• DotNetDevil
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i got error while inserting some data in a custom tab record.

"java.lang.NumberFormatException: empty String

things work fine when no field is empty. this error comes when i leave some fields empty which are not "required" in actualy salesforce entity.

I am using partners 3.0 with c#



Message Edited by DotNetDevil on 03-01-2005 04:16 AM


Please let me know if anyone is familier with this exception "{"size of request is too large" } System.Exception". I encountered it while using update call and tried to update 4 Records simultanously to a custom object using c# and Partners wsdl 3.0. The error samle is below...

Please help!!

thanks in advance.




- ex {"size of request is too large" } System.Exception
+ [System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException] {System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException} System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException
 System.Object {System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException} System.Object
 _className null string
 _COMPlusExceptionCode -532459699 int
+ _exceptionMethod {System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo} System.Reflection.MethodBase
 _exceptionMethodString null string
 _helpURL null string
 _HResult -2146233087 int
 _innerException { } System.Exception
 _message "size of request is too large" string
 _remoteStackIndex 0 int
 _remoteStackTraceString null string
 _source "System.Web.Services" string
+ _stackTrace {System.Array} System.Object
 _stackTraceString "   at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.ReadResponse(SoapClientMessage message, WebResponse response, Stream responseStream, Boolean asyncCall)\r\n   at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.Invoke(String methodName, Object[] parameters)\r\n   at SalesForceClassLibrary.com.salesforce.na1.SforceService.update(sObject[] sObjects) in C:\\Clients\\Sforce\\SalesForceClassLibrary\\Web References\\com.salesforce.na1\\Reference.cs:line 145\r\n   at SalesForceClassLibrary.Connection.UpdateBatchRecordsToSFDC(DataTable RecordTableWithID, String entity, String SID, String URL, String& errmsg, ArrayList& RecordId) in c:\\clients\\sforce\\salesforceclasslibrary\\connection.cs:line 712" string
 _xcode -532459699 int
 _xptrs 0 int
 HelpLink null string
 HResult -2146233087 int
 InnerException { } System.Exception
 Message "size of request is too large" string
 Source "System.Web.Services" string
 StackTrace "   at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.ReadResponse(SoapClientMessage message, WebResponse response, Stream responseStream, Boolean asyncCall)\r\n   at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.Invoke(String methodName, Object[] parameters)\r\n   at SalesForceClassLibrary.com.salesforce.na1.SforceService.update(sObject[] sObjects) in C:\\Clients\\Sforce\\SalesForceClassLibrary\\Web References\\com.salesforce.na1\\Reference.cs:line 145\r\n   at SalesForceClassLibrary.Connection.UpdateBatchRecordsToSFDC(DataTable RecordTableWithID, String entity, String SID, String URL, String& errmsg, ArrayList& RecordId) in c:\\clients\\sforce\\salesforceclasslibrary\\connection.cs:line 712" string
+ TargetSite {System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo} System.Reflection.MethodBase


My problem is with giving rights to my salesreps to view Partners roles in opportunity via API (for an integrated application (based on API 5.0 Partner in c#). I assigned "View all Data" permission to the salesreps's profile in administrative permission section. It works for the API based application, but it will be compromising the role security as assigning this permission will also make Leads, Opportunity,  Cases and other entities public.

Please suggest me other way for accessing partner via APIs, or other wise if I can manage to Assign "View all Data" permission without compromising role security.

I already have spent lot of time on this issue,  a fast help will be appreciated



Hi there ,

I am  using Salesforce soap api to build the our application in asp/vb.net 2003. while debugging  I encounter logins and logout  enumurous time. but problem arises when i have to close application without logout. if i do it for several times (say more than 10 times) the soap api Starts giving error " object refrence not set to an instance"  in logon call.

the error continues to aries for for anothe 1-2 hours. till than i have to stop my work and sit back.

Please help!!




  I'm trying to retrieve "Standard User" from the Name field of the Profile object with the following query: "select Id, Name from Profile where Name = Standard User"  but that always complains about a malformed query. 

  So I tried "select Id, Name from Profile" and then cast the result into Profile objects, and then scan for a Profile with Name equal to "Standard User".   However, the contents of the Profile names are unexpecting:

Custom: Marketing Profile
Custom: Sales Profile
Custom: Support Profile 

  The Profile names represented by the PT# different for different logins, and so I cannot consistently select Standard User.  Any clues, hints?



  • April 21, 2004
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Im trying to develope an application in .NET environment with SForce API. While trying to run the code downloaded from sForce.com in VB.NET the following error is shown

The server returned the following fault information:

Fault Code: 0

Fault string: invalid date format: 0001-01-01T00:00:00.0000000+0530

The program '[1636] QueryFilter.exe' has exited with code 0 (0x0).

The Function where the error is reported is reproduced for your reference: (class clsSForce.vb in QueryFilter_2003 Sample Code for VB.NET)


Friend Function SampleQueryFilter_Simple(ByVal SelectList() As String) As Boolean

Dim ret() As Object

Dim filter(0) As Object 'Final filter array

'Create simple filter

filter(0) = MakeSimpleFilter("ownerID", MyID, "equals")


ret = sForce.query("filter", "contact", 20, SelectList, filter, Nothing, Nothing, False)

Catch ex As System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHeaderException

'This is typical error handling for fault detection and reporting, the .Net Proxy client actually throws an

'error rather than return the fault SOAP Message.

Trace.WriteLine("The server returned the following fault information:")

Trace.WriteLine("Fault Code: " & CType(CType(ex, System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException).Code, System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName).Name())

Trace.WriteLine("Fault string: " & ex.Message)

Return False

End Try


Dim i As Integer = 1

Dim j As Integer

Dim rootNode As System.Xml.XmlElement = ret(0)

If rootNode.InnerText.Length > 0 Then

Dim children As System.Xml.XmlNodeList = rootNode.SelectNodes("valueMap")

Dim valueNode As System.Xml.XmlNode

For Each valueNode In children

Console.WriteLine("record " & i)

For j = SelectList.GetLowerBound(0) To SelectList.GetUpperBound(0)

Console.Write(vbTab & SelectList(j) & ": ")

Dim textNode As Xml.XmlNode = valueNode.SelectSingleNode(SelectList(j))

If Not textNode Is Nothing Then




End If

Console.WriteLine(", ")


Console.WriteLine(" ")

i += 1


Return True


Return False

End If

Catch ex As System.Exception

System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("Unexpected error: " & ex.Message)

Return False

End Try

End Function


Please help
Vineet Gogia