 'TestUser', Email = 'ZeltiqTest@Test.com', Username = 'ZeltiqTest@Test.com' + System.currentTimeMillis(), CompanyName = 'ZeltiqTest', Title = 'title', Alias = 'alias', TimeZoneSidKey = 'America/Los_Angeles', EmailEncodingKey = 'UTF-8', LanguageLocaleKey = 'en_US', LocaleSidKey = 'en_US' ); } private static List<User> createEmployeeUsers(Integer amount, Id managerUserId) { Id sysAdminId = [SELECT Id FROM Profile WHERE Name = 'System Administrator'].Id; List<User> employees = new List<User>(); for(Integer i = 0; i < amount; i++) { employees.add(new User( ProfileId = sysAdminId, FirstName = 'Zeltiq', LastName = 'Employee ' + i, Email = 'ZeltiqTest' + i + '@Test.com', Username = 'ZeltiqTest' + i + '@Test.com' + System.currentTimeMillis(), CompanyName = 'ZeltiqTest', Title = 'title', Alias = 'alias', TimeZoneSidKey = 'America/Los_Angeles', EmailEncodingKey = 'UTF-8', LanguageLocaleKey = 'en_US', LocaleSidKey = 'en_US', ManagerId = managerUserId )); } return employees; } private static Postal_Code__c createPostalCode(Id userId, String userField) { // List<Postal_Code__c> res = [SELECT City__c city, MAX(X2020_CS_Website_Visitors__c) siteVisits, SUM(X2010_Census_Population__c) pop, AVG(Avg_Monthly_Cycles_per_Territory__c) cycles FROM Postal_Code__c WHERE City__c='Test' AND State_Province__c='CO' GROUP BY City__c, State_Province__c LIMIT 200]; Postal_Code__c pc = new Postal_Code__c( Country_Name__c = 'United States America', Name = '12345', State_Province__c = 'CO', X2020_CS_Website_Visitors__c = 10, X2010_Census_Population__c = 10, // Avg_Monthly_Cycles_per_Territory__c =10, City__c = 'Test', County__c = 'TestCnty' ); if(userField == 'ASM') { pc.Area_Sales_Manager__c = userId; } else if(userField == 'ASR') { pc.Area_Sales_Rep__c = userId; } else if(userField == 'PDM') { pc.Practice_Development_Manager__c = userId; } else if(userField == 'PDMA') { pc.Level_1_Practice_Development_Manager__c = userId; } else if(userField == 'ISR') { pc.Inside_Sales_Rep__c = userId; } return pc; } private static Account createAccount() { return new Account( Name = 'Test Account', External_ID__c = '12345', Type = 'Practice - Active', Lifetime_Utilization__c=10, AGN_Location_ID__c='TestLoc' ); } private static Locator_Listing__c createLocatorListing(Id accountId) { Locator_Listing__c[] listings = new Locator_Listing__c[]{}; return new Locator_Listing__c( Name = 'Test Locator Listing', Account__c = accountId, State_ProvidenceRegion__c = 'CO', Country__c = 'United States of America', City__c = 'Test', Active__c = true ); } private static void createSettings() { Apex_Code_Settings__c testCustomSettings = new Apex_Code_Settings__c(); testCustomSettings.GooglePrivateKey__c = 'a3--l2CjL5iGR6tOOnQrMOM5Ics='; testCustomSettings.GoogleClientID__c = 'gme-allerganinc'; insert testCustomSettings; } }
- jagadeep k
- July 28, 2021
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- 0
how to add 10 records of an aibject to 3 logged in users using apex
I am having a policy object which is having10 records and I need to assign these 10 records to logged in users for example if there are 3 users I need to distribute these 10 records among those 3 users.
- jagadeep k
- May 18, 2021
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- 0
The 'Calculate Discount' custom button isn't properly configured. Check the instructions for how to configure the Display Type and URL.
- jagadeep k
- May 14, 2019
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- 0
Build a welcome bot for slack
When trying to verify server on my end I'm getting the following error
basedir=$(dirname "$(echo "$0" | sed -e 's,\\,/,g')")
SyntaxError: missing ) after argument list
at new Script (vm.js:79:7)
at createScript (vm.js:251:10)
at Object.runInThisContext (vm.js:303:10)
at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:657:28)
at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:700:10)
at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:599:32)
at tryModuleLoad (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:538:12)
at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:530:3)
at Function.Module.runMain (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:742:12)
at startup (internal/bootstrap/node.js:279:19)
basedir=$(dirname "$(echo "$0" | sed -e 's,\\,/,g')")
SyntaxError: missing ) after argument list
at new Script (vm.js:79:7)
at createScript (vm.js:251:10)
at Object.runInThisContext (vm.js:303:10)
at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:657:28)
at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:700:10)
at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:599:32)
at tryModuleLoad (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:538:12)
at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:530:3)
at Function.Module.runMain (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:742:12)
at startup (internal/bootstrap/node.js:279:19)
- jagadeep k
- September 27, 2018
- Like
- 0
Create Alexa Skills and Lambda Functions with the ASK CLI
after installing node.js when i am running the command ask deploy i am getting the following error
Profile for the deployment: [default]
Skill Id: amzn1.ask.skill.f0439ae9-befa-4ece-a4c7-293f30e1669f
Skill deployment finished.
Call update-model error.
Error code: 400
"message": "Interaction model is not valid.",
"violations": [
"message": "InvalidSlotTypeName: Slot type name \"AMAZON.SearchQuery\" is invalid. The name of a custom slot type must begin with an alphabetic character and can consist only of alphabetic characters or underscores."
How to solve this error
Profile for the deployment: [default]
Skill Id: amzn1.ask.skill.f0439ae9-befa-4ece-a4c7-293f30e1669f
Skill deployment finished.
Call update-model error.
Error code: 400
"message": "Interaction model is not valid.",
"violations": [
"message": "InvalidSlotTypeName: Slot type name \"AMAZON.SearchQuery\" is invalid. The name of a custom slot type must begin with an alphabetic character and can consist only of alphabetic characters or underscores."
How to solve this error
- jagadeep k
- May 29, 2018
- Like
- 1
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: Ensure that you call the correct method from orderTrigger.
In Advanced Apex Specialist Challenge 2
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: Ensure that you call the correct method from orderTrigger.
My Trigger and helper class code I am pasting it here
trigger orderTrigger on Order (after update) {
if(Trigger.new != null){
OrderHelper class
public class OrderHelper {
* @name AfterUpdate
* @description
* @param List<Order> newList
* @param List<Order> oldList
* @return void
public static void AfterUpdate(List<Order> newList, List<Order> oldList){
Set<Id> activatedOrderIds = new Set<Id>();
//Create list of OrderIds
for ( Integer i=0; i<newList.size(); i++ ){
if ((newList[i].Status == Constants.ACTIVATED_ORDER_STATUS && newList[i].ActivatedDate != null)
&& oldList[i].Status == Constants.DRAFT_ORDER_STATUS){
* @name RollUpOrderItems
* @description Given a set of Activated Order ids, query the child Order Items and related Products to calculate Inventory levels
* @param Set<Id> activatedOrderIds
* @return void
public static void RollUpOrderItems(Set<Id> activatedOrderIds){
//ToDo: Declare a Map named "productMap" of Ids to Product2 records
Map<Id, Product2> productMap = new Map<Id, Product2>();
Set<Id> productIds = new Set<Id>();
//ToDo: Loop through a query of OrderItems related to the activatedOrderIds
List<OrderItem> items = [SELECT Id, Product2Id, Quantity
FROM OrderItem
WHERE OrderId In :activatedOrderIds];
for(OrderItem oi : items) {
//ToDo: Populate the map with the Id of the related Product2 as the key and Product2 record as the value
productMap = new Map<Id, Product2>([SELECT Id, Quantity_Ordered__c FROM Product2 WHERE Id IN :productIds]);
AggregateResult[] groupedResults = [SELECT Product2Id, SUM(Quantity) activatedQuantity
FROM OrderItem
WHERE Product2Id In :productMap.keySet() GROUP BY Product2Id];
for (AggregateResult ar : groupedResults) {
productMap.get((String) ar.get('Product2Id')).Quantity_Ordered__c = Integer.valueOf(ar.get('activatedQuantity'));
//ToDo: Perform an update on the records in the productMap
if(productMap!=null && productMap.size()>0){
update productMap.values();
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: Ensure that you call the correct method from orderTrigger.
My Trigger and helper class code I am pasting it here
trigger orderTrigger on Order (after update) {
if(Trigger.new != null){
OrderHelper class
public class OrderHelper {
* @name AfterUpdate
* @description
* @param List<Order> newList
* @param List<Order> oldList
* @return void
public static void AfterUpdate(List<Order> newList, List<Order> oldList){
Set<Id> activatedOrderIds = new Set<Id>();
//Create list of OrderIds
for ( Integer i=0; i<newList.size(); i++ ){
if ((newList[i].Status == Constants.ACTIVATED_ORDER_STATUS && newList[i].ActivatedDate != null)
&& oldList[i].Status == Constants.DRAFT_ORDER_STATUS){
* @name RollUpOrderItems
* @description Given a set of Activated Order ids, query the child Order Items and related Products to calculate Inventory levels
* @param Set<Id> activatedOrderIds
* @return void
public static void RollUpOrderItems(Set<Id> activatedOrderIds){
//ToDo: Declare a Map named "productMap" of Ids to Product2 records
Map<Id, Product2> productMap = new Map<Id, Product2>();
Set<Id> productIds = new Set<Id>();
//ToDo: Loop through a query of OrderItems related to the activatedOrderIds
List<OrderItem> items = [SELECT Id, Product2Id, Quantity
FROM OrderItem
WHERE OrderId In :activatedOrderIds];
for(OrderItem oi : items) {
//ToDo: Populate the map with the Id of the related Product2 as the key and Product2 record as the value
productMap = new Map<Id, Product2>([SELECT Id, Quantity_Ordered__c FROM Product2 WHERE Id IN :productIds]);
AggregateResult[] groupedResults = [SELECT Product2Id, SUM(Quantity) activatedQuantity
FROM OrderItem
WHERE Product2Id In :productMap.keySet() GROUP BY Product2Id];
for (AggregateResult ar : groupedResults) {
productMap.get((String) ar.get('Product2Id')).Quantity_Ordered__c = Integer.valueOf(ar.get('activatedQuantity'));
//ToDo: Perform an update on the records in the productMap
if(productMap!=null && productMap.size()>0){
update productMap.values();
- jagadeep k
- May 22, 2018
- Like
- 0
In Map Your Workflow Actions to Process Actions I'm unable to complete the challenge as it's throwing an error
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
We found an opportunity that's associated with a Banking account and updated the stage to Closed Won, but a task wasn't created for the account owner to complete 7 days from today. Make sure that the Closed Won and Banking criteria node and its associated action are configured correctly.
![User-added image](/forums/servlet/rtaImage?eid=9060G0000005Q0m&feoid=Body&refid=0EM0G0000003B52)
We found an opportunity that's associated with a Banking account and updated the stage to Closed Won, but a task wasn't created for the account owner to complete 7 days from today. Make sure that the Closed Won and Banking criteria node and its associated action are configured correctly.
- jagadeep k
- January 12, 2018
- Like
- 0
Create Alexa Skills and Lambda Functions with the ASK CLI
after installing node.js when i am running the command ask deploy i am getting the following error
Profile for the deployment: [default]
Skill Id: amzn1.ask.skill.f0439ae9-befa-4ece-a4c7-293f30e1669f
Skill deployment finished.
Call update-model error.
Error code: 400
"message": "Interaction model is not valid.",
"violations": [
"message": "InvalidSlotTypeName: Slot type name \"AMAZON.SearchQuery\" is invalid. The name of a custom slot type must begin with an alphabetic character and can consist only of alphabetic characters or underscores."
How to solve this error
Profile for the deployment: [default]
Skill Id: amzn1.ask.skill.f0439ae9-befa-4ece-a4c7-293f30e1669f
Skill deployment finished.
Call update-model error.
Error code: 400
"message": "Interaction model is not valid.",
"violations": [
"message": "InvalidSlotTypeName: Slot type name \"AMAZON.SearchQuery\" is invalid. The name of a custom slot type must begin with an alphabetic character and can consist only of alphabetic characters or underscores."
How to solve this error
- jagadeep k
- May 29, 2018
- Like
- 1
how to add 10 records of an aibject to 3 logged in users using apex
I am having a policy object which is having10 records and I need to assign these 10 records to logged in users for example if there are 3 users I need to distribute these 10 records among those 3 users.
- jagadeep k
- May 18, 2021
- Like
- 0
Create Alexa Skills and Lambda Functions with the ASK CLI
after installing node.js when i am running the command ask deploy i am getting the following error
Profile for the deployment: [default]
Skill Id: amzn1.ask.skill.f0439ae9-befa-4ece-a4c7-293f30e1669f
Skill deployment finished.
Call update-model error.
Error code: 400
"message": "Interaction model is not valid.",
"violations": [
"message": "InvalidSlotTypeName: Slot type name \"AMAZON.SearchQuery\" is invalid. The name of a custom slot type must begin with an alphabetic character and can consist only of alphabetic characters or underscores."
How to solve this error
Profile for the deployment: [default]
Skill Id: amzn1.ask.skill.f0439ae9-befa-4ece-a4c7-293f30e1669f
Skill deployment finished.
Call update-model error.
Error code: 400
"message": "Interaction model is not valid.",
"violations": [
"message": "InvalidSlotTypeName: Slot type name \"AMAZON.SearchQuery\" is invalid. The name of a custom slot type must begin with an alphabetic character and can consist only of alphabetic characters or underscores."
How to solve this error
- jagadeep k
- May 29, 2018
- Like
- 1
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: Ensure that you call the correct method from orderTrigger.
In Advanced Apex Specialist Challenge 2
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: Ensure that you call the correct method from orderTrigger.
My Trigger and helper class code I am pasting it here
trigger orderTrigger on Order (after update) {
if(Trigger.new != null){
OrderHelper class
public class OrderHelper {
* @name AfterUpdate
* @description
* @param List<Order> newList
* @param List<Order> oldList
* @return void
public static void AfterUpdate(List<Order> newList, List<Order> oldList){
Set<Id> activatedOrderIds = new Set<Id>();
//Create list of OrderIds
for ( Integer i=0; i<newList.size(); i++ ){
if ((newList[i].Status == Constants.ACTIVATED_ORDER_STATUS && newList[i].ActivatedDate != null)
&& oldList[i].Status == Constants.DRAFT_ORDER_STATUS){
* @name RollUpOrderItems
* @description Given a set of Activated Order ids, query the child Order Items and related Products to calculate Inventory levels
* @param Set<Id> activatedOrderIds
* @return void
public static void RollUpOrderItems(Set<Id> activatedOrderIds){
//ToDo: Declare a Map named "productMap" of Ids to Product2 records
Map<Id, Product2> productMap = new Map<Id, Product2>();
Set<Id> productIds = new Set<Id>();
//ToDo: Loop through a query of OrderItems related to the activatedOrderIds
List<OrderItem> items = [SELECT Id, Product2Id, Quantity
FROM OrderItem
WHERE OrderId In :activatedOrderIds];
for(OrderItem oi : items) {
//ToDo: Populate the map with the Id of the related Product2 as the key and Product2 record as the value
productMap = new Map<Id, Product2>([SELECT Id, Quantity_Ordered__c FROM Product2 WHERE Id IN :productIds]);
AggregateResult[] groupedResults = [SELECT Product2Id, SUM(Quantity) activatedQuantity
FROM OrderItem
WHERE Product2Id In :productMap.keySet() GROUP BY Product2Id];
for (AggregateResult ar : groupedResults) {
productMap.get((String) ar.get('Product2Id')).Quantity_Ordered__c = Integer.valueOf(ar.get('activatedQuantity'));
//ToDo: Perform an update on the records in the productMap
if(productMap!=null && productMap.size()>0){
update productMap.values();
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: Ensure that you call the correct method from orderTrigger.
My Trigger and helper class code I am pasting it here
trigger orderTrigger on Order (after update) {
if(Trigger.new != null){
OrderHelper class
public class OrderHelper {
* @name AfterUpdate
* @description
* @param List<Order> newList
* @param List<Order> oldList
* @return void
public static void AfterUpdate(List<Order> newList, List<Order> oldList){
Set<Id> activatedOrderIds = new Set<Id>();
//Create list of OrderIds
for ( Integer i=0; i<newList.size(); i++ ){
if ((newList[i].Status == Constants.ACTIVATED_ORDER_STATUS && newList[i].ActivatedDate != null)
&& oldList[i].Status == Constants.DRAFT_ORDER_STATUS){
* @name RollUpOrderItems
* @description Given a set of Activated Order ids, query the child Order Items and related Products to calculate Inventory levels
* @param Set<Id> activatedOrderIds
* @return void
public static void RollUpOrderItems(Set<Id> activatedOrderIds){
//ToDo: Declare a Map named "productMap" of Ids to Product2 records
Map<Id, Product2> productMap = new Map<Id, Product2>();
Set<Id> productIds = new Set<Id>();
//ToDo: Loop through a query of OrderItems related to the activatedOrderIds
List<OrderItem> items = [SELECT Id, Product2Id, Quantity
FROM OrderItem
WHERE OrderId In :activatedOrderIds];
for(OrderItem oi : items) {
//ToDo: Populate the map with the Id of the related Product2 as the key and Product2 record as the value
productMap = new Map<Id, Product2>([SELECT Id, Quantity_Ordered__c FROM Product2 WHERE Id IN :productIds]);
AggregateResult[] groupedResults = [SELECT Product2Id, SUM(Quantity) activatedQuantity
FROM OrderItem
WHERE Product2Id In :productMap.keySet() GROUP BY Product2Id];
for (AggregateResult ar : groupedResults) {
productMap.get((String) ar.get('Product2Id')).Quantity_Ordered__c = Integer.valueOf(ar.get('activatedQuantity'));
//ToDo: Perform an update on the records in the productMap
if(productMap!=null && productMap.size()>0){
update productMap.values();
- jagadeep k
- May 22, 2018
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