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Can i change content location without stopping journey and how?
- Ishan Singh 4
- July 13, 2023
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I want to update a field to true or false in a DE based on certain criteria using case statement
I want to update a field in ABC Data exteion which has account Id and XYZ boolen field.
If certain account fullfils below criteria then XYZ field shuld be updated to True or False accordingly.
Criteria :
((select accountid from ent.Certifications_JP c
JOIN ent.Product_vod__c_JP p
ON c.Product_AGN__c = p.Id
where p.Name = 'HYP' and c.Active_AGN__c='True')
Then 'True'
Else 'False')
Field which needs to be updated with true or false - XYZ
DE in which XYZ is ABC
This has to be done in SFMC
- Ishan Singh 4
- May 16, 2023
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How can I separate the data present in single cell in Data extension?
I have two rows in data extension let us say Id and Name. The name can contain many Names but they are seperated by "," . For example:
Id Name
1 A, B,C
So Using the query I want to acchive as below :
Id Name
1 A
1 B
1 C
- Ishan Singh 4
- April 21, 2022
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Why from name is not coming when sending email from distributed marketing
When I am sending email using quick send then in the "Individual email results" From name is coming blank or Record owner.
So how can I get the correct from name while sending email using quick send.
- Ishan Singh 4
- January 09, 2022
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How can I get account Id on lead?
I have created formula field in which i used Account__r.Id but it is showing blank.
- Ishan Singh 4
- February 25, 2021
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Fetching data from account object to lead object.
- Ishan Singh 4
- February 25, 2021
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I have created a task using batch class and now I want to create followup task using process builder but getting this error.
This error occurred when the flow tried to create one or more records: The flow failed to access the value for myVariable_current.Lead__r.Id because it hasn't been set or assigned.. You can look up ExceptionCode values in the SOAP API Developer Guide (https://nam11.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fdeveloper.salesforce.com%2Fdocs%2Fatlas.en-us.api.meta%2Fapi%2Fsforce_api_calls_concepts_core_data_objects.htm%23&data=01%7C01%7Cishan.singh%40mirketa.com%7C1926b9cb26244bc56cd708d81f17a949%7C52fa2bd8925246718c3ea372d414d3be%7C0&sdata=vH7xag6ZpErenpqK7dJmXA7YjPZFedOVsSDAz0rQHnM%3D&reserved=0" style="color:blue; text-decoration:underline).
I have mentioned below details in Task created by batch class
Task C = new Task();
C.Subject= 'xxx';
C.ActivityDate = date.today();
C.OwnerId = l.OwnerId;
C.Type = 'yyy';
I am creating process builder correctly
- Ishan Singh 4
- July 03, 2020
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Why my lead assignment rule is not working?
I have configured my salesforce org with JOT form. My lead assignment rule is also active. But due to some reason it is not working. Can any one suggest me why it is not working and hot to run it.
Thank you
- Ishan Singh 4
- June 09, 2020
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How to use contains in batch class?
l is a variable
- Ishan Singh 4
- June 02, 2020
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I have a formula field of type date. I want a task to be created using batch class when the date in formula field is today. But my code is not working
if ( l.Age__c == Todaydate)
Age__c is formula field
my query parameter is correct
Using debug log I found code is not going below "if"
- Ishan Singh 4
- June 02, 2020
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I want to connect an API with salesforce using mulesoft. Using that api when someone make a query, data from salesforce will be fetched.
- Ishan Singh 4
- May 23, 2020
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I want to send an email to a person when a duplicate lead enters the org i.e, either by Web to lead or by manually entering the lead in org
I have a duplicae matching rule as below:
1. Last name should not be the same.
2. Phone number should not be the same.
- Ishan Singh 4
- May 14, 2020
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I want to send an email to a particular person when a duplicate lead enters the org i.e, either by Web to lead or by manually entering the lead in org
Currently I am using duplicate rule but through it I am not able to send email. If you are suggesting for a process builder then please mention the criteria to trigger it.
The Matching rules are:
Last name
Phone number
- Ishan Singh 4
- May 14, 2020
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I want a task to populate once a field on lead is marked true and when I mark the task as complete a followup task comes with same name until a check box is marked true on lead object
I have already tried process builder it's not working.
Can you please suggest a code for this.
Thank you
- Ishan Singh 4
- May 11, 2020
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I want to update a task owner.
I have a trigger which works on (after insert, after update)
but due to some reason the task owner is not assigned when task is created but when I update the task it's owner name populates. I can not do any changes in existing code beacuse it's too complex. So is there any way by which I can update a task owner when 'Round_Robin_ID__c ' field = 1 to XYZ
- Ishan Singh 4
- May 07, 2020
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How can I access custom field on lead object from task
newTask = new task[on task object]
RR_ID__c = custom field on lead object
Error - Variable does not exist: newTask.Lead__c
- Ishan Singh 4
- May 05, 2020
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How can I access a custom field on Lead object from Task object in Apex class
I want to access that RR id field in my apex class from Task object
- Ishan Singh 4
- May 05, 2020
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I want to make a query in my batch class for leads whose birthday is exact 7 days from today so what formula I should use?
- Ishan Singh 4
- April 28, 2020
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How can I access a custom field on Lead object from Task object in Apex class
I want to access that RR id field in my apex class from Task object
- Ishan Singh 4
- May 05, 2020
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Fetching data from account object to lead object.
- Ishan Singh 4
- February 25, 2021
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I want to send an email to a particular person when a duplicate lead enters the org i.e, either by Web to lead or by manually entering the lead in org
Currently I am using duplicate rule but through it I am not able to send email. If you are suggesting for a process builder then please mention the criteria to trigger it.
The Matching rules are:
Last name
Phone number
- Ishan Singh 4
- May 14, 2020
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I want to update a task owner.
I have a trigger which works on (after insert, after update)
but due to some reason the task owner is not assigned when task is created but when I update the task it's owner name populates. I can not do any changes in existing code beacuse it's too complex. So is there any way by which I can update a task owner when 'Round_Robin_ID__c ' field = 1 to XYZ
- Ishan Singh 4
- May 07, 2020
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How can I access custom field on lead object from task
newTask = new task[on task object]
RR_ID__c = custom field on lead object
Error - Variable does not exist: newTask.Lead__c
- Ishan Singh 4
- May 05, 2020
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How can I access a custom field on Lead object from Task object in Apex class
I want to access that RR id field in my apex class from Task object
- Ishan Singh 4
- May 05, 2020
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when a lead is entered in my org a process builder creates a task with due date today but due to some reason when some leads are inserted it is showing due date of tomorrow.
- Ishan Singh 4
- April 20, 2020
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In some leads a field name 'state' is blank i want to update those field's state with default and then execute my main field update in batch class
if(l.State!=''){ //State is not empty
l.State__c =l.State__c;
}else{ //State is empty
l.State__c ='Default';}
l.Age__c = l.Current_Age__c;
update scope;
- Ishan Singh 4
- April 16, 2020
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I want to update lead owner to XYZ when lead owner is inactive before for loop starts
global Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext bc)
return Database.getQueryLocator([SELECT OwnerId,DOB_Formula__c,Id,Possible_Followup_Date__c FROM Lead WHERE DOB_Formula__c = NEXT_N_DAYS:7 AND Possible_Followup_Date__c != null]);
global void execute(Database.BatchableContext bc, List<Lead> scope)
List<Task> listOfTask = new list<Task>();
for(Lead l : scope)
Task B = new Task();
B.Subject= 'Send Birthday Card';
B.ActivityDate = date.today();
B.OwnerId = l.OwnerId;
- Ishan Singh 4
- April 15, 2020
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Can anyone suggest what is wrong in my test class
global class BirthdayCard implements Database.Batchable<sObject> {
global Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext bc)
return Database.getQueryLocator([SELECT dateOfBirth__c,Id,Possible_Followup_Date__c FROM Lead WHERE dateOfBirth__c = NEXT_N_DAYS:7 AND Possible_Followup_Date__c != null]);
global void execute(Database.BatchableContext bc, List<Task> scope)
for(Task l : scope)
Task B = new Task();
B.Subject= 'Send Birthday Card';
B.ActivityDate = date.today();
B.OwnerId = l.OwnerId;
insert scope;
global void finish(Database.BatchableContext bc){}
public class BirthdayCardTest{
public static void BirthdayCard(){
List<Lead> leadList = new List<Lead>();
Lead ld = new Lead();
ld.lastname = 'test';
ld.dateOfBirth__c = date.today().addDays(7);
ld.Status = 'Unqualified';
insert leadList;
Database.executeBatch(new BirthdayCard());
- Ishan Singh 4
- April 11, 2020
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