• trish
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Hi, I am trying to set some fields that have a non-null value to null using the Partner WSDL. However this doesn't seem to work. Can somebody tell me how to do this? Thanks.

This Javscript within a VF Page:


var dhtml = '<table>';

for(var i=0; i < objCollection.length; i++){

dhtml += '<div>' + objCollection[i].someProperty + '</div>';


dhtml += '</table>';


 Is being HTML encoded and rendered to the browser as:


var dhtml = '&lt;table&gt;';

for(var i=0; i &lt; objCollection.length; i++){

dhtml += '&lt;div&gt;' + objCollection[i].someProperty + '&lt;/div&gt;';


dhtml += '&lt;/table&gt;';


Does inline Javascript need to be wrapped in any particular apex control to disable HTML encoding? 


I noticed apex outputText values can be wrapped in encoding macros, but I prefer not to emit inline javascript from controller properties.


Thanks in advance for any guidance you may be able to provide!



I have a custom email form where I am trying to load a text email template. I am querying the "Body" field in the  EmailTemplate object and assigning this to an apex:inputtextarea. The email loaded into the text area has the linefeed characters truncated and appears in one line. What am I doing worng here?



I am trying to use a standardsetController in conjunction with standard list view. Since, my data base has more than 10,000 objects, if I do not LIMIT the number of records returned by the database.getQueryLocator method, then I get an error - Too many query locator rows: 10001


Here's the code snippet that returns the record set -


public ApexPages.StandardSetController setCon {
            get {
               if(setCon == null) {
                   setCon = new ApexPages.StandardSetController(database.getqueryLocator([SELECT name,Home_Phone__c,Work_Phone__c,Mobile_Phone__c,email__c,Email2__c,City__c from Candidate__c LIMIT 10000]));
               return setCon;
public List<Candidate__c> getCandidates() {
           return (List<Candidate__c>)setCon.getRecords();



However, if I add a LIMIT CLAUSE to my SOQL query, then, when I change the ListView filter to give me a list of objects where the state is set to "CA", I get the following error -


ORDER BY Name ASC LIMIT 10000 WHERE ((State__c = 'CA')) ^ ERROR at Row:1:Column:133 unexpected token: WHERE

Message Edited by trish on 03-16-2009 01:52 PM



I am trying to integrate Amazon S3 and salesforce. I have created an Apex class from the S3 WSDl using WSDL2Apex. When the S3 copyObject method is invoked, I get the following exception 


System.CalloutException: Web service callout failed: Unable to parse callout response. Apex type not found for element http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/=CopyObjectResponse



However, the object copy from one bucket to another is successful. Can somebody help me with understanding this exception?


I tried debugging the using Force.com IDE and the response seems to be the one expected for a successful COPY operation.





Message Edited by trish on 03-03-2009 10:52 PM
I have an Apex class that communicates with a .NET Web Service. The Web Service response is exceeding 100 KB. Is there a work around to this 100 KB limit?
I am using the <apex:inputTextArea> component with richtext = true. When this attribute is set to true, the height of the textarea seems to be fixed. How can I change the height?
Is there a way to send email to custom objects? I have a candidate object and many requirements to autopopulate the "To" field with a specific candidate and I'm unable to do this.
There are two VF Pages
X is parent vf page and Y is pop up vf page
there is a commandlink on Y page
and two <apex:param> component on pop vf page
There is one Command Link on X parent page on click of which Y pop up page will open.
Source Code:
X Page [parent page]:
<apex:page standardController="POS__c" extensions="PointOfSale" tabStyle="POS__c">
<script type="text/javascript">
function openclient()
     var clt = window.open("{!$Page.clientlookup}?ctxt=client&ctid=clientid","lookup","width=750,height=390");     
<apex:form id="frmpos">
<apex:pageBlock title="New Ticket" id="pos">
<apex:inputText value="{!clientId}" id="client"/>
<apex:commandLink onclick="openclient();return false();">
<apex:inputText id="clientid"/>
Y Page [pop up Page]:
<apex:page controller="ClientLookUp" showHeader="false" tabStyle="Client__c" sidebar="false" wizard="true">
               <script type="text/javascript">
                window.opener.document.getElementById('clientId').value = '{!$CurrentPageReference.parameters.cid}';
                return false;               
<apex:form id="list">
<apex:pageblock title="Select Client">   
<apex:pageBlockSection title="Client List" id="result">   
<apex:outputPanel id="rlist" title="Result">
            <apex:pageBlockTable value="{!searchresult}" var="clt" columns="5"  id="list" width="100%">        
                <apex:column value="{!clt.Name}"/>
                <apex:column >         
                    <apex:facet name="header"><b>Client</b></apex:facet>         
                    <apex:commandLink id="classtype" onclick="setvalue();">               
                    <apex:param name="cid" value="{!clt.Id}"/>
                    <apex:param name="ccode" value="{!clt.Client__c}"/>
1. Onclick of commandLink on Y Page it gives error "window.opener.document is null or not an object".
2. {!$CurrentPageReference.parameters.cid} is blank.
for first error i tried "window.opener.document.form.client.value", "window.opener.form.client.value" but error remains same.
any help/suggesions are greatly appreciated.......
Is it possible to include a mail merge field on a lookup/master detail relationship field? For e.:- I am trying to create an email template on objX__c where I need a merge field on objX__c.objy__r.FieldName. If it is not possible, then, is there a workaround?
I am trying to retrieve the records from a custom object dynamically and display it in S-Control as a list. My code works as long as there are more than 1 record, the query works correctly. However, if there is only 1 record, then "for" loop is skipped in the following code snippet is skipped. Value "qr.records.length" is set to undefined. Am I doing something wrong here?
var qr = sforce.connection.query("SELECT ID, Contact__c from CCList__c");
     ....... Logic for displaying the record.....
I am calling a external web service in a Visual force Controller and getting the following error:
Parser was expecting element 'http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/:Envelope' but found ':html'

Any idea?

Thanks in advance,

We're developing an application on Force.com platform that will require a number of document attachments for various objects. We will be needing storage space and capabilities in addition to the default storage that comes with Force.com license. Appreciate any suggestions regarding third party data storage providers that has worked for other Force.com applications.
