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Unable to complete Trailhead Challenge
Hi all,
I am trying to complete below challenge and getting an error. I have copied all details(Challange Link, Code and Error).
Appreciate your help!
public class MetadataExample {
public Metadata.CustomMetadata customMetadata{get;set;}
public void updateMetadata(){
customMetadata = new Metadata.CustomMetadata();
customMetadata.fullName =
Metadata.CustomMetadataValue customField = new Metadata.CustomMetadataValue();
customField.field = 'customField__c ';
customField.value = 'New Value';
Metadata.DeployContainer deployContainer = new Metadata.DeployContainer();
Id asyncResultId = Metadata.Operations.enqueueDeployment(deployContainer, null);
I am trying to complete below challenge and getting an error. I have copied all details(Challange Link, Code and Error).
Appreciate your help!
public class MetadataExample {
public Metadata.CustomMetadata customMetadata{get;set;}
public void updateMetadata(){
customMetadata = new Metadata.CustomMetadata();
customMetadata.fullName =
Metadata.CustomMetadataValue customField = new Metadata.CustomMetadataValue();
customField.field = 'customField__c ';
customField.value = 'New Value';
Metadata.DeployContainer deployContainer = new Metadata.DeployContainer();
Id asyncResultId = Metadata.Operations.enqueueDeployment(deployContainer, null);
- Chaudhary Aditya
- June 21, 2021
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"HappySoup.io" - How does it authenticate to my Salesforce Org?
I am baffled my the ability of Happysoup.io to access my salesforce org. I did not create a connected app or did anything else to connect my Salesforce org. A simple login.
The documentaion on it's website mentions creating a connected application if we want to host the application on premise.
I looked into 'Connected App Usage' - there is an entry for 'Heroku Connect' - I did not create this app - Neither do I see this app under Connected Apps list!
Has Salesforce 'behind the scenes' made it possible for Heroku apps to integrate with Salesforce - by embedding a Connected app in all Salesforce orgs by default?
Could someone please help me explain how is HappySoup able to connect to my Org?
The documentaion on it's website mentions creating a connected application if we want to host the application on premise.
I looked into 'Connected App Usage' - there is an entry for 'Heroku Connect' - I did not create this app - Neither do I see this app under Connected Apps list!
Has Salesforce 'behind the scenes' made it possible for Heroku apps to integrate with Salesforce - by embedding a Connected app in all Salesforce orgs by default?
Could someone please help me explain how is HappySoup able to connect to my Org?
- Chaudhary Aditya
- February 05, 2021
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Where all is the object referenced?
I am required to add a logic around a custom object(On create). There are multiple process-builder processes, trigger, flow, workflow operating on this object.
I need to document all the references to come up with an ideal component(existing/new) to add my logic.
Is there a way in the User Interface,SOQL/API or something else - to figure out all the components - this custom object may be refernced in(Process, Flow, Workflow, Trigger, Apex classes)?
Is this something very basic? What am I missing?
I need to document all the references to come up with an ideal component(existing/new) to add my logic.
Is there a way in the User Interface,SOQL/API or something else - to figure out all the components - this custom object may be refernced in(Process, Flow, Workflow, Trigger, Apex classes)?
Is this something very basic? What am I missing?
- Chaudhary Aditya
- December 17, 2020
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Architecture/Thought Pattern on Updates within Triggers: Errors on Web Screen vs Bulk update.
Description: A 'before update' trigger on Opportunity. Trigger logic has some validations/consitions.
Completed Tasks:
1.Trigger has been written.
2. All Errored Out Opportunity Id are stored in a map called: erorredOutOpportunityMap
3. Error on screen is displayed using:
webpageOpp.addError('Error Message');
Help on
Best way to handle:
(a) Show error to user (in browser) if record cannot be updated for some reason. e.g. A validation in trigger fails.
(b) For bulk updates - Skip over the ones that failed and update the rest. [Notify/Add to Queue for the missed Opportunities].
I would like to believe this is a relatively common use case in Salesforce applications.
Is it a good industry practice to add errored out Opportunities to a queue and have a human look at it?
I would really appreciate a pointer/steps/improvement & errors in above.
Completed Tasks:
1.Trigger has been written.
2. All Errored Out Opportunity Id are stored in a map called: erorredOutOpportunityMap
3. Error on screen is displayed using:
webpageOpp.addError('Error Message');
Help on
Best way to handle:
(a) Show error to user (in browser) if record cannot be updated for some reason. e.g. A validation in trigger fails.
(b) For bulk updates - Skip over the ones that failed and update the rest. [Notify/Add to Queue for the missed Opportunities].
I would like to believe this is a relatively common use case in Salesforce applications.
Is it a good industry practice to add errored out Opportunities to a queue and have a human look at it?
I would really appreciate a pointer/steps/improvement & errors in above.
- Chaudhary Aditya
- January 15, 2020
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illuminatedcloud Code Coverage - Within the IDE
I am evaluating illuminated cloud on PyCharm community edition. It looks good so far. I wrote apex code, test class and can execute the same & see the results.
I am unable to figure out how to: See Test Coverage (Percentage/Lines covered) for an apex class - within the IDE.
I would appreciate the steps or pointers in this direction.
I am evaluating illuminated cloud on PyCharm community edition. It looks good so far. I wrote apex code, test class and can execute the same & see the results.
I am unable to figure out how to: See Test Coverage (Percentage/Lines covered) for an apex class - within the IDE.
I would appreciate the steps or pointers in this direction.
- Chaudhary Aditya
- January 15, 2020
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Update to LastReferencedDate and LastViewedDate on user object counted as an update
Hi There,
We have an integration that listens to anything changed on a user record and push the change to the down steam systems.
Now, the sytem that listens to it cant anchor on a specific field for e.g. LastModifiedDate and hence if the LastReferencedDate and LastViewedDate is updated it also counts that as an update and push a bulk load of data without need.
Has anyone come across this ?
How can we avoid it?
Please advise.
- Parth Patel 184
- July 05, 2021
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Unable to complete Trailhead Challenge
Hi all,
I am trying to complete below challenge and getting an error. I have copied all details(Challange Link, Code and Error).
Appreciate your help!
public class MetadataExample {
public Metadata.CustomMetadata customMetadata{get;set;}
public void updateMetadata(){
customMetadata = new Metadata.CustomMetadata();
customMetadata.fullName =
Metadata.CustomMetadataValue customField = new Metadata.CustomMetadataValue();
customField.field = 'customField__c ';
customField.value = 'New Value';
Metadata.DeployContainer deployContainer = new Metadata.DeployContainer();
Id asyncResultId = Metadata.Operations.enqueueDeployment(deployContainer, null);
I am trying to complete below challenge and getting an error. I have copied all details(Challange Link, Code and Error).
Appreciate your help!
public class MetadataExample {
public Metadata.CustomMetadata customMetadata{get;set;}
public void updateMetadata(){
customMetadata = new Metadata.CustomMetadata();
customMetadata.fullName =
Metadata.CustomMetadataValue customField = new Metadata.CustomMetadataValue();
customField.field = 'customField__c ';
customField.value = 'New Value';
Metadata.DeployContainer deployContainer = new Metadata.DeployContainer();
Id asyncResultId = Metadata.Operations.enqueueDeployment(deployContainer, null);
- Chaudhary Aditya
- June 21, 2021
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"HappySoup.io" - How does it authenticate to my Salesforce Org?
I am baffled my the ability of Happysoup.io to access my salesforce org. I did not create a connected app or did anything else to connect my Salesforce org. A simple login.
The documentaion on it's website mentions creating a connected application if we want to host the application on premise.
I looked into 'Connected App Usage' - there is an entry for 'Heroku Connect' - I did not create this app - Neither do I see this app under Connected Apps list!
Has Salesforce 'behind the scenes' made it possible for Heroku apps to integrate with Salesforce - by embedding a Connected app in all Salesforce orgs by default?
Could someone please help me explain how is HappySoup able to connect to my Org?
The documentaion on it's website mentions creating a connected application if we want to host the application on premise.
I looked into 'Connected App Usage' - there is an entry for 'Heroku Connect' - I did not create this app - Neither do I see this app under Connected Apps list!
Has Salesforce 'behind the scenes' made it possible for Heroku apps to integrate with Salesforce - by embedding a Connected app in all Salesforce orgs by default?
Could someone please help me explain how is HappySoup able to connect to my Org?
- Chaudhary Aditya
- February 05, 2021
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Code Coverage stuck at 72% -- How Can I improve the coverage
Hey Devs,
For the following my test class code coverage doesnt seem to go up above 75%, This is my first test class.
Any thoughts on how to improve the code coverage are much appreciated.
Actual Class
public class EngagementSharepointFolderCreation {
@InvocableMethod(label='Setup Engagements Folder structure in Sharepoint' description='Creates accounts with children of Opportunities and Deliverables')
public static void CreateEngagementsFolder (List<String> engagementId){
public static void CreateEngagementsFolderHierarchy(List<String> lstOfEngagementIds){
// get the Engagement
List<pse__Proj__c> lstOfEngagementRecs = [Select Id, Engagement_SharePoint_Folder_Name__c, AccountEngagementSharePointFolderIdOnEng__c,pse__Account__c, pse__Account__r.Name, pse__Account__r.Account_Engagement_SharePoint_Folder_Id__c, pse__Opportunity__r.Name,pse__Account__r.Opportunity_Sharepoint_Folder_Id__c, pse__Proj__c.Engagement_Sharepoint_Folder_Id__c from pse__Proj__c where Id = :lstOfEngagementIds];
List<Account> lstOfAccountsToPSEFolderIds = new List<Account>();
List<Opportunity> lstOfOppPSEFolderIds = new List<Opportunity>();
//get auth info from the Settings MDT
fileforcem1__Sharepoint_Settings__mdt orgSettings = [SELECT fileforcem1__Named_Credential__c,fileforcem1__Document_Library_Id__c,fileforcem1__Site_Id__c FROM fileforcem1__Sharepoint_Settings__mdt WHERE Developername = 'Default' limit 1];
//Initialize the client object
fileforcem1.ClientApi apiClient = new fileforcem1.ClientApi();
apiClient.namedCredentialName = orgSettings.fileforcem1__Named_Credential__c;
//get the root folder id for the Engagement -- Need to check whats this?
fileforcem1__SharePoint_Object_Settings__mdt objectSettings = [SELECT fileforcem1__Root_Folder_Id__c,fileforcem1__Site_Id__c,fileforcem1__Document_Library_Id__c,fileforcem1__Initial_Folder_Structure__c FROM fileforcem1__Sharepoint_Object_Settings__mdt WHERE MasterLabel ='pse__Proj__c' LIMIT 1 ];
apiClient.sharepointSiteId = objectSettings.fileforcem1__Site_Id__c;
apiClient.documentLibraryId = objectSettings.fileforcem1__Document_Library_Id__c;
for(pse__Proj__c engagement : lstOfEngagementRecs){
String accFolderId;
fileforcem1.SharepointFileInfo accFolder;
if (String.isBlank(engagement.pse__Account__r.Account_Engagement_SharePoint_Folder_Id__c))
//Create the Customer Account folder and record the ID
if (!Test.isRunningTest()) {
accFolder = apiClient.createFolder(Label.PSA_CCX_Account, engagement.pse__Account__r.Name);
accFolderId = accFolder.Id;
lstOfAccountsToPSEFolderIds.add(new Account(Id = engagement.pse__Account__c, Account_Engagement_SharePoint_Folder_Id__c = accFolder.Id));
} else {accFolder=new fileforcem1.SharepointFileInfo();}
accFolderId = engagement.pse__Account__r.Account_Engagement_SharePoint_Folder_Id__c;
//Create the opportunity folder and record the ID
fileforcem1.SharepointFileInfo oppFolder;
if (!Test.isRunningTest()) {
oppFolder = apiClient.createFolder(accFolderId, engagement.pse__Opportunity__r.Name);
lstOfOppPSEFolderIds.add(new Opportunity(Id = engagement.pse__Opportunity__c, Opportunity_PSA_Sharepoint_Folder_Id__c = oppFolder.Id));
} else{ oppFolder = new fileforcem1.SharepointFileInfo();}
System.debug('Opp Folder created successfully'+oppFolder.Id);
//Create PSE folder
fileforcem1.SharepointFileInfo pseFolder;
if (!Test.isRunningTest()){
pseFolder = apiClient.createFolder(oppFolder.Id, engagement.Engagement_SharePoint_Folder_Name__c);
engagement.sharepoint_folder_id__c = pseFolder.Id;
//Create Deliverables Folder under opportunity
fileforcem1.SharepointFileInfo Deliverable1Folder;
if (!Test.isRunningTest()) {
Deliverable1Folder = apiClient.createFolder(pseFolder.Id, 'Deliverables');
else {Deliverable1Folder = new fileforcem1.SharepointFileInfo(); }
engagement.Deliverable_Folder_Id__c= Deliverable1Folder.Id;
System.debug('Deliverable Folder created successfully'+Deliverable1Folder.Id);
// update Account Engagement Folder Id
update lstOfAccountsToPSEFolderIds;
// update Opportunity Engagement Folder Id
update lstOfOppPSEFolderIds;
//update the opportunity to save the IDs
update lstOfEngagementRecs;
catch(DmlException e) {
System.debug('The following exception has occurred: ' + e.getMessage());
The Test Class for the same
// Engagement(Deliverable) folder test class creation
static testMethod void folderCreationTestEngagement()
//Create Accounts To be related to Engagement
Account customerAccTobeRelatedToEngagement = new Account();
customerAccTobeRelatedToEngagement.Name ='TestCustomerAccountTobeRelatedToEngagement';
customerAccTobeRelatedToEngagement.Type ='Customer';
customerAccTobeRelatedToEngagement.D_Invoice_Delivery_Method__c= 'Email';
customerAccTobeRelatedToEngagement.D_Historic_Customer_Folder_Locations__c= 'HistoricCustomerFolderLocation';
insert customerAccTobeRelatedToEngagement;
System.debug('The new inserted account' + customerAccTobeRelatedToEngagement);
Account prospectAccTobeRelatedToEngagement = new Account();
insert prospectAccTobeRelatedToEngagement;
System.debug('The new inserted prospect account' + prospectAccTobeRelatedToEngagement);
//add account ids to be related to the Engagement to the list
List<String> accIDsTobeRelatedToEngagement = new List<String>();
//Create Account Folders in SharePoint
If (customerAccTobeRelatedToEngagement.SharePoint_Folder_Id__c<>'') {
System.debug('Account SharePoint FolderID: ' + customerAccTobeRelatedToEngagement.SharePoint_Folder_Id__c);}
else if (customerAccTobeRelatedToEngagement.Opportunity_Sharepoint_Folder_Id__c<>'') {
System.debug('Account Opp SharePoint FolderID: ' + customerAccTobeRelatedToEngagement.Opportunity_Sharepoint_Folder_Id__c);}
else if (customerAccTobeRelatedToEngagement.Contracts_Sharepoint_Folder_Id__c<>'') {
System.debug('Account Contract SharePoint FolderID: ' + customerAccTobeRelatedToEngagement.Contracts_Sharepoint_Folder_Id__c);}
else if (customerAccTobeRelatedToEngagement.Contracts_Sharepoint_Folder_Id__c<>'') {
System.debug('Account Contract SharePoint FolderID: ' + customerAccTobeRelatedToEngagement.Contracts_Sharepoint_Folder_Id__c); }
else if (customerAccTobeRelatedToEngagement.Finance_Sharepoint_Folder_Id__c<>'') {
System.debug('Account Finance SharePoint FolderID: ' + customerAccTobeRelatedToEngagement.Finance_Sharepoint_Folder_Id__c); }
else if (customerAccTobeRelatedToEngagement.Archive_Sharepoint_Folder_Id__c<>'') {
System.debug('Account Archive SharePoint FolderID: ' + customerAccTobeRelatedToEngagement.Archive_Sharepoint_Folder_Id__c);}
//Create Opportunity to be related to Engagement
Opportunity newCustomerOppTestCustomerOppTobeRelatedtoEngagement = new Opportunity();
newCustomerOppTestCustomerOppTobeRelatedtoEngagement.Type='New Sale';
newCustomerOppTestCustomerOppTobeRelatedtoEngagement.StageName='Discovery & Qualification';
insert newCustomerOppTestCustomerOppTobeRelatedtoEngagement;
Opportunity newProspectOppTobeRelatedtoEngagement = new Opportunity();
newProspectOppTobeRelatedtoEngagement.Type='New Sale';
newProspectOppTobeRelatedtoEngagement.StageName='Discovery & Qualification';
insert newProspectOppTobeRelatedtoEngagement;
List<String> oppIDsToBeRelatedToEngagement = new List<String>();
//Create Opportunity Folders in SharePoint
If (newCustomerOppTestCustomerOppTobeRelatedtoEngagement.fileforcem1__Sharepoint_Folder_Id__c <>'') {
System.debug('Opp SharePoint FolderID: ' + newCustomerOppTestCustomerOppTobeRelatedtoEngagement.fileforcem1__Sharepoint_Folder_Id__c);}
else if (newCustomerOppTestCustomerOppTobeRelatedtoEngagement.Quotes_Sharepoint_Folder_Id__c<>'') {
System.debug('Opp Quotes SharePoint FolderID: ' + newCustomerOppTestCustomerOppTobeRelatedtoEngagement.Quotes_Sharepoint_Folder_Id__c);}
else if (newCustomerOppTestCustomerOppTobeRelatedtoEngagement.Proposal_Sharepoint_Folder_Id__c<>'') {
System.debug('Opp Proposals SharePoint FolderID: ' + newCustomerOppTestCustomerOppTobeRelatedtoEngagement.Proposal_Sharepoint_Folder_Id__c);}
else if (newCustomerOppTestCustomerOppTobeRelatedtoEngagement.Signed_Contracts_Sharepoint_Folder_ID__c<>'') {
System.debug('Opp Signed Contracts SharePoint FolderID: ' + newCustomerOppTestCustomerOppTobeRelatedtoEngagement.Signed_Contracts_Sharepoint_Folder_ID__c); }
else if (newCustomerOppTestCustomerOppTobeRelatedtoEngagement.Customer_Invoices_Folder_Id__c<>'') {
System.debug('Opp Customer Invoices SharePoint FolderID: ' + newCustomerOppTestCustomerOppTobeRelatedtoEngagement.Customer_Invoices_Folder_Id__c); }
else if (newCustomerOppTestCustomerOppTobeRelatedtoEngagement.Vendor_Sharepoint_Folder_Id__c<>'') {
System.debug('Opp Vendor SharePoint FolderID: ' + newCustomerOppTestCustomerOppTobeRelatedtoEngagement.Vendor_Sharepoint_Folder_Id__c);}
//Create Engagement
pse__Proj__c NewEngagement1 = new pse__Proj__c();
NewEngagement1.RecordTypeId = '0124Y000000502fQAA'; //Client
NewEngagement1.Account__c = customerAccTobeRelatedToEngagement.Id;
NewEngagement1.Opportunity__c = newCustomerOppTestCustomerOppTobeRelatedtoEngagement.Id;
// Query the regions to be used and assigned
List<pse__Region__c> regionresultsforvic = [SELECT Name FROM pse__Region__c WHERE Name = 'Victoria' Limit 1];
if (regionresultsforvic.size()>0)
NewEngagement1.pse__Region__c = regionresultsforvic[11].Name;
NewEngagement1.pse__Start_Date__c = System.today();
NewEngagement1.pse__End_Date__c = System.today();
NewEngagement1.pse__Practice__c = 'aDt4Y000000000aSAA';
System.debug('practice name inserted' + NewEngagement1.pse__Practice__c);
insert NewEngagement1;
//Create Engagement2
pse__Proj__c NewEngagement2 = new pse__Proj__c();
NewEngagement2.RecordTypeId = '0124Y000000502BQAQ'; // Global // Internal 0124Y000000502aQAA // 0124Y000000502kQAA
NewEngagement2.Account__c = customerAccTobeRelatedToEngagement.Id;
NewEngagement2.Opportunity__c = newCustomerOppTestCustomerOppTobeRelatedtoEngagement.Id;
// Query the regions to be used and assigned
List<pse__Region__c> regionresultsforqld = [SELECT Name FROM pse__Region__c WHERE Name = 'Queensland' Limit 1];
if (regionresultsforqld.size()>0)
NewEngagement1.pse__Region__c = regionresultsforqld[6].Name;
NewEngagement1.pse__Start_Date__c = System.today();
NewEngagement1.pse__End_Date__c = System.today();
NewEngagement1.pse__Practice__c = 'aDt4Y000000000aSAA';
System.debug('practice name inserted' + NewEngagement2.pse__Practice__c);
insert NewEngagement2;
List<String> milestoneIDs = new List<String>();
/* milestoneIDs.add(NewEngagement3.Id);
milestoneIDs.add(NewEngagement4.Id); */
//Create Milestone Folders in SharePoint
If (NewEngagement1.sharepoint_folder_id__c <>'') {
System.debug('Milestone SharePoint FolderID: ' + NewEngagement1.sharepoint_folder_id__c);}
If (NewEngagement2.sharepoint_folder_id__c <>'') {
System.debug('Milestone SharePoint FolderID: ' + NewEngagement2.sharepoint_folder_id__c);}
/* If (NewEngagement3.sharepoint_folder_id__c <>'') {
System.debug('Milestone SharePoint FolderID: ' + NewEngagement3.sharepoint_folder_id__c);}
If (NewEngagement4.sharepoint_folder_id__c <>'') {
System.debug('Milestone SharePoint FolderID: ' + NewEngagement4.sharepoint_folder_id__c);} */
For the following my test class code coverage doesnt seem to go up above 75%, This is my first test class.
Any thoughts on how to improve the code coverage are much appreciated.
Actual Class
public class EngagementSharepointFolderCreation {
@InvocableMethod(label='Setup Engagements Folder structure in Sharepoint' description='Creates accounts with children of Opportunities and Deliverables')
public static void CreateEngagementsFolder (List<String> engagementId){
public static void CreateEngagementsFolderHierarchy(List<String> lstOfEngagementIds){
// get the Engagement
List<pse__Proj__c> lstOfEngagementRecs = [Select Id, Engagement_SharePoint_Folder_Name__c, AccountEngagementSharePointFolderIdOnEng__c,pse__Account__c, pse__Account__r.Name, pse__Account__r.Account_Engagement_SharePoint_Folder_Id__c, pse__Opportunity__r.Name,pse__Account__r.Opportunity_Sharepoint_Folder_Id__c, pse__Proj__c.Engagement_Sharepoint_Folder_Id__c from pse__Proj__c where Id = :lstOfEngagementIds];
List<Account> lstOfAccountsToPSEFolderIds = new List<Account>();
List<Opportunity> lstOfOppPSEFolderIds = new List<Opportunity>();
//get auth info from the Settings MDT
fileforcem1__Sharepoint_Settings__mdt orgSettings = [SELECT fileforcem1__Named_Credential__c,fileforcem1__Document_Library_Id__c,fileforcem1__Site_Id__c FROM fileforcem1__Sharepoint_Settings__mdt WHERE Developername = 'Default' limit 1];
//Initialize the client object
fileforcem1.ClientApi apiClient = new fileforcem1.ClientApi();
apiClient.namedCredentialName = orgSettings.fileforcem1__Named_Credential__c;
//get the root folder id for the Engagement -- Need to check whats this?
fileforcem1__SharePoint_Object_Settings__mdt objectSettings = [SELECT fileforcem1__Root_Folder_Id__c,fileforcem1__Site_Id__c,fileforcem1__Document_Library_Id__c,fileforcem1__Initial_Folder_Structure__c FROM fileforcem1__Sharepoint_Object_Settings__mdt WHERE MasterLabel ='pse__Proj__c' LIMIT 1 ];
apiClient.sharepointSiteId = objectSettings.fileforcem1__Site_Id__c;
apiClient.documentLibraryId = objectSettings.fileforcem1__Document_Library_Id__c;
for(pse__Proj__c engagement : lstOfEngagementRecs){
String accFolderId;
fileforcem1.SharepointFileInfo accFolder;
if (String.isBlank(engagement.pse__Account__r.Account_Engagement_SharePoint_Folder_Id__c))
//Create the Customer Account folder and record the ID
if (!Test.isRunningTest()) {
accFolder = apiClient.createFolder(Label.PSA_CCX_Account, engagement.pse__Account__r.Name);
accFolderId = accFolder.Id;
lstOfAccountsToPSEFolderIds.add(new Account(Id = engagement.pse__Account__c, Account_Engagement_SharePoint_Folder_Id__c = accFolder.Id));
} else {accFolder=new fileforcem1.SharepointFileInfo();}
accFolderId = engagement.pse__Account__r.Account_Engagement_SharePoint_Folder_Id__c;
//Create the opportunity folder and record the ID
fileforcem1.SharepointFileInfo oppFolder;
if (!Test.isRunningTest()) {
oppFolder = apiClient.createFolder(accFolderId, engagement.pse__Opportunity__r.Name);
lstOfOppPSEFolderIds.add(new Opportunity(Id = engagement.pse__Opportunity__c, Opportunity_PSA_Sharepoint_Folder_Id__c = oppFolder.Id));
} else{ oppFolder = new fileforcem1.SharepointFileInfo();}
System.debug('Opp Folder created successfully'+oppFolder.Id);
//Create PSE folder
fileforcem1.SharepointFileInfo pseFolder;
if (!Test.isRunningTest()){
pseFolder = apiClient.createFolder(oppFolder.Id, engagement.Engagement_SharePoint_Folder_Name__c);
engagement.sharepoint_folder_id__c = pseFolder.Id;
//Create Deliverables Folder under opportunity
fileforcem1.SharepointFileInfo Deliverable1Folder;
if (!Test.isRunningTest()) {
Deliverable1Folder = apiClient.createFolder(pseFolder.Id, 'Deliverables');
else {Deliverable1Folder = new fileforcem1.SharepointFileInfo(); }
engagement.Deliverable_Folder_Id__c= Deliverable1Folder.Id;
System.debug('Deliverable Folder created successfully'+Deliverable1Folder.Id);
// update Account Engagement Folder Id
update lstOfAccountsToPSEFolderIds;
// update Opportunity Engagement Folder Id
update lstOfOppPSEFolderIds;
//update the opportunity to save the IDs
update lstOfEngagementRecs;
catch(DmlException e) {
System.debug('The following exception has occurred: ' + e.getMessage());
The Test Class for the same
// Engagement(Deliverable) folder test class creation
static testMethod void folderCreationTestEngagement()
//Create Accounts To be related to Engagement
Account customerAccTobeRelatedToEngagement = new Account();
customerAccTobeRelatedToEngagement.Name ='TestCustomerAccountTobeRelatedToEngagement';
customerAccTobeRelatedToEngagement.Type ='Customer';
customerAccTobeRelatedToEngagement.D_Invoice_Delivery_Method__c= 'Email';
customerAccTobeRelatedToEngagement.D_Historic_Customer_Folder_Locations__c= 'HistoricCustomerFolderLocation';
insert customerAccTobeRelatedToEngagement;
System.debug('The new inserted account' + customerAccTobeRelatedToEngagement);
Account prospectAccTobeRelatedToEngagement = new Account();
insert prospectAccTobeRelatedToEngagement;
System.debug('The new inserted prospect account' + prospectAccTobeRelatedToEngagement);
//add account ids to be related to the Engagement to the list
List<String> accIDsTobeRelatedToEngagement = new List<String>();
//Create Account Folders in SharePoint
If (customerAccTobeRelatedToEngagement.SharePoint_Folder_Id__c<>'') {
System.debug('Account SharePoint FolderID: ' + customerAccTobeRelatedToEngagement.SharePoint_Folder_Id__c);}
else if (customerAccTobeRelatedToEngagement.Opportunity_Sharepoint_Folder_Id__c<>'') {
System.debug('Account Opp SharePoint FolderID: ' + customerAccTobeRelatedToEngagement.Opportunity_Sharepoint_Folder_Id__c);}
else if (customerAccTobeRelatedToEngagement.Contracts_Sharepoint_Folder_Id__c<>'') {
System.debug('Account Contract SharePoint FolderID: ' + customerAccTobeRelatedToEngagement.Contracts_Sharepoint_Folder_Id__c);}
else if (customerAccTobeRelatedToEngagement.Contracts_Sharepoint_Folder_Id__c<>'') {
System.debug('Account Contract SharePoint FolderID: ' + customerAccTobeRelatedToEngagement.Contracts_Sharepoint_Folder_Id__c); }
else if (customerAccTobeRelatedToEngagement.Finance_Sharepoint_Folder_Id__c<>'') {
System.debug('Account Finance SharePoint FolderID: ' + customerAccTobeRelatedToEngagement.Finance_Sharepoint_Folder_Id__c); }
else if (customerAccTobeRelatedToEngagement.Archive_Sharepoint_Folder_Id__c<>'') {
System.debug('Account Archive SharePoint FolderID: ' + customerAccTobeRelatedToEngagement.Archive_Sharepoint_Folder_Id__c);}
//Create Opportunity to be related to Engagement
Opportunity newCustomerOppTestCustomerOppTobeRelatedtoEngagement = new Opportunity();
newCustomerOppTestCustomerOppTobeRelatedtoEngagement.Type='New Sale';
newCustomerOppTestCustomerOppTobeRelatedtoEngagement.StageName='Discovery & Qualification';
insert newCustomerOppTestCustomerOppTobeRelatedtoEngagement;
Opportunity newProspectOppTobeRelatedtoEngagement = new Opportunity();
newProspectOppTobeRelatedtoEngagement.Type='New Sale';
newProspectOppTobeRelatedtoEngagement.StageName='Discovery & Qualification';
insert newProspectOppTobeRelatedtoEngagement;
List<String> oppIDsToBeRelatedToEngagement = new List<String>();
//Create Opportunity Folders in SharePoint
If (newCustomerOppTestCustomerOppTobeRelatedtoEngagement.fileforcem1__Sharepoint_Folder_Id__c <>'') {
System.debug('Opp SharePoint FolderID: ' + newCustomerOppTestCustomerOppTobeRelatedtoEngagement.fileforcem1__Sharepoint_Folder_Id__c);}
else if (newCustomerOppTestCustomerOppTobeRelatedtoEngagement.Quotes_Sharepoint_Folder_Id__c<>'') {
System.debug('Opp Quotes SharePoint FolderID: ' + newCustomerOppTestCustomerOppTobeRelatedtoEngagement.Quotes_Sharepoint_Folder_Id__c);}
else if (newCustomerOppTestCustomerOppTobeRelatedtoEngagement.Proposal_Sharepoint_Folder_Id__c<>'') {
System.debug('Opp Proposals SharePoint FolderID: ' + newCustomerOppTestCustomerOppTobeRelatedtoEngagement.Proposal_Sharepoint_Folder_Id__c);}
else if (newCustomerOppTestCustomerOppTobeRelatedtoEngagement.Signed_Contracts_Sharepoint_Folder_ID__c<>'') {
System.debug('Opp Signed Contracts SharePoint FolderID: ' + newCustomerOppTestCustomerOppTobeRelatedtoEngagement.Signed_Contracts_Sharepoint_Folder_ID__c); }
else if (newCustomerOppTestCustomerOppTobeRelatedtoEngagement.Customer_Invoices_Folder_Id__c<>'') {
System.debug('Opp Customer Invoices SharePoint FolderID: ' + newCustomerOppTestCustomerOppTobeRelatedtoEngagement.Customer_Invoices_Folder_Id__c); }
else if (newCustomerOppTestCustomerOppTobeRelatedtoEngagement.Vendor_Sharepoint_Folder_Id__c<>'') {
System.debug('Opp Vendor SharePoint FolderID: ' + newCustomerOppTestCustomerOppTobeRelatedtoEngagement.Vendor_Sharepoint_Folder_Id__c);}
//Create Engagement
pse__Proj__c NewEngagement1 = new pse__Proj__c();
NewEngagement1.RecordTypeId = '0124Y000000502fQAA'; //Client
NewEngagement1.Account__c = customerAccTobeRelatedToEngagement.Id;
NewEngagement1.Opportunity__c = newCustomerOppTestCustomerOppTobeRelatedtoEngagement.Id;
// Query the regions to be used and assigned
List<pse__Region__c> regionresultsforvic = [SELECT Name FROM pse__Region__c WHERE Name = 'Victoria' Limit 1];
if (regionresultsforvic.size()>0)
NewEngagement1.pse__Region__c = regionresultsforvic[11].Name;
NewEngagement1.pse__Start_Date__c = System.today();
NewEngagement1.pse__End_Date__c = System.today();
NewEngagement1.pse__Practice__c = 'aDt4Y000000000aSAA';
System.debug('practice name inserted' + NewEngagement1.pse__Practice__c);
insert NewEngagement1;
//Create Engagement2
pse__Proj__c NewEngagement2 = new pse__Proj__c();
NewEngagement2.RecordTypeId = '0124Y000000502BQAQ'; // Global // Internal 0124Y000000502aQAA // 0124Y000000502kQAA
NewEngagement2.Account__c = customerAccTobeRelatedToEngagement.Id;
NewEngagement2.Opportunity__c = newCustomerOppTestCustomerOppTobeRelatedtoEngagement.Id;
// Query the regions to be used and assigned
List<pse__Region__c> regionresultsforqld = [SELECT Name FROM pse__Region__c WHERE Name = 'Queensland' Limit 1];
if (regionresultsforqld.size()>0)
NewEngagement1.pse__Region__c = regionresultsforqld[6].Name;
NewEngagement1.pse__Start_Date__c = System.today();
NewEngagement1.pse__End_Date__c = System.today();
NewEngagement1.pse__Practice__c = 'aDt4Y000000000aSAA';
System.debug('practice name inserted' + NewEngagement2.pse__Practice__c);
insert NewEngagement2;
List<String> milestoneIDs = new List<String>();
/* milestoneIDs.add(NewEngagement3.Id);
milestoneIDs.add(NewEngagement4.Id); */
//Create Milestone Folders in SharePoint
If (NewEngagement1.sharepoint_folder_id__c <>'') {
System.debug('Milestone SharePoint FolderID: ' + NewEngagement1.sharepoint_folder_id__c);}
If (NewEngagement2.sharepoint_folder_id__c <>'') {
System.debug('Milestone SharePoint FolderID: ' + NewEngagement2.sharepoint_folder_id__c);}
/* If (NewEngagement3.sharepoint_folder_id__c <>'') {
System.debug('Milestone SharePoint FolderID: ' + NewEngagement3.sharepoint_folder_id__c);}
If (NewEngagement4.sharepoint_folder_id__c <>'') {
System.debug('Milestone SharePoint FolderID: ' + NewEngagement4.sharepoint_folder_id__c);} */
- Smita Hodiggeri
- December 17, 2020
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