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compare two lists and remove records which are common in both lists from list1
I have two lists of dates list one contains 100 days dates from tomorrow and list two contains dates which come from api that contains holidays and weekends. I need to compare both the lists and remove second list values from the first list. I have tried to compare and remove but it is not giving proper result.Please help me how to do it in apex.
- jagadeep k
- April 04, 2022
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Add check box to map array in lwc
I want to display checkbox for map array the js code is as below
import { LightningElement, api } from 'lwc';
export default class testPaginationMapArrayEnhanced extends LightningElement {
@api structureType = 3;
data = [];
globalActions = [];
// columns = [];
// keyField;
showPaginationTable = false;
connectedCallback() {
const actions = [
{ label: 'Show details', name: 'show_details' },
{ label: 'Delete', name: 'delete' },
/* { type: 'action',
typeAttributes: { rowActions: actions}
this.data = [
{ "name":"Test Name 1","website": {"value": "testname1.com", "type": "url"}, "phone": {"value": "09898989801", "type": "phone"}, "amount": 230.45, "closeAt": "2021-02-28"},
{ "name": "Test Name 2", "website": {"value": "testname2.com", "type": "url"}, "phone": {"value": "09898989802", "type": "phone"}, "amount": 240.5, "closeAt": "2021-01-28" },
{ "name": "Test Name 3", "website": {"value": "testname3.com", "type": "url"}, "phone": {"value": "09898989803", "type": "phone"}, "amount": 250.65, "closeAt": "2021-03-28" },
{ "name": "Test Name 4", "website": {"value": "testname4.com", "type": "url"}, "phone": {"value": "09898989804", "type": "phone"}, "amount": 260.4, "closeAt": "2021-02-28" },
{ "name": "Test Name 5", "website": {"value": "testname5.com", "type": "url"}, "phone": {"value": "09898989805", "type": "phone"}, "amount": 270, "closeAt": "2021-01-28" },
{ "name": "Test Name 6", "website": {"value": "testname6.com", "type": "url"}, "phone": {"value": "09898989806", "type": "phone"}, "amount": 280.45, "closeAt": "2021-03-28" },
{ "name": "Test Name 7", "website": {"value": "testname7.com", "type": "url"}, "phone": {"value": "09898989807", "type": "phone"}, "amount": 290.5, "closeAt": "2021-02-28" },
{ "name": "Test Name 8", "website": {"value": "testname8.com", "type": "url"}, "phone": {"value": "09898989808", "type": "phone"}, "amount": 130.65, "closeAt": "2021-01-28" },
{ "name": "Test Name 9", "website": {"value": "testname9.com", "type": "url"}, "phone": {"value": "09898989809", "type": "phone"}, "amount": 330.4, "closeAt": "2021-03-28" },
{ "name": "Test Name 10", "website": {"value": "testname10.com", "type": "url"}, "phone": {"value": "09898989810", "type": "phone"}, "amount": 430, "closeAt": "2021-02-28" },
this.globalActions = [
{label: "Delete", type: "delete"},
{label: "Hide", type: "hide"},
{label: "Edit", type: "edit"}
this.showPaginationTable = true;
handleRowAction(event) {
alert("Row Action Fired!\nAction Name: " + event.detail.actionName + "\nRow: " + JSON.stringify(event.detail.row));
handleGlobalAction(event) {
alert("Global Action Fired!\nAction Type: " + event.detail.actionType + "\nSelected Rows: " + JSON.stringify(event.detail.selectedRows));
handleSave(event) {
alert("Inline Edit Save Action Fired!\Draft Values: " + JSON.stringify(event.detail.draftValues));
html code is as follows
<div class="demoContainer">
<h2 class="slds-text-heading_medium slds-var-m-vertical_medium">Enhanced Pagination Datatable - With Array of Map</h2>
<template if:true={showPaginationTable}>
<c-pagination-datatable-full structure-type="3" table-data={data} rows-per-page="10" insert-numbered-column="true" show-page-numbers="true"
first-last-buttons="true" previous-next-buttons="true" numbered-buttons="true" show-filters="true"
max-number-of-index-buttons="5" dynamic-rows-per-page="true" onrowaction={handleRowAction}
global-actions={globalActions} onglobalaction={handleGlobalAction} onsave={handleSave}>
- jagadeep k
- March 03, 2022
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- 0
Add checkbox to nested array in lwc
Here is my js code for the component
import { LightningElement,api } from 'lwc';
export default class testPaginationNestedArray extends LightningElement {
data = [];
globalActions = [];
columns = [];
showPaginationTable = false;
connectedCallback() {
const actions = [
{ label: 'Show details', name: 'show_details' },
{ label: 'Delete', name: 'delete' },
this.columns = ["Name", "Website", "Phone", "Amount", "Close At"];
this.data = [
["Test Name 1", {"value": "testname1.com", "type": "url"}, {"value": "09898989801", "type": "phone"}, 230.45, "2021-02-28" ],
["Test Name 2", {"value": "testname2.com", "type": "url"}, {"value": "09898989802", "type": "phone"}, 240.5, "2021-01-28" ],
["Test Name 3", {"value": "testname3.com", "type": "url"}, {"value": "09898989803", "type": "phone"}, 250.65, "2021-03-28" ],
["Test Name 4", {"value": "testname4.com", "type": "url"}, {"value": "09898989804", "type": "phone"}, 260.4, "2021-02-28" ],
["Test Name 5", {"value": "testname5.com", "type": "url"}, {"value": "09898989805", "type": "phone"}, 270, "2021-01-28" ],
["Test Name 6", {"value": "testname6.com", "type": "url"}, {"value": "09898989806", "type": "phone"}, 280.45, "2021-03-28" ],
["Test Name 7", {"value": "testname7.com", "type": "url"}, {"value": "09898989807", "type": "phone"}, 290.5, "2021-02-28" ],
["Test Name 8", {"value": "testname8.com", "type": "url"}, {"value": "09898989808", "type": "phone"}, 130.65, "2021-01-28" ],
["Test Name 9", {"value": "testname9.com", "type": "url"}, {"value": "09898989809", "type": "phone"}, 330.4, "2021-03-28" ],
["Test Name 10", {"value": "testname10.com", "type": "url"}, {"value": "09898989810", "type": "phone"}, 430, "2021-02-28" ]
this.globalActions = [
{label: "Delete", type: "delete"},
{label: "Hide", type: "hide"},
{label: "Edit", type: "edit"}
this.showPaginationTable = true;
handleRowAction(event) {
alert("Row Action Fired!\nAction Name: " + event.detail.actionName + "\nRow: " + JSON.stringify(event.detail.row));
handleGlobalAction(event) {
alert("Global Action Fired!\nAction Type: " + event.detail.actionType + "\nSelected Rows: " + JSON.stringify(event.detail.selectedRows));
handleSave(event) {
alert("Inline Edit Save Action Fired!\Draft Values: " + JSON.stringify(event.detail.draftValues));
Here is my html code for the component
<div class="demoContainer">
<h2 class="slds-text-heading_medium slds-var-m-bottom_medium">Pagination Datatable - With data structure type of
nested array Enhanced</h2>
<template if:true={showPaginationTable}>
<c-pagination-datatable-full structure-type="2" table-columns={columns} table-data={data} key-field={keyField}
rows-per-page="10" insert-numbered-column="true" show-page-numbers="true" first-last-buttons="true"
previous-next-buttons="true" numbered-buttons="true" show-filters="true" max-number-of-index-buttons="5"
dynamic-rows-per-page="true" onrowaction={handleRowAction} show-checkbox-column="true"
global-actions={globalActions} onglobalaction={handleGlobalAction} onsave={handleSave} >
- jagadeep k
- March 03, 2022
- Like
- 0
how to increase code coverage to more than 80% for my Apex class
public class lmiController { //Get User's Role public Boolean isASM{get;set;} public Boolean isPDM{get;set;} public Boolean isAssocPDM{get;set;} public Boolean isASR{get;set;} public Boolean isISR{get;set;} public Boolean isManager{get;set;} /*public PostalCodeWrapper[] cityList{get;set;} public ListingWrapper[] listings{get;set;}*/ public Decimal totalPop{get;set;} public Decimal websiteVisits{get;set;} public Decimal avgCycles{get;set;} public Integer accountTotal{get;set;} public String jsonStr{get;set;} public Transient String availableCities{get;set;} public Transient String availableCounties{get;set;} public String selectedCities{get;set;} public String selectedCitiesFromCounty{get;set;} public Transient Postal_Code__c[] fullPostalCodes{get;set;} public Transient Set<Id> pcIds{get;set;} public Boolean disableAddAll{get;set;} public Boolean autoLoad{get;set;} //Get url hacked user's first and last name //public List<User> userFirstName{get;set;} //public List<User> userLastName{get;set;} //If user has employees, list here public List<User> employeeList {set;get;} public static Map<String, String> canadaStateMap = new Map<String, String>{ 'Alberta' => 'AB', 'British Columbia' => 'BC', 'Manitoba' => 'MB', 'New Brunswick' => 'NB', 'Newfoundland and Labrodor' => 'NL', 'Nova Scotia' => 'NS', 'Northwest Territories' => 'NT', 'Nunavut' => 'NU', 'Ontario' => 'ON', 'Prince Edward Island' => 'PE', 'Quebec' => 'QC', 'Saskatchewan' => 'SK', 'Yukon' => 'YT', 'AB' => 'AB', 'BC' => 'BC', 'MB' => 'MB', 'NB' => 'NB', 'NL' => 'NL', 'NS' => 'NS', 'NT' => 'NT', 'NU' => 'NU', 'ON' => 'ON', 'PE' => 'PE', 'QC' => 'QC', 'SK' => 'SK', 'YT' => 'YT' }; public static Map<String, String> canadaStateMapReversed = new Map<String, String>{ 'AB' => 'Alberta', 'BC' => 'British Columbia', 'MB' => 'Manitoba', 'NB' => 'New Brunswick', 'NL' => 'Newfoundland and Labrodor', 'NS' => 'Nova Scotia', 'NT' => 'Northwest Territories', 'NU' => 'Nunavut', 'ON' => 'Ontario', 'PE' => 'Prince Edward Island', 'QC' => 'Quebec', 'SK' => 'Saskatchewan', 'YT' => 'Yukon' }; //Count number of cities public Integer cityCount{get;set;} //public Integer pagination{get;set;} public String toolUserId{get;set;} public List<User> userFirstLastName{get;set;} public Set<String> stateFilters = new Set<String>{'CO', 'WY', 'MT', 'ID', 'WA', 'OR', 'UT', 'NV', 'CA', 'AK','HI', 'TX', 'OK', 'NM', 'AZ', 'IA', 'KS', 'NE', 'SD', 'ND', 'OH', 'IN', 'MI', 'IL', 'MO', 'WI', 'MN', 'PA', 'ME', 'MA', 'RI', 'CT', 'NH', 'VT', 'DE', 'MD', 'NY', 'NJ', 'WV', 'VA', 'KY', 'TN', 'NC', 'SC', 'GA', 'MS', 'AR', 'LA', 'AL', 'FL', 'DC', 'PR'}; public Set<String> canadaStateFilters = new Set<String>{'Alberta', 'AB','British Columbia', 'BC','Manitoba', 'MB','New Brunswick', 'NB','Newfoundland and Labrodor', 'NL','Nova Scotia', 'NS','Northwest Territories', 'NT','Nunavut', 'NU','Ontario', 'ON','Prince Edward Island', 'PE','Quebec', 'QC','Saskatchewan', 'SK','Yukon', 'YT'}; //Regions: //Northeast: ME, MA, RI, CT, NH, VT, NY, PA, NJ, DE, MD //Southeast: WV, VA, KY, TN, NC, SC, GA, AL, MS, AR, LA, FL //Midwest: OH, IN, MI, IL, MO, WI, MN, IA, KS, NE, SD, ND //Southwest: TX, OK, NM, AZ //West: CO, WY, MT, ID, WA, OR, UT, NV, CA, AK, HI public void cityResults(){ disableAddAll = false; selectedCities = ''; toolUserId = ApexPages.CurrentPage().getParameters().get('id'); autoLoad = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('autoLoad') == 'true'; if (toolUserId == null) { toolUserId = UserInfo.getUserid(); } userFirstLastName = [select FirstName, LastName from User where id = :toolUserId LIMIT 1]; employeeList = [SELECT Id,FirstName,LastName from User WHERE isActive = true AND ManagerId = :toolUserId]; if (!employeeList.isEmpty()) { isManager = true; } /*cityList = new PostalCodeWrapper[]{}; listings = new ListingWrapper[]{};*/ fullPostalCodes = new Postal_Code__c[]{}; Locator_Listing__c[] fullListings; //If user is an ASM fullPostalCodes = [SELECT County__c, Avg_Monthly_Cycles_per_Territory__c,Area_Sales_Manager__c,Inside_Sales_Rep__c,Practice_Development_Manager__c,Area_Sales_Rep__c,Level_1_Practice_Development_Manager__c,Country_Name__c,City__c,State_Province__c,Name,X2020_CS_Website_Visitors__c,X2010_Census_Population__c FROM Postal_Code__c WHERE Area_Sales_Manager__c = : toolUserId AND ((Country_Name__c = 'United States America' AND State_Province__c IN :stateFilters) OR (Country_Name__c = 'Canada' AND State_Province__c IN :canadaStateFilters)) AND (X2010_Census_Population__c > 0) ORDER BY City__c LIMIT 50000]; if(!fullPostalCodes.isEmpty()) { isASM = true; isASR = false; isPDM = false; isAssocPDM = false; isISR = false; } else { isASM = false; } //If user is an ASR if(fullPostalCodes.isEmpty()){ fullPostalCodes = [SELECT County__c, Avg_Monthly_Cycles_per_Territory__c,Area_Sales_Manager__c,Inside_Sales_Rep__c,Practice_Development_Manager__c,Area_Sales_Rep__c,Level_1_Practice_Development_Manager__c,Country_Name__c,City__c,State_Province__c,Name,X2020_CS_Website_Visitors__c,X2010_Census_Population__c FROM Postal_Code__c WHERE Area_Sales_Rep__c = : toolUserId AND ((Country_Name__c = 'United States America' AND State_Province__c IN :stateFilters) OR (Country_Name__c = 'Canada' AND State_Province__c IN :canadaStateFilters)) AND (X2010_Census_Population__c > 0) ORDER BY City__c LIMIT 50000]; if(!fullPostalCodes.isEmpty()) { isASM = false; isASR = true; isPDM = false; isAssocPDM = false; isISR = false; } else { isASR = false; } } //If user is a PDM if(fullPostalCodes.isEmpty()){ fullPostalCodes = [SELECT County__c, Avg_Monthly_Cycles_per_Territory__c,Area_Sales_Manager__c,Inside_Sales_Rep__c,Practice_Development_Manager__c,Area_Sales_Rep__c,Level_1_Practice_Development_Manager__c,Country_Name__c,City__c,State_Province__c,Name,X2020_CS_Website_Visitors__c,X2010_Census_Population__c FROM Postal_Code__c WHERE Practice_Development_Manager__c = : toolUserId AND ((Country_Name__c = 'United States America' AND State_Province__c IN :stateFilters) OR (Country_Name__c = 'Canada' AND State_Province__c IN :canadaStateFilters)) AND (X2010_Census_Population__c > 0) ORDER BY City__c LIMIT 50000]; if(!fullPostalCodes.isEmpty()) { isASM = false; isASR = false; isPDM = true; isAssocPDM = false; isISR = false; } else { isPDM = false; } } //If user is a PDM Associate if(fullPostalCodes.isEmpty()){ fullPostalCodes = [SELECT County__c, Avg_Monthly_Cycles_per_Territory__c,Area_Sales_Manager__c,Inside_Sales_Rep__c,Practice_Development_Manager__c,Area_Sales_Rep__c,Level_1_Practice_Development_Manager__c,Country_Name__c,City__c,State_Province__c,Name,X2020_CS_Website_Visitors__c,X2010_Census_Population__c FROM Postal_Code__c WHERE Level_1_Practice_Development_Manager__c = : toolUserId AND ((Country_Name__c = 'United States America' AND State_Province__c IN :stateFilters) OR (Country_Name__c = 'Canada' AND State_Province__c IN :canadaStateFilters)) AND (X2010_Census_Population__c > 0) ORDER BY City__c LIMIT 50000]; if(!fullPostalCodes.isEmpty()) { isASM = false; isASR = false; isPDM = false; isAssocPDM = true; isISR = false; } else { isAssocPDM = false; } } //If user is a ISR if(fullPostalCodes.isEmpty()){ fullPostalCodes = [SELECT County__c, Avg_Monthly_Cycles_per_Territory__c,Area_Sales_Manager__c,Inside_Sales_Rep__c,Practice_Development_Manager__c,Area_Sales_Rep__c,Level_1_Practice_Development_Manager__c,Country_Name__c,City__c,State_Province__c,Name,X2020_CS_Website_Visitors__c,X2010_Census_Population__c FROM Postal_Code__c WHERE Inside_Sales_Rep__c = : toolUserId AND ((Country_Name__c = 'United States America' AND State_Province__c IN :stateFilters) OR (Country_Name__c = 'Canada' AND State_Province__c IN :canadaStateFilters)) AND (X2010_Census_Population__c > 0) ORDER BY City__c LIMIT 50000]; if(!fullPostalCodes.isEmpty()) { isASM = false; isASR = false; isPDM = false; isAssocPDM = false; isISR = true; } else { isISR = false; } } if(fullPostalCodes.isEmpty()){ disableAddAll = true; fullPostalCodes = [SELECT County__c, Avg_Monthly_Cycles_per_Territory__c,Area_Sales_Manager__c,Inside_Sales_Rep__c,Practice_Development_Manager__c,Area_Sales_Rep__c,Level_1_Practice_Development_Manager__c,Country_Name__c,City__c,State_Province__c,Name,X2020_CS_Website_Visitors__c,X2010_Census_Population__c FROM Postal_Code__c WHERE ((Country_Name__c = 'United States America' AND State_Province__c IN :stateFilters) OR (Country_Name__c = 'Canada' AND State_Province__c IN :canadaStateFilters)) AND (X2010_Census_Population__c > 0) ORDER BY City__c LIMIT 50000]; } pcIds = new Map<Id, Postal_Code__c>(fullPostalCodes).keySet(); Set<String> available = new Set<String>(); Set<String> availableCounts = new Set<String>(); for(Postal_Code__c pc : fullPostalCodes){ if(String.isNotBlank(pc.City__c) && String.isNotBlank(pc.State_Province__c)){ String state = pc.Country_Name__c == 'Canada' ? canadaStateMap.get(pc.State_Province__c) : pc.State_Province__c; available.add(pc.City__c + ' ' + state); if(String.isNotBlank(pc.County__c)) availableCounts.add(pc.County__c + ' County ' + state); } } String[] av = new String[]{}; av.addAll(available); String[] avCounties = new String[]{}; avCounties.addAll(availableCounts); availableCities = String.join(av,','); availableCounties = String.join(avCounties, ','); totalPop = 0; websiteVisits = 0; accountTotal = 0; if(autoLoad && av.size() < 10000){ prepAggregateData(availableCities); }else{ autoLoad = false; } System.debug(disableAddAll); } public void prepAggregateData(){ try{ totalPop = 0; websiteVisits = 0; accountTotal = 0; avgCycles = -1; String[] cityFilterPre = selectedCities.split(','); String[] cityFilter = new String[]{}; String[] stateFilter = new String[]{}; String[] countyFilters = new String[]{}; String[] countyStateFilters = new String[]{}; Set<String> countyCityFilters = new Set<String>(); for(String city : cityFilterPre){ if(city.toLowerCase().contains('county')){ Integer i = city.toLowerCase().indexOf('county'); String c = city.substring(0, i); String state = city.substring(i + 6, city.length()); countyFilters.add(c.trim()); countyStateFilters.add(state.trim()); if(canadaStateMapReversed.containsKey(state.trim())) countyStateFilters.add(canadaStateMapReversed.get(state.trim())); }else{ Integer i = city.lastIndexOf(' '); String c = city.substring(0, i); String state = city.substring(i, city.length()); cityFilter.add(c.trim()); stateFilter.add(state.trim()); if(canadaStateMapReversed.containsKey(state.trim())) stateFilter.add(canadaStateMapReversed.get(state.trim())); } } if(!countyFilters.isEmpty()){ Postal_Code__c[] pcs = [SELECT Id, City__c, State_Province__c FROM Postal_Code__c WHERE County__c IN :countyFilters AND State_Province__c IN :countyStateFilters]; String[] selCitiesFromCounty = new String[]{}; for(Postal_Code__c pc : pcs){ countyCityFilters.add(pc.City__c.trim()); selCitiesFromCounty.add(pc.City__c.trim() + ' ' + pc.State_Province__c); } cityFilter.addAll(countyCityFilters); stateFilter.addAll(countyStateFilters); String[] selCities = String.isBlank(selectedCities) ? new String[]{} : selectedCities.split(','); // selCities.addAll(selCitiesFromCounty); selectedCities = String.join(selCities, ','); selectedCitiesFromCounty = String.join(selCitiesFromCounty, ','); } System.debug(cityFilter); System.debug(countyStateFilters); Integer sizeBlock = cityFilter.size()/200 + (math.mod(cityFilter.size(),200)!=0?1:0); Set<String> theseIds = new Set<String>(); String pcString = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('pcIds'); String[] pcs = new String[]{}; if(pcIds == null){ if(pcString.length() > 500000){ for(Integer i = pcString.length() / 2; i < pcString.length(); i++){ if(pcString.charAt(i) == ','.charAt(0)){ String firstHalf = pcString.substring(0, i); String secondHalf = pcString.substring(i + 1, pcString.length() - 1); pcs.addAll(firstHalf.split(',')); pcs.addAll(secondHalf.split(',')); break; } } }else{ pcs.addAll(pcString.split(',')); } theseIds.addAll(pcs); } for(Integer i = 0; i < sizeBlock; i++){ Decimal tempCycles = 0; AggregateResult[] res = [SELECT City__c city, MAX(X2020_CS_Website_Visitors__c) siteVisits, SUM(X2010_Census_Population__c) pop, AVG(Avg_Monthly_Cycles_per_Territory__c) cycles FROM Postal_Code__c WHERE (City__c IN :cityFilter) AND State_Province__c IN :stateFilter GROUP BY City__c, State_Province__c LIMIT 200]; if(res.isEmpty()) continue; for(AggregateResult r : res){ Integer cityInt = cityFilter.indexOf((String)r.get('city')); if(cityInt != -1) cityFilter.remove(cityInt); totalPop += ((Decimal)r.get('pop') == null ? 0 : (Decimal)r.get('pop') * 0.65); websiteVisits += ((Decimal)r.get('siteVisits') == null ? 0 : (Decimal)r.get('siteVisits')); tempCycles += ((Decimal)r.get('cycles') == null ? 0 : (Decimal)r.get('cycles')); } avgCycles += tempCycles / res.size(); } System.debug(avgCycles); System.debug(sizeBlock); avgCycles = Math.round(avgCycles / sizeBlock); if(avgCycles == -1) avgCycles = 0; cityFilterPre = selectedCities.split(','); cityFilter = new String[]{}; stateFilter = new String[]{}; if(!countyCityFilters.isEmpty()) cityFilter.addAll(countyCityFilters); for(String city : cityFilterPre){ if(city.toLowerCase().contains('county')){ Integer i = city.toLowerCase().indexOf('county'); String c = city.substring(0, i); String state = city.substring(i + 5, city.length()); cityFilter.add(c.trim()); stateFilter.add(state.trim()); if(canadaStateMapReversed.containsKey(state.trim())) stateFilter.add(canadaStateMapReversed.get(state.trim())); }else{ Integer i = city.lastIndexOf(' '); String c = city.substring(0, i); String state = city.substring(i, city.length()); cityFilter.add(c.trim()); stateFilter.add(state.trim()); if(canadaStateMapReversed.containsKey(state.trim())) stateFilter.add(canadaStateMapReversed.get(state.trim())); } } System.debug('\'' + String.join(cityFilter, '\',\'') + '\''); Boolean pageNameCooltone = ApexPages.currentPage().getURL().toLowerCase().contains('cooltone'); String activeField = pageNameCooltone ? 'CoolTone_Active__c' : 'CoolSculpting_Active__c'; String locQuery = 'SELECT COUNT(Account__c) accCount FROM Locator_Listing__c WHERE (City__c IN :cityFilter) AND ((Country__c = \'United States of America\' AND State_ProvidenceRegion__c IN :stateFilters) OR Country__c = \'Canada\') AND Active__c = true AND ' + activeField + ' = true'; System.debug(locQuery); AggregateResult fullListings = Database.query(locQuery); accountTotal = (Integer)fullListings.get('accCount'); }catch(Exception e){ System.debug(e.getMessage() + ' Line: ' + e.getLineNumber()); } } public void prepAggregateData(String sel){ try{ totalPop = 0; websiteVisits = 0; accountTotal = 0; avgCycles = -1; String[] cityFilter = new String[]{}; for(String s : sel.split(',')) cityFilter.add(s.substring(0, s.lastIndexOf(' '))); Integer sizeBlock = cityFilter.size()/200 + (math.mod(cityFilter.size(),200)!=0?1:0); for(Integer i = 0; i < sizeBlock; i++){ Decimal tempCycles = 0; AggregateResult[] res = [SELECT City__c city, MAX(X2020_CS_Website_Visitors__c) siteVisits, SUM(X2010_Census_Population__c) pop, AVG(Avg_Monthly_Cycles_per_Territory__c) cycles FROM Postal_Code__c WHERE Id IN :pcIds AND City__c IN :cityFilter GROUP BY City__c LIMIT 200]; for(AggregateResult r : res){ Integer cityInt = cityFilter.indexOf((String)r.get('city')); if(cityInt != -1) cityFilter.remove(cityInt); totalPop += ((Decimal)r.get('pop') == null ? 0 : (Decimal)r.get('pop')); websiteVisits += ((Decimal)r.get('siteVisits') == null ? 0 : (Decimal)r.get('siteVisits')); tempCycles += ((Decimal)r.get('cycles') == null ? 0 : (Decimal)r.get('cycles')); } avgCycles += tempCycles / res.size(); } avgCycles = Math.round(avgCycles / sizeBlock); totalPop = totalPop * 0.65; if(avgCycles == -1) avgCycles = 0; cityFilter = new String[]{}; for(String s : sel.split(',')) cityFilter.add(s.substring(0, s.lastIndexOf(' '))); Boolean pageNameCooltone = ApexPages.currentPage().getURL().toLowerCase().contains('cooltone'); String activeField = pageNameCooltone ? 'CoolTone_Active__c' : 'CoolSculpting_Active__c'; String locQuery = 'SELECT COUNT(Account__c) accCount FROM Locator_Listing__c WHERE (City__c IN :cityFilter OR County__c IN :cityFilter) AND ((Country__c = \'United States of America\' AND State_ProvidenceRegion__c IN :stateFilters) OR Country__c = \'Canada\') AND Active__c = true AND ' + activeField + ' = true'; System.debug(ApexPages.currentPage().getURL().toLowerCase()); System.debug(activeField); System.debug(locQuery); AggregateResult fullListings = Database.query(locQuery); accountTotal = (Integer)fullListings.get('accCount'); }catch(Exception e){ System.debug(e.getMessage() + ' Line: ' + e.getLineNumber()); } } @RemoteAction public static List<Map<String, String>> searchPractices(String term){ List<Map<String, String>> results = new List<Map<String, String>>(); String preppedTerm = '%' + String.escapeSingleQuotes(term) + '%'; Account[] accs = [SELECT Id, Name, Lifetime_Utilization__c FROM Account WHERE Type = 'Practice - Active' AND (Name LIKE :preppedTerm OR AGN_Location_ID__c LIKE :preppedTerm OR AGN_Account__c LIKE :preppedTerm) LIMIT 10]; for(Account acc : accs){ results.add(new Map<String, String>{'label' => acc.Name, 'value' => acc.Name, 'cycles' => acc.Lifetime_Utilization__c != null ? String.valueOf(acc.Lifetime_Utilization__c) : null}); } return results; } }
- jagadeep k
- July 28, 2021
- Like
- 0
how to increase code coverage for my apex test class code coverage to more than 80%
/* 01/19/18 BE@IC Created test class (00156299) */ @isTest public with sharing class lmiControllerTest { public static testMethod void testControllerASM(){ Map<String,Boolean> roleCheckMap = new Map<String,Boolean> { 'ASM' => true, 'ASR' => false, 'PDM' => false, 'PDMA' => false, 'ISR' => false }; String roleString = 'ASM'; createSettings(); User thisUser = [SELECT Id From User WHERE Id = :UserInfo.getUserId()]; User u; List<User> employeeUsers; // Avoid Mixed DML Operation Error System.runAs(thisUser) { u = createUser(); insert u; employeeUsers = createEmployeeUsers(10,u.Id); insert employeeUsers; } Account a = createAccount(); insert a; Locator_Listing__c ll = createLocatorListing(a.Id); insert ll; Test.startTest(); Postal_Code__c pc = createPostalCode(u.Id,roleString); insert pc; LMIController ctrl = resetController(u.Id); ctrl.cityResults(); testLocatorListings(ctrl, ll, roleString); testRoles(ctrl,roleCheckMap, roleString); testCityListUsers(ctrl,pc, roleString); ctrl.selectedCities = 'TestCnty County'; ctrl.prepAggregateData(); delete pc; Test.stopTest(); ctrl = resetController(); ctrl.cityResults(); System.assertEquals(UserInfo.getUserId(),ctrl.toolUserId); } public static testMethod void testControllerASR(){ Map<String,Boolean> roleCheckMap = new Map<String,Boolean> { 'ASM' => false, 'ASR' => true, 'PDM' => false, 'PDMA' => false, 'ISR' => false }; String roleString = 'ASR'; createSettings(); User thisUser = [SELECT Id From User WHERE Id = :UserInfo.getUserId()]; User u; List<User> employeeUsers; // Avoid Mixed DML Operation Error System.runAs(thisUser) { u = createUser(); insert u; employeeUsers = createEmployeeUsers(10,u.Id); insert employeeUsers; } Account a = createAccount(); insert a; Locator_Listing__c ll = createLocatorListing(a.Id); insert ll; Test.startTest(); Postal_Code__c pc = createPostalCode(u.Id,roleString); insert pc; LMIController ctrl = resetController(u.Id); ctrl.cityResults(); testLocatorListings(ctrl, ll, roleString); testRoles(ctrl,roleCheckMap, roleString); testCityListUsers(ctrl,pc, roleString); delete pc; Test.stopTest(); ctrl = resetController(); ctrl.cityResults(); ctrl.prepAggregateData(); System.assertEquals(UserInfo.getUserId(),ctrl.toolUserId); } public static testMethod void testControllerPDM(){ Map<String,Boolean> roleCheckMap = new Map<String,Boolean> { 'ASM' => false, 'ASR' => false, 'PDM' => true, 'PDMA' => false, 'ISR' => false }; String roleString = 'PDM'; createSettings(); User thisUser = [SELECT Id From User WHERE Id = :UserInfo.getUserId()]; User u; List<User> employeeUsers; // Avoid Mixed DML Operation Error System.runAs(thisUser) { u = createUser(); insert u; employeeUsers = createEmployeeUsers(10,u.Id); insert employeeUsers; } Account a = createAccount(); insert a; Locator_Listing__c ll = createLocatorListing(a.Id); insert ll; Test.startTest(); Postal_Code__c pc = createPostalCode(u.Id,roleString); insert pc; LMIController ctrl = resetController(u.Id); ctrl.cityResults(); testLocatorListings(ctrl, ll, roleString); testRoles(ctrl,roleCheckMap, roleString); testCityListUsers(ctrl,pc, roleString); delete pc; Test.stopTest(); ctrl = resetController(); ctrl.cityResults(); System.assertEquals(UserInfo.getUserId(),ctrl.toolUserId); } public static testMethod void testControllerPDMA(){ Map<String,Boolean> roleCheckMap = new Map<String,Boolean> { 'ASM' => false, 'ASR' => false, 'PDM' => false, 'PDMA' => true, 'ISR' => false }; String roleString = 'PDMA'; createSettings(); User thisUser = [SELECT Id From User WHERE Id = :UserInfo.getUserId()]; User u; List<User> employeeUsers; // Avoid Mixed DML Operation Error System.runAs(thisUser) { u = createUser(); insert u; employeeUsers = createEmployeeUsers(10,u.Id); insert employeeUsers; } Account a = createAccount(); insert a; Locator_Listing__c ll = createLocatorListing(a.Id); insert ll; Test.startTest(); Postal_Code__c pc = createPostalCode(u.Id,roleString); insert pc; PageReference pageRef = Page.lmiTool2; Test.setCurrentPage(pageRef); ApexPages.Standardcontroller sc = new ApexPages.Standardcontroller(pc); ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().put('Id',u.id); // LMIController ctrl1 = new LMIController(sc); LMIController ctrl = resetController(u.Id); // String term; ctrl.prepAggregateData(); // ctrl.searchPractices(term); ctrl.cityResults(); testLocatorListings(ctrl, ll, roleString); testRoles(ctrl,roleCheckMap, roleString); testCityListUsers(ctrl,pc, roleString); delete pc; Test.stopTest(); ctrl = resetController(); ctrl.cityResults(); System.assertEquals(UserInfo.getUserId(),ctrl.toolUserId); } public static testMethod void testControllerISR(){ Map<String,Boolean> roleCheckMap = new Map<String,Boolean> { 'ASM' => false, 'ASR' => false, 'PDM' => false, 'PDMA' => false, 'ISR' => true }; String roleString = 'ISR'; createSettings(); User thisUser = [SELECT Id From User WHERE Id = :UserInfo.getUserId()]; User u; List<User> employeeUsers; // Avoid Mixed DML Operation Error System.runAs(thisUser) { u = createUser(); insert u; employeeUsers = createEmployeeUsers(10,u.Id); insert employeeUsers; } Account a = createAccount(); insert a; Locator_Listing__c ll = createLocatorListing(a.Id); insert ll; Test.startTest(); Postal_Code__c pc = createPostalCode(u.Id,roleString); insert pc; PageReference pageRef = Page.lmiTool2; Test.setCurrentPage(pageRef); ApexPages.Standardcontroller sc = new ApexPages.Standardcontroller(pc); ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().put('Id',u.id); // lmiController lc = new lmiController(sc); LMIController ctrl = resetController(u.Id); ctrl.prepAggregateData(); ctrl.cityResults(); testLocatorListings(ctrl, ll, roleString); testRoles(ctrl,roleCheckMap, roleString); testCityListUsers(ctrl,pc, roleString); delete pc; Test.stopTest(); ctrl = resetController(); ctrl.cityResults(); System.assertEquals(UserInfo.getUserId(),ctrl.toolUserId); } // For the case of this test class, we are only using Colorado (CO), a Western state in the US. private static void testLocatorListings(LMIController ctrl, Locator_Listing__c ll, String currentRoleString) { String roleString = 'Testing role: ' + currentRoleString; String locQuery ='SELECT COUNT(Account__c) accCount FROM Locator_Listing__c WHERE (City__c=\'Test\') AND ((Country__c = \'United States of America\' AND State_ProvidenceRegion__c=\'CO\') OR Country__c = \'Canada\') AND Active__c = true AND CoolTone_Active__c = true'; ctrl.prepAggregateData(); // System.assertEquals(1,ctrl.accountTotal, roleString); } private static void testRoles(LMIController ctrl, Map<String,Boolean> roleCheckMap, String currentRoleString) { String roleString = 'Testing role: ' + currentRoleString; System.assertEquals(roleCheckMap.get('ASM'),ctrl.isASM, roleString); System.assertEquals(roleCheckMap.get('ASR'),ctrl.isASR, roleString); System.assertEquals(roleCheckMap.get('PDM'),ctrl.isPDM, roleString); System.assertEquals(roleCheckMap.get('PDMA'),ctrl.isAssocPDM, roleString); System.assertEquals(roleCheckMap.get('ISR'),ctrl.isISR,roleString); System.assertEquals(true, ctrl.isManager, roleString); } // For the case of this test class, we are only using Colorado (CO), a Western state in the US. private static void testCityListUsers(LmiController ctrl, Postal_Code__c pc, String currentRoleString) { ctrl.prepAggregateData(); String roleString = 'Testing role: ' + currentRoleString; System.assertEquals(1,ctrl.fullPostalCodes.size(), roleString); // System.assertEquals(500001,ctrl.fullPostalCodes.size(), roleString); } private static lmiController resetController() { PageReference p = new PageReference('Page.lmiTool2'); p.getParameters().put('autoLoad', 'true'); Test.setCurrentPageReference(p); System.currentPageReference().getParameters().remove('id'); return new LMIController(); } private static LMIController resetController(Id userId) { PageReference p = new PageReference('Page.lmiTool2'); p.getParameters().put('autoLoad', 'true'); Test.setCurrentPageReference(p); System.currentPageReference().getParameters().put('id', userId); return new LMIController(); } private static User createUser() { return new User( ProfileId = [SELECT Id FROM Profile WHERE Name = 'System Administrator'].Id, FirstName = 'Zeltiq', LastName = 'TestUser', Email = 'ZeltiqTest@Test.com', Username = 'ZeltiqTest@Test.com' + System.currentTimeMillis(), CompanyName = 'ZeltiqTest', Title = 'title', Alias = 'alias', TimeZoneSidKey = 'America/Los_Angeles', EmailEncodingKey = 'UTF-8', LanguageLocaleKey = 'en_US', LocaleSidKey = 'en_US' ); } private static List<User> createEmployeeUsers(Integer amount, Id managerUserId) { Id sysAdminId = [SELECT Id FROM Profile WHERE Name = 'System Administrator'].Id; List<User> employees = new List<User>(); for(Integer i = 0; i < amount; i++) { employees.add(new User( ProfileId = sysAdminId, FirstName = 'Zeltiq', LastName = 'Employee ' + i, Email = 'ZeltiqTest' + i + '@Test.com', Username = 'ZeltiqTest' + i + '@Test.com' + System.currentTimeMillis(), CompanyName = 'ZeltiqTest', Title = 'title', Alias = 'alias', TimeZoneSidKey = 'America/Los_Angeles', EmailEncodingKey = 'UTF-8', LanguageLocaleKey = 'en_US', LocaleSidKey = 'en_US', ManagerId = managerUserId )); } return employees; } private static Postal_Code__c createPostalCode(Id userId, String userField) { // List<Postal_Code__c> res = [SELECT City__c city, MAX(X2020_CS_Website_Visitors__c) siteVisits, SUM(X2010_Census_Population__c) pop, AVG(Avg_Monthly_Cycles_per_Territory__c) cycles FROM Postal_Code__c WHERE City__c='Test' AND State_Province__c='CO' GROUP BY City__c, State_Province__c LIMIT 200]; Postal_Code__c pc = new Postal_Code__c( Country_Name__c = 'United States America', Name = '12345', State_Province__c = 'CO', X2020_CS_Website_Visitors__c = 10, X2010_Census_Population__c = 10, // Avg_Monthly_Cycles_per_Territory__c =10, City__c = 'Test', County__c = 'TestCnty' ); if(userField == 'ASM') { pc.Area_Sales_Manager__c = userId; } else if(userField == 'ASR') { pc.Area_Sales_Rep__c = userId; } else if(userField == 'PDM') { pc.Practice_Development_Manager__c = userId; } else if(userField == 'PDMA') { pc.Level_1_Practice_Development_Manager__c = userId; } else if(userField == 'ISR') { pc.Inside_Sales_Rep__c = userId; } return pc; } private static Account createAccount() { return new Account( Name = 'Test Account', External_ID__c = '12345', Type = 'Practice - Active', Lifetime_Utilization__c=10, AGN_Location_ID__c='TestLoc' ); } private static Locator_Listing__c createLocatorListing(Id accountId) { Locator_Listing__c[] listings = new Locator_Listing__c[]{}; return new Locator_Listing__c( Name = 'Test Locator Listing', Account__c = accountId, State_ProvidenceRegion__c = 'CO', Country__c = 'United States of America', City__c = 'Test', Active__c = true ); } private static void createSettings() { Apex_Code_Settings__c testCustomSettings = new Apex_Code_Settings__c(); testCustomSettings.GooglePrivateKey__c = 'a3--l2CjL5iGR6tOOnQrMOM5Ics='; testCustomSettings.GoogleClientID__c = 'gme-allerganinc'; insert testCustomSettings; } }
- jagadeep k
- July 28, 2021
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- 0
how to add 10 records of an aibject to 3 logged in users using apex
I am having a policy object which is having10 records and I need to assign these 10 records to logged in users for example if there are 3 users I need to distribute these 10 records among those 3 users.
- jagadeep k
- May 18, 2021
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- 0
The 'Calculate Discount' custom button isn't properly configured. Check the instructions for how to configure the Display Type and URL.
Still the same issue what's wrong in this please help me
- jagadeep k
- May 14, 2019
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- 0
Build a welcome bot for slack
When trying to verify server on my end I'm getting the following error
basedir=$(dirname "$(echo "$0" | sed -e 's,\\,/,g')")
SyntaxError: missing ) after argument list
at new Script (vm.js:79:7)
at createScript (vm.js:251:10)
at Object.runInThisContext (vm.js:303:10)
at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:657:28)
at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:700:10)
at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:599:32)
at tryModuleLoad (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:538:12)
at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:530:3)
at Function.Module.runMain (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:742:12)
at startup (internal/bootstrap/node.js:279:19)
basedir=$(dirname "$(echo "$0" | sed -e 's,\\,/,g')")
SyntaxError: missing ) after argument list
at new Script (vm.js:79:7)
at createScript (vm.js:251:10)
at Object.runInThisContext (vm.js:303:10)
at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:657:28)
at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:700:10)
at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:599:32)
at tryModuleLoad (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:538:12)
at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:530:3)
at Function.Module.runMain (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:742:12)
at startup (internal/bootstrap/node.js:279:19)
- jagadeep k
- September 27, 2018
- Like
- 0
Create Alexa Skills and Lambda Functions with the ASK CLI
after installing node.js when i am running the command ask deploy i am getting the following error
Profile for the deployment: [default]
Skill Id: amzn1.ask.skill.f0439ae9-befa-4ece-a4c7-293f30e1669f
Skill deployment finished.
Call update-model error.
Error code: 400
"message": "Interaction model is not valid.",
"violations": [
"message": "InvalidSlotTypeName: Slot type name \"AMAZON.SearchQuery\" is invalid. The name of a custom slot type must begin with an alphabetic character and can consist only of alphabetic characters or underscores."
How to solve this error
Profile for the deployment: [default]
Skill Id: amzn1.ask.skill.f0439ae9-befa-4ece-a4c7-293f30e1669f
Skill deployment finished.
Call update-model error.
Error code: 400
"message": "Interaction model is not valid.",
"violations": [
"message": "InvalidSlotTypeName: Slot type name \"AMAZON.SearchQuery\" is invalid. The name of a custom slot type must begin with an alphabetic character and can consist only of alphabetic characters or underscores."
How to solve this error
- jagadeep k
- May 29, 2018
- Like
- 1
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: Ensure that you call the correct method from orderTrigger.
In Advanced Apex Specialist Challenge 2
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: Ensure that you call the correct method from orderTrigger.
My Trigger and helper class code I am pasting it here
trigger orderTrigger on Order (after update) {
if(Trigger.new != null){
OrderHelper class
public class OrderHelper {
* @name AfterUpdate
* @description
* @param List<Order> newList
* @param List<Order> oldList
* @return void
public static void AfterUpdate(List<Order> newList, List<Order> oldList){
Set<Id> activatedOrderIds = new Set<Id>();
//Create list of OrderIds
for ( Integer i=0; i<newList.size(); i++ ){
if ((newList[i].Status == Constants.ACTIVATED_ORDER_STATUS && newList[i].ActivatedDate != null)
&& oldList[i].Status == Constants.DRAFT_ORDER_STATUS){
* @name RollUpOrderItems
* @description Given a set of Activated Order ids, query the child Order Items and related Products to calculate Inventory levels
* @param Set<Id> activatedOrderIds
* @return void
public static void RollUpOrderItems(Set<Id> activatedOrderIds){
//ToDo: Declare a Map named "productMap" of Ids to Product2 records
Map<Id, Product2> productMap = new Map<Id, Product2>();
Set<Id> productIds = new Set<Id>();
//ToDo: Loop through a query of OrderItems related to the activatedOrderIds
List<OrderItem> items = [SELECT Id, Product2Id, Quantity
FROM OrderItem
WHERE OrderId In :activatedOrderIds];
for(OrderItem oi : items) {
//ToDo: Populate the map with the Id of the related Product2 as the key and Product2 record as the value
productMap = new Map<Id, Product2>([SELECT Id, Quantity_Ordered__c FROM Product2 WHERE Id IN :productIds]);
AggregateResult[] groupedResults = [SELECT Product2Id, SUM(Quantity) activatedQuantity
FROM OrderItem
WHERE Product2Id In :productMap.keySet() GROUP BY Product2Id];
for (AggregateResult ar : groupedResults) {
productMap.get((String) ar.get('Product2Id')).Quantity_Ordered__c = Integer.valueOf(ar.get('activatedQuantity'));
//ToDo: Perform an update on the records in the productMap
if(productMap!=null && productMap.size()>0){
update productMap.values();
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: Ensure that you call the correct method from orderTrigger.
My Trigger and helper class code I am pasting it here
trigger orderTrigger on Order (after update) {
if(Trigger.new != null){
OrderHelper class
public class OrderHelper {
* @name AfterUpdate
* @description
* @param List<Order> newList
* @param List<Order> oldList
* @return void
public static void AfterUpdate(List<Order> newList, List<Order> oldList){
Set<Id> activatedOrderIds = new Set<Id>();
//Create list of OrderIds
for ( Integer i=0; i<newList.size(); i++ ){
if ((newList[i].Status == Constants.ACTIVATED_ORDER_STATUS && newList[i].ActivatedDate != null)
&& oldList[i].Status == Constants.DRAFT_ORDER_STATUS){
* @name RollUpOrderItems
* @description Given a set of Activated Order ids, query the child Order Items and related Products to calculate Inventory levels
* @param Set<Id> activatedOrderIds
* @return void
public static void RollUpOrderItems(Set<Id> activatedOrderIds){
//ToDo: Declare a Map named "productMap" of Ids to Product2 records
Map<Id, Product2> productMap = new Map<Id, Product2>();
Set<Id> productIds = new Set<Id>();
//ToDo: Loop through a query of OrderItems related to the activatedOrderIds
List<OrderItem> items = [SELECT Id, Product2Id, Quantity
FROM OrderItem
WHERE OrderId In :activatedOrderIds];
for(OrderItem oi : items) {
//ToDo: Populate the map with the Id of the related Product2 as the key and Product2 record as the value
productMap = new Map<Id, Product2>([SELECT Id, Quantity_Ordered__c FROM Product2 WHERE Id IN :productIds]);
AggregateResult[] groupedResults = [SELECT Product2Id, SUM(Quantity) activatedQuantity
FROM OrderItem
WHERE Product2Id In :productMap.keySet() GROUP BY Product2Id];
for (AggregateResult ar : groupedResults) {
productMap.get((String) ar.get('Product2Id')).Quantity_Ordered__c = Integer.valueOf(ar.get('activatedQuantity'));
//ToDo: Perform an update on the records in the productMap
if(productMap!=null && productMap.size()>0){
update productMap.values();
- jagadeep k
- May 22, 2018
- Like
- 0
In Map Your Workflow Actions to Process Actions I'm unable to complete the challenge as it's throwing an error
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
We found an opportunity that's associated with a Banking account and updated the stage to Closed Won, but a task wasn't created for the account owner to complete 7 days from today. Make sure that the Closed Won and Banking criteria node and its associated action are configured correctly.
We found an opportunity that's associated with a Banking account and updated the stage to Closed Won, but a task wasn't created for the account owner to complete 7 days from today. Make sure that the Closed Won and Banking criteria node and its associated action are configured correctly.
- jagadeep k
- January 12, 2018
- Like
- 0
Create Alexa Skills and Lambda Functions with the ASK CLI
after installing node.js when i am running the command ask deploy i am getting the following error
Profile for the deployment: [default]
Skill Id: amzn1.ask.skill.f0439ae9-befa-4ece-a4c7-293f30e1669f
Skill deployment finished.
Call update-model error.
Error code: 400
"message": "Interaction model is not valid.",
"violations": [
"message": "InvalidSlotTypeName: Slot type name \"AMAZON.SearchQuery\" is invalid. The name of a custom slot type must begin with an alphabetic character and can consist only of alphabetic characters or underscores."
How to solve this error
Profile for the deployment: [default]
Skill Id: amzn1.ask.skill.f0439ae9-befa-4ece-a4c7-293f30e1669f
Skill deployment finished.
Call update-model error.
Error code: 400
"message": "Interaction model is not valid.",
"violations": [
"message": "InvalidSlotTypeName: Slot type name \"AMAZON.SearchQuery\" is invalid. The name of a custom slot type must begin with an alphabetic character and can consist only of alphabetic characters or underscores."
How to solve this error
- jagadeep k
- May 29, 2018
- Like
- 1
how to add 10 records of an aibject to 3 logged in users using apex
I am having a policy object which is having10 records and I need to assign these 10 records to logged in users for example if there are 3 users I need to distribute these 10 records among those 3 users.
- jagadeep k
- May 18, 2021
- Like
- 0
Create Alexa Skills and Lambda Functions with the ASK CLI
after installing node.js when i am running the command ask deploy i am getting the following error
Profile for the deployment: [default]
Skill Id: amzn1.ask.skill.f0439ae9-befa-4ece-a4c7-293f30e1669f
Skill deployment finished.
Call update-model error.
Error code: 400
"message": "Interaction model is not valid.",
"violations": [
"message": "InvalidSlotTypeName: Slot type name \"AMAZON.SearchQuery\" is invalid. The name of a custom slot type must begin with an alphabetic character and can consist only of alphabetic characters or underscores."
How to solve this error
Profile for the deployment: [default]
Skill Id: amzn1.ask.skill.f0439ae9-befa-4ece-a4c7-293f30e1669f
Skill deployment finished.
Call update-model error.
Error code: 400
"message": "Interaction model is not valid.",
"violations": [
"message": "InvalidSlotTypeName: Slot type name \"AMAZON.SearchQuery\" is invalid. The name of a custom slot type must begin with an alphabetic character and can consist only of alphabetic characters or underscores."
How to solve this error
- jagadeep k
- May 29, 2018
- Like
- 1
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: Ensure that you call the correct method from orderTrigger.
In Advanced Apex Specialist Challenge 2
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: Ensure that you call the correct method from orderTrigger.
My Trigger and helper class code I am pasting it here
trigger orderTrigger on Order (after update) {
if(Trigger.new != null){
OrderHelper class
public class OrderHelper {
* @name AfterUpdate
* @description
* @param List<Order> newList
* @param List<Order> oldList
* @return void
public static void AfterUpdate(List<Order> newList, List<Order> oldList){
Set<Id> activatedOrderIds = new Set<Id>();
//Create list of OrderIds
for ( Integer i=0; i<newList.size(); i++ ){
if ((newList[i].Status == Constants.ACTIVATED_ORDER_STATUS && newList[i].ActivatedDate != null)
&& oldList[i].Status == Constants.DRAFT_ORDER_STATUS){
* @name RollUpOrderItems
* @description Given a set of Activated Order ids, query the child Order Items and related Products to calculate Inventory levels
* @param Set<Id> activatedOrderIds
* @return void
public static void RollUpOrderItems(Set<Id> activatedOrderIds){
//ToDo: Declare a Map named "productMap" of Ids to Product2 records
Map<Id, Product2> productMap = new Map<Id, Product2>();
Set<Id> productIds = new Set<Id>();
//ToDo: Loop through a query of OrderItems related to the activatedOrderIds
List<OrderItem> items = [SELECT Id, Product2Id, Quantity
FROM OrderItem
WHERE OrderId In :activatedOrderIds];
for(OrderItem oi : items) {
//ToDo: Populate the map with the Id of the related Product2 as the key and Product2 record as the value
productMap = new Map<Id, Product2>([SELECT Id, Quantity_Ordered__c FROM Product2 WHERE Id IN :productIds]);
AggregateResult[] groupedResults = [SELECT Product2Id, SUM(Quantity) activatedQuantity
FROM OrderItem
WHERE Product2Id In :productMap.keySet() GROUP BY Product2Id];
for (AggregateResult ar : groupedResults) {
productMap.get((String) ar.get('Product2Id')).Quantity_Ordered__c = Integer.valueOf(ar.get('activatedQuantity'));
//ToDo: Perform an update on the records in the productMap
if(productMap!=null && productMap.size()>0){
update productMap.values();
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: Ensure that you call the correct method from orderTrigger.
My Trigger and helper class code I am pasting it here
trigger orderTrigger on Order (after update) {
if(Trigger.new != null){
OrderHelper class
public class OrderHelper {
* @name AfterUpdate
* @description
* @param List<Order> newList
* @param List<Order> oldList
* @return void
public static void AfterUpdate(List<Order> newList, List<Order> oldList){
Set<Id> activatedOrderIds = new Set<Id>();
//Create list of OrderIds
for ( Integer i=0; i<newList.size(); i++ ){
if ((newList[i].Status == Constants.ACTIVATED_ORDER_STATUS && newList[i].ActivatedDate != null)
&& oldList[i].Status == Constants.DRAFT_ORDER_STATUS){
* @name RollUpOrderItems
* @description Given a set of Activated Order ids, query the child Order Items and related Products to calculate Inventory levels
* @param Set<Id> activatedOrderIds
* @return void
public static void RollUpOrderItems(Set<Id> activatedOrderIds){
//ToDo: Declare a Map named "productMap" of Ids to Product2 records
Map<Id, Product2> productMap = new Map<Id, Product2>();
Set<Id> productIds = new Set<Id>();
//ToDo: Loop through a query of OrderItems related to the activatedOrderIds
List<OrderItem> items = [SELECT Id, Product2Id, Quantity
FROM OrderItem
WHERE OrderId In :activatedOrderIds];
for(OrderItem oi : items) {
//ToDo: Populate the map with the Id of the related Product2 as the key and Product2 record as the value
productMap = new Map<Id, Product2>([SELECT Id, Quantity_Ordered__c FROM Product2 WHERE Id IN :productIds]);
AggregateResult[] groupedResults = [SELECT Product2Id, SUM(Quantity) activatedQuantity
FROM OrderItem
WHERE Product2Id In :productMap.keySet() GROUP BY Product2Id];
for (AggregateResult ar : groupedResults) {
productMap.get((String) ar.get('Product2Id')).Quantity_Ordered__c = Integer.valueOf(ar.get('activatedQuantity'));
//ToDo: Perform an update on the records in the productMap
if(productMap!=null && productMap.size()>0){
update productMap.values();
- jagadeep k
- May 22, 2018
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